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Prosecutors in Taiwan have arrested the leader of Taiwan's third-largest political party for alleged corruption involving a shopping center project.

2 Taiwan's 3rd-largest political party head arrested over corruption scandal | NHK WORLD-JAPAN News

Prosecutors in Taiwan have arrested the leader of Taiwan's third-largest political party for alleged corruption involving a shopping center project.

0 Custody ruling in same-sex case hailed as LGBTQ+ milestone in China

Woman wins visiting rights to see daughter, but not son, in first recognition that child can have two legal mothers

1 Custody ruling in same-sex case hailed as LGBTQ+ milestone in China

Woman wins visiting rights to see daughter, but not son, in first recognition that child can have two legal mothers

Olympic swimmers speak out about Chinese doping; and Britain's Adam Peaty says they should be out
  • Meanwhile, 3 countries in the top 5 of the medal table are also... coincidentally, the 3 countries that receive 63% of all exemptions for the use of performance-enhancing (or masking agent) drugs to treat medical conditions. Nothing off about that at all.

    Noah Lyles is literally bragging that he has (and is presumably medicated for) allergies, asthma, ADHD, ...

    Katie Ledecky has POTS, which under WADA's TUE policy is basically a blank cheque for cardiovascular medication.

    Simone Biles is diagnosed with ADHD, for which medications improve focus, reaction time, and muscle recovery.

    All top athletes, all well-documented as having conditions that coincidentally can be treated using performance-enhancing drugs. It's an absurd level of "coincidence" that you simply don't see in Canada, nevermind elsewhere in the world... all the money we're dumping into WADA just for the US to skip around the rules like they don't matter. Mind you, my claim isn't that they're lying about their conditions... my worry is moreso that the loose rules around TUEs in the US make it so that a medical condition (that happens to require performance-enhancing drugs to medicate) is a key pathway to reaching Olympic-level competition because their conditions enable them to dope like no one else can.

    Nevermind that USADA is on the record letting doped athletes continue to compete as a matter of policy, and it's also a matter of policy that USADA does not enforce WADA Code-compliance for most athletes. It's fucking absurd the level of hypocrisy on display from USADA... coming from Canada, where WADA is headquartered and where we've dumped countless millions into the institution, it feels like a slap on the face. The US, who is supposed to be our closest ally, is questioning the work of officials working in Canada, questioning the integrity of an institution based in Canada, and questioning the ability of Canadians to make decisions. Kindly fuck off please.

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    United States and China fight to 40-40 draw for most Olympic gold medals
  • Technically the US (the country) gets +2 bronzes (Puerto Rico) and China (the country) gets +2 golds and +2 bronzes (Hong Kong)... but this whole comparison is stupid.

  • Canada to make contraceptives and morning-after pill free

    Contraceptives and the morning-after pill will be free for women in Canada as part of the National Pharmacare Program.

    Olympic swimmers speak out about Chinese doping; and Britain's Adam Peaty says they should be out
  • Why, exactly, do you think THC and cocaine are illegal for recreational consumption in most of the world? Someone decided one day that they really didn't like the way it looks?

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    Olympic swimmers speak out about Chinese doping; and Britain's Adam Peaty says they should be out
  • The funniest part about this is that the people complaining are saying that Pan Zhanle couldn't possibly swim that fast.

    Except he did, beating his own world record, and then he swam even faster in the 4x100m medley... And he himself has never tested positive for doping, not even in the contamination case.

    I don't question why the countries that disproportionately fund WADA get a disproportionate amount of the TUEs for legal performance-enhancing drugs, nor do I question why those countries also coincidentally are top performers in athletics.

    We're going to see this more and more as our misconceptions surrounding Chinese athletic performance start being superceded by the rise in nutrition in China. Chinese teens are taller than they've ever been before as diets approach that of developed countries. Plus, don't forget that China has had thousands of years of geographically-selective copulation (the high plains in Inner Mongolia, the mountains in Tibet, the dry desert in Xinjiang, the humid coastal South)... And it's only recently that we're seeing the results of real genetic mixing amongst that population.

    There's two environmental factors to pay attention to as well: China's history of famines (which only ended in the 60s and had happened basically every few decades prior) may have selected for efficient processing of specific foods and China's notoriously factory-oriented meat industry may lead to excess growth hormones in children.

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    Olympic swimmers speak out about Chinese doping; and Britain's Adam Peaty says they should be out
  • How? WADA receives more money from the US and Canada than they do from China. France is far closer to the US than it is to China. Chinese consumer spending for foreign imports is in systemic decline. Meanwhile, China has basically failed to get TUEs (WADA-approved doping) for performance-enhancing drugs to treat "medical conditions" like asthma and ADHD. If WADA was in China's pocket, we'd see China get approved for TUEs at will... Instead, we see TUEs granted disproportionately to the countries which fund WADA with the most money.

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    Olympic swimmers speak out about Chinese doping; and Britain's Adam Peaty says they should be out
  • Sprinter Erriyon Knighton tested positive for a banned substance that an arbitration panel determined came from contaminated meat, a decision that keeps the 200-meter specialist eligible to run at the upcoming U.S. Olympic trials.

    Food contamination is a real issue. It helps that everyone tested positive for the exact same substance in basically the exact same concentration, because usually it's better to design your doping protocols tailored to each athlete's body and training. Just intuitively, it's not exactly standard practice to have your entire Olympic-level team shoot up on steroids at the same exact time.

    Nevertheless, the pool isn't slow: the US set the 1500m free and 4x100 medley women's records. Meanwhile, WADA has been testing Chinese athletes far more than everyone else.

    Edit: just to be clear, I don't think his spread is even unreasonable in context. Phelps swam a 22.93 50m and a 47.51 100m (1.65s pace difference). Pan swam a 21.92 50m and a 46.40 100m (2.56s pace difference). For reference, Dressel did 50m in 21.04 and 100m in 46.96... but while Dressel is basically specialized at training for short stints, Pan also trains for 400m events so his back half is expected to not fall off as hard anyway (not to the level of Michael "my lactic acid doesn't build up" Phelps, though).

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    Media Bias Fact Check - Automation
  • Yes but have you considered that by using a fixed source you can shift the Overton window to where you want it to be?

    At least I acknowledge that the Overton window on leans to the left. This is just slowly tilting the Overton window on to the right.

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    A Two-Pound Ukrainian Drone Just Shot Down A 12-Ton Russian Helicopter
  • The only winners in this war have been the Chinese drone part makers on Alibaba and the intermediaries in the Middle East/Central Asia buying those parts and reselling them to Ukraine/Russia.

  • US recognizes opposition candidate González as the winner of Venezuela's presidential election

    The stakes have grown higher for Venezuela’s electoral authority to show proof backing its decision to declare President Nicolás Maduro the winner of the country’s presidential election after the United States recognized opposition candidate Edmundo González as the victor, discrediting the official

    Secret Pakistani Program Directs Military Officers to Attack Social Media Critics and "Digital Terrorists"
  • I'll allow this, but IMO once you get to 200k+ subscribers you should really consider launching an actual website. Ex-The Intercept and ex-HuffPost journalists should know better.

  • Israel strikes Yemen port after Houthi rebels attack Tel Aviv

    Oil depot and electrical installations reportedly targeted in powerful attack on Red Sea port city

    2 Iran Can Produce Fissile Material For Bomb In 'One Or Two Weeks': Blinken

    Iran is capable of producing fissile material for use in a nuclear weapon within "one or two weeks," US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Friday.

    Tanker carrying Russian oil to China attacked by Houthi sea drone
  • Newsweek has such shit journalism, man:

    Yemen's Houthi rebels continued their attacks in the Red Sea by targeting two tankers in 24 hours, including a vessel carrying Russian oil likely heading to Asia, where China is the region's largest buyer.

    That's the only justification given... Even though, y'know, India has been the largest buyer of seaborne Russian oil since the sanctions and is also, shockingly, in Asia. Meanwhile, it's summer and the Northern Sea Route is viable, cutting the transport distance almost in half.

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    Secret Service rushes Trump off stage after shots fired at his Pennsylvania rally
  • Video (BBC) - content warning

    Statement by the Secret Service:

    An incident occurred the evening of July 13 at a Trump rally in Pennsylvania. The Secret Service has implemented protective measures and the former President is safe. This is now an active Secret Service investigation and further information will be released when available.

    Statement by the Trump campaign:

    President Trump thanks law enforcement and first responders for their quick action during this heinous act. He is fine and is being checked out at a local medical facility.

    Live Coverage: ABC CBS NBC FOX

    Sources: shooter is dead, one attendee is dead, blood on bleachers, blood on t-shirts, medical helicopters on the scene

  • Secret Service rushes Trump offstage after popping noises heard at his Pennsylvania rally

    The former president is expected to survive, two law enforcement officials said, and he held up his fist to the crowd as agents moved Trump into a vehicle.

    204 Panama Papers: Court acquits all 28 charged with money laundering

    Judges rule evidence was "not sufficient" in the trial that took testimony from 27 witnesses.

    9 NASA and SpaceX Will Destroy the International Space Station. Here’s How

    The world will be watching—literally—as SpaceX tackles possibly what might be its highest-stakes endeavor to date: safely destroying the beloved International Space Station

    31 The Supreme Court weakens federal regulators, overturning decades-old Chevron decision

    The Supreme Court has upended a 40-year-old decision that made it easier for the federal government to regulate the environment, public health, workplace safety and consumer protections.

    4 Faces made of living skin make robots smile

    Scientists find a way to attach living skin to robot faces for more realistic smiles and expressions.

    6 ‘Julian Assange is free’: Wikileaks founder freed in deal with US

    Assange to plead guilty to one charge of espionage and return home to Australia after decades fighting US extradition.

    36 South Korea will consider supplying arms to Ukraine after Russia and North Korea sign strategic pact

    The deal was made as the Russian president visited North Korea for the first time in 24 years, a visit that showcased their personal and geopolitical ties with Kim hugging Putin twice.
