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YouTube alternatives?
  • Odyssey is/was a LBRY client.

    Also strongly discourage peertube; it's a massive pain in the ass to maintain. I'm not sure how useful an AP video service is to begin with, but you can do it without being that awful at it, surely.

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    Following this road is overwhelming
  • waaaah proprietary services keep breaking ToS-breaking third-party tools, why is foss bad?

    Some FOSS stuff does suck, like peertube and pulseaudio, but your problem is pretty clearly your dependence on Google. Surprise, they hate FOSS.

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    Inbox weirdness with 0.18.4
  • What does that actually do? What's the consequence of setting it to 10,000?

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    5TB Gaming Hard Drive on Amazon Has Every Game Ever
  • I have a zip of flash games about 3tb. And I think that's after it cut "offensive content".

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    Risk of using public trackers
  • You executed the file. Not the OS' fault.

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    Risk of using public trackers
  • Are you executing the files you download?

    "There is no such thing as a dangerous file, only bad operating systems."

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    Easy to use apps for having a watch party?
  • Send file in advance. No streaming, life's good.


    oh. ... ... ... GL

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    Easy to use apps for having a watch party?
  • The freest and open sourcest solution

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    What is the little Fediverse icon/logo for that is beside a user's name in a comment?
  • Under some circumstances it gets called fedilink instead, and sets it as the page's title. I don't know what those circumstances are but I do know lynx meets them.

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    Microsoft comes under blistering criticism for “grossly irresponsible” security
  • I'm in favour of that regulation solely due to how much it would piss off Apple.

    Beyond that, anyone who engages these services gets what they fucking deserve. Governments should be required to only use open-source software and host their own servers, everyone else is free to make stupid decisions.

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    What game mechanics do you love and hate?
  • I have tried Skullgirls. I will not try it again.

    Tag fighters are pretty good for this though, you're right, and especially when you can choose the assist move.

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    What game mechanics do you love and hate?
  • Combos. I don't like them when they're intentional by the developer, they need to be something that you feel like you've discovered on your own. I hear Baba is You is pretty good about that.

    I recently observed a game of MtG where a newish player was playing a scry deck, some premade or something, had a guy who would scry every time a creature dropped, and a guy who would place counters every time he scried. He'd edited the deck slightly, added a creature that spawned tokens every time it received counters. Managed to get them all out at once before realising what he'd done; straight up had to ask if tokens count as creatures dropping because he wasn't sure if infinite combos were real. That's a good feeling, because it's something he did, not something that was given to him.

    Contrast League or Overwatch or whatever where the devs have specific ideas about how characters should work and will aggressively destroy things outside of that. Or just modern Magic.

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    What game mechanics do you love and hate?
  • Age of Wushu needed less teleport slots.

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    Time to Move on From PS5?
  • still playing AAA games wwwww

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    The War on General Computation
  • It is an object, we are divine beings. Never forget this.

    Get a headstart on robot discrimination.

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    Advice on how to find older content?
  • Sort by date uploaded ascending. Also,

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    Apple already shipped attestation on the web(DRM), and we barely noticed
  • Because the tiny portion of apple consoomers are idiots.

  • resolve_object

    I'm not 100% certain that's the cause, but my testing so far suggests it's probably that. Basically if you have a URL that doesn't point to the original resource, but some copy of it on another instance, it won't resolve. So far I've only tested that on a third instance, but from my experience with the same bug on pleroma, this will occur even if you do it on the resource's origin instance. (fse post referred to from can't be resolved on fse.) As example: It's possible that this is actually just a federation block, but also fails, (and fetching that post works,) which I'm pretty sure isn't.
