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How old is the oldest building in the town you live in?
  • The western hemisphere isn’t just the Americas. It includes half of europe…

    "Half" is stretching it. More like a slice: UK, Ireland, Iceland, Portugal, Spain and a slice of France.

  • FreeCAD (

    📢 #FreeCAD #News Official release (v0.20) is rescheduled for Monday June 13th. Technically the release will officially be tagged the night before but build packages will be built overnight + available the next day. Here's the announcement:


    Is Advertising Morally Justifiable? The Importance of Protecting Our Attention Is Advertising Morally Justifiable? The Importance of Protecting Our Attention - ABC Religion & Ethics

    Since advertisers pay less to access your attention than your attention is worth, an excessive amount of advertising is produced. We are continuously swamped by attempts to distract us with messages we don't want or need.


    Simpson's paradox

    The Simpson's paradox is a paradox in probability and statistics in which a trend appears in several groups of data but disappears or even reverses when the groups are combined. This result is often encountered in social-science and medical-science statistics and is particularly problematic when frequency data is unduly given causal interpretations.

    Example: There exist treatment A and treatment B for kidney stones. Treatment A is more effective when used on small stones, and is also more effective when used on large stones, yet treatment B is more effective when considering all stones at the same time.

    Different levels of overview:


    The Long Chase - A Short Story by Geoffrey A. Landis (2002)

    http:// /fiction/the-long-chase/