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  • I just played a round of Machi Koro with a friend, and at a certain point, he was far behind. He didn't have many buildings that grant money on other people's turns, and the rest of us had also purchased a lot more red buildings than him.

    I'm looking for ideas of house rules that make help provide some sort of catch-up mechanism if you're far behind. Do any of you have any tips?

    If it matters, we usually play with the Harbor expansion, but are willing to play without it as well. We're already considering it because of how extreme the Tuna Boat can be.

  • cross-posted from:

    > Source:

  • hey All,

    I love organizers and have been delaying for too long on some of my games.

    what are some of your favorite organizers and accessories?

    in addition finally got one for Spirit Island recently but the two I really would like and haven't done yet are dead of winter and mansions of madness. would love some advice

    I've got every expansion for mansions and so right now they are in a crazy setup with a knitting crate that holds everything pretty well given all the minis, but if there is anything out there that you guys have found for quick setup I will be all over it.

  • Hey guys, the new instance is online, actually still in the test phase, but everything is running smoothly, while we at do not know how things will continue because the admin is not available and the website is down. The future of is uncertain. is managed democratically by the non-profit organization in Vienna, where the servers are also located. The administration consists of 3 people and one from the foundation. You can decide for yourself whether you want to move the community to or stay here, but the option is there. Wanna move?


  • Anything from Leader Games and illustrated by Kyle Ferrin (Root, Oath, Fort...) feels like cheating but still, I absolutely adore their art style

    Everdell, Photosynthesis, Parks, look nice as well

    I also bought an updated edition of Costa Ruana just because of the illustrations:

  • As soon as this game launched on Kickstarter, I backed it. I had discussed before with my friends that I would love for a good way to play Slay the Spire cooperatively. Yes, there are mods for the videogame which introduce co-op, but you're playing a multiplayer solitaire game. You aren't really interacting that much. The boardgame implements co-op in a really nice, interactive and meaningful way.

    Context and bias

    I think it's important to put a big disclaimer that I am heavily biased towards this game. I love the Slay the Spire videogame, I beat A20 with every character and have more than 500 hours playtime. I was extremely hyped to play the boardgame.

    These initial thoughts were gathered from a single play two plays in Ascension 0 (no heart), all players were experienced StS gamers (A20 with at least 1 character) and each act took around 2 hours). Yeah, we played the game for more than 6h :P


    First impressions score: 9/10


    • It really feels like Slay the Spire

    • Basically zero downtime

    • Upkeep is very low

    • Randomness is VERY WELL implemented

    • Really fun

    • The box is very nice, included insert is just ok but gets the job done


    • It takes like 2 hours for experienced players to play a single act, I can't imagine how long it would take for first timers

    • Sleeving/Unsleeving cards to upgrade them is not great

    • Sleeves are included, but they're very low quality

    • The character miniatures are very low quality

    The game loop

    Slay the Spire is a deck builder game. You start with a very basic and weak deck of cards. Throughout the game you will acquire new cards, upgrade them, get relics, potions and hopefully remove a few of your basic cards. The goal of the game is to move through map and eventually defeat the final boss.

    You start the game at the base of the map, where you'll fight some basic monsters. After beating the encounter you can navigate to one the 3 randomly generated map paths, whatever one you feel better suits your team needs.

    Each player has a designated row and a monster (and possibly its minions) will be spawned in from of each player.

    At the start of your turn you draw 5 cards and set your mana to 3. Each of your initial cards have a mana cost from 0 to 2 and you can play them however you like. There is no turn order, players can play or coordinate their actions as they please. Your attack cards can attack any monster, regardless of their row. Your defense cards usually target yourself, though some allow you to support your friends. After every player has player their cards, every remaining card is discarded and now the monsters will have their turn.

    The monster turn is usually very simple, they just attack the player in front of them and it's done. The players can draw 5 cards and play again. If a player dies, it's game over. Otherwise, the game continues until all monsters are defeated.

    Each monster awards a set of rewards to the player in front of them. Typically you get some coins and a new card. You reveal 3 new cards and you can add one of them to your deck. The new cards are generally better than your starter ones but you can choose to skip it altogether. You can also get potions (a 1 time effect) and relics (passive effects throughout the entire run).

    After beating the initial encounter, you select one the map branches and move up. There are several types of encounters: shop, random events, regular monsters, elite monsters... It's cool to decide how to move up thoughout the map considering your current status. Low on health? Lets try to target a resting spot. Doing great? Lets kick some elite ass. Eventually you'll reach the boss and hopefully your deck is now strong enough to beat it.

    Differences from the videogame
    • Most stuff works exactly like the videogame

    • Damage has been heavily re-scaled so the math is very easy. Each attack deals 1 damage, for instance. It was never hard to figure out how much damage you were going to deal or take.

    • Several cards, potions and relics have been changed to reduce complexity and upkeep.

    • Nothing ticks down at end of turn. Poison never ticks down, for instance. You don't lose focus at end of turn. Upkeep is minimal.

    • Vulnerable works a bit differently. Your next attack deals double damage against a vulnerable foe, then you remove one vulnerable "token". If you applied 2x vulnerable, then your next 2 attacks deal double damage.

    • Weak means you deal 1 less damage on your next attack.

    • Defect (3rd character) orb order doesn't matter, you can evoke any orb you want. You can also target anything you want, it's not random.

    • Dark orbs deal 3 damage + 1 damage for each power in play, to avoid upkeep


    Every randomness in the game is performed with a die roll. At the start of the turn you roll a die and every random effect for that round (your turn + monster turn) uses that die roll. You don't roll the die for every single effect. You roll once and apply it to everything.

    Things that interact with the die:

    • Some relics perform automatically on a die roll (eg: deal 4 damage when 4 is rolled)

    • Some monster attack depends on the die roll (eg: monster might attack on roll 1-3 and buff up on roll 4-6)

    • Some cards do different things depending on the die roll

    The thing I like about this is that it's very low maintenance, you just roll the die once per round and you know exactly what is going to happen for the entire round. This is not something like "I'm going to attack, roll the die aaaaaand... I missed". At the start of the turn you know exactly how everything is going to pan out. I love that.

    First impressions

    Boardgames based on videogames are usually awful. I don't think I have ever enjoyed a boardgame adaptation. They're usually very fiddle, with tremendous amount of book keeping and upkeep effects. I was very hyped with Slay the Spire but also very concerned that this would be the case. The videogame takes care of a ton of stuff for you. I don't want to keep track of my dark orbs or to apply double damage after 10 attacks. That's just not fun to track.

    I'm happy to say that Slay the Spire, the boardgame is amazing. I think the designer paid a tremendous amount of respect to videogame, it really does feel like Slay the Spire. All the monsters, their attacks, the relics, everything works like videogame. It does a really good job at making you feel at home. However, the designer also spent a tremendous amount of effort to reduce how much stuff you need to keep track off. Upkeep was usually just dealing poison damage and orb damage, that's it. No tickdowns, no doubling, no keeping track of attacks, claws or cards used.

    The cooperative aspect of the game is very nice. You can really cooperate and complement your friend's turns. It's fun to coordinate which monster to kill first and managing everyone's defense. The game makes a good job at creating tension, especially in the act 2. You have that feeling you have no chance but then actually pull it off with minimal losses. And most importantly: it really does feel like a team effort. It doesn't feel solitaire.

    Each act took us 2 hours but it didn't feel like 2 hours. The game felt fast paced. Since turns are simultaneous, the downtime between turns was basically non-existent. The monster's turns are VERY fast so you're back to the action really quickly.

    So why is this game not instantly a 10/10? My biggest issue with the game is actually its length. 2+ hours per act is a lot. The game tells you that you can play a single act and also provides a way to start immediately from the second or third act, which is great. However, a full run is going to take you 6+ hours. Personally I don't really like to start/finish a run in the middle of the game, I'll have to get used to it.

    Final thoughts

    If you love the Slay the Spire videogame and are looking for a similar co-operative experience, this is an absolute no-brainer. Get this game. You need it in your life. I'm really glad I backed it and plan to continue enjoying it with friends.

    I'm not big on playing boardgames solo and I honestly see no point on getting this game if you're just going to play solo. The videogame is probably 10x cheaper and you can play an entire run under 1 hour. I would just play the videogame, to be honest.

    What if you've never played Slay the Spire? Honestly that's a tough one. I think a big part of the experience is that this feels pretty much like the videogame. While there are some progression aspects in the form of card unlocks and increased difficulties, there isn't much to look forward to. Maybe a game like Aeon's End, which has a campaign like feeling and a story would be something you'll enjoy more. I don't know. Your millage may vary and I'd love to hear the thoughts from someone who had no idea what Slay the Spire was!

  • This has happened to me a few times. One I remember was the game Alchemist, where I just sat there confused as hell for 4 and a half hours while three guys were all talking about strategies. Tonight it was Terraforming Mars, where I was told it would be a 3 hour game, but by hour 4 we were halfway done. This time I said "it's 11pm, I have work in the morning, this will be my last hand" and the host got very passive aggressive with me. I just don't know what to do in these situations.

    ^Also is there a word for this? My girlfriend said I was "held game hostage" but I don't see that used in my searches.^

    Update: I sent an apology for leaving early, and he wasn't too frustrated about it and understood my frustration which was nice. I told him I didn't think it was my cup of tea since it was so dense, but he kept trying to sell me on the game.

    I just gotta learn how to decline with this guy, he is a bit of a "won't take no for an answer" person, but I'm still learning to be firm with boundaries.

    I'm really a 45 minute or less person, and prefer games with like... 5 rules. I have communicated that before, but he really wants me to play the games he loves which I take as a compliment.

    He did have me playing Dominion for a while, and that was a time when I just would suck it up and play for his sake since he was going through a divorce. We literally had the parks and rec sketch where I said "I don't really like Dominion" and he said "what do you mean? You've played all the games!"

    He housed me when I was homeless, so it's hard for me to decline things with him since he showed me that huge kindness.

  • New Catan game has overpopulation, pollution, fossil fuels, and clean energy

    If pollution levels go too high, the game ends for everyone. It's a fun escape!


  • It’s a fun, more complex, dragon-themed game built on the foundations of Wingspan — familiar, but very different.

    It’s a lot of fun seeing the victory point-generating system you’ve built kick into gear, though once you start chaining things together turns can take forever. This, unfortunately, kind of sucks for the non-active player(s), as there’s nothing to do but sit and wait between turns.

    Playing this game with four players must take forever.

    More info about Wyrmspan:

  • I've finally played all the modules in Kittens + Beasts.

    Kittens - A good addition that add incentive to be first

    Beasts - I found this to be kinda meh. I didn't like that you can only get beasts on the first day which makes it really easy to just skip the whole module.

    Events - I really enjoyed this module. The events really add additional layers of strategy and time sensitive ways to score points.

    @boardgames #boardgames #IsleOfCats

  • 100%

    > “My personal point of view as a designer,” Lang told me in a recent interview, “is to prove that the lines between what we call ‘mass market’ and ‘hobby market’ are mostly illusion — illusion and artificial. People are people. Fun is fun. Depth is depth. Of course, everybody has different tolerances, or [wants] different amounts of depth in the game, but there’s no one, weird, single, dividing line between what is in the mass market and what’s not. That’s all been decided by buyers at retail.”

  • Pandemic Legacy: Season 0

    Work together during the Cold War to prevent a Soviet bio-threat.

    My wife and I just finished playing the last month of Pandemic Legacy Season 0. OMG, that was a great ride.

    We'd played Season 1 with our son at the start of COVID, which gave us a sense of agency. This version is a prequel that takes place in 1962. You're playing doctors recruited to the CIA. Instead of disease cubes, you're trying to fight off Soviet agents. However, since an outbreak would send disease to neighboring cities, and Soviet agents don't work that way (that we know of), there's a new mechanic for bad stuff that happens instead. Each player has a passport for their character. Each passport has pages for 3 different aliases you can take (Allied, Neutral, and Soviet). You'll need to create and direct teams to complete objectives.

    Highly recommended. If you're interested, here's the Shut Up & Sit Down review.

  • Hello boardgame community! About a year ago I briefly came across a PnP Ruleset that I found very intruiging, but I cannot find it anymore. Also not on google withaforementioned keywords, so I hope you'll be able to help me out.

    Here's what I (think I) remember:

    • It's set in a Victorian era-
    • The players are under the command of the queen and have to fight the supernatural
    • They party has a shared resource pool that the have to assemble beforehand
    • If the players prepared wrong they have to abort the mission and try again in the next session
    • Maybe there was something about magic corruption?

    That's all I can remember, I hope you guys can help me out on this one! All hints are welcome!

    P.S.: I'm quite sure it is not candela obscura, as this has not been made public at that time.

  • Mass Effect co-op board game will see players battling Cerberus as Shepard, Tali, Garrus, Liara and Wrex

    board game based on the video game series Mass Effect will have players becoming members of the SSV Normandy crew battl…

    Sounds like it's going to be a legacy game:

    >During the co-op game for one to four players, the group can experience a narrative-driven campaign that will enable players to explore different storylines and outcomes depending on their choices. As their chosen characters, players can upgrade their unique abilities by spending the experience points they gain, as well as unlock new powers through optional loyalty missions. The group can also improve their various pieces of equipment and weapons as they advance through the campaign.

    >According to the game’s publisher, Modiphius, the narrative choices made by players will have consequences further down the line, with there being potential for multiple playthroughs resulting in never-before-seen experiences.

  • I just got the Kittens + Beasts Expansion for Isle of Cats and played the Kitten module. The small size of the kittens and being able to rescue two for one basket makes it easier to fill out those smaller spaces that used to require treasures. It definitely adds incentive to be first for the round.

    \#boardgames #IsleOfCats @boardgames

  • The Trick Taker’s Guide to the Galaxy – Meeple Mountain

    Trick-taking games have been around for a long time, but they’re hotter than ever. Andrew serves as your guide to the landscape for this Meeple Mountain expedition.

    Meeple Mountain has a great article on trick taking games. I want to try Sail, as my wife and I love cooperative games.

  • Hope you won't be put off by the fantastic french accent, this channel is a goldmine if you're into "heavy" games as Jean Michel calls them

  • 100%

    What is this? ----------

    This is a weekly crowdfunding roundup of new projects launched last week and projects that end the coming week.

    Updates ----------

    Expect new lists every Sunday between 00:00 and 23:59 CEST on the following platforms:

    Mastodon: @danielpervan


    Reddit: /r/boardgames

    Selection criteria ----------

    The criteria for the lists are as follows:

    Ending soon

    • Sorted by number of backers

    • Kickstarter projects ending in the next 7 days, that have at least 100 backers (or marked as "Project we love" by Kickstarter), will have reached more than estimated 95% of their goal by their deadline and passed the filters:

      • No DnD books

      • No zines

      • No 3D printing

      • No dice sets

      • No magazines

      • No shirts

      • No playmats

      • No furniture

      • No events

    • Gamefound projects ending in the next 7 days, that will have reached more than estimated 95% of their goal by their deadline and passed the above filters.

    • (beta) Backerkit Crowdfunding projects ending in the next 7 days, that will have reached more than estimated 95% of their goal by their deadline and have a matching BGG page.

    Newly launched

    • Sorted by number of backers

    • Kickstarter projects launched in the last 7 days, that have had at least average 15 backers per day, have at least 100 backers or is marked as "Project we love" by Kickstarter and passed the filters (see above).

    • Gamefound projects launched in the last 7 days and passed the filters (see above).

    • (beta) Backerkit Crowdfunding projects launched in the last 7 days and have a matching BGG page.

    Notable filtered projects

    • Filtered projects from above lists that have more than 1000 backers.

    Tags ----------

    🎉: Staff pick/featured

    💰: Funded

    🔥: More than average 200 backers/day

    🌱: Creator's first project

    🌳: Creator's \>5th project

    🔄: Money back guarantee (Read more)

    FAQ ----------

    I live in Jamaica/Canada/Belize/USA, why are you posting on a Saturday?!

    Because I'm writing this from Europe in the future where it's already Sunday. Timezones be crazy.

    Why are there a bunch of non-board games in the board game list?

    Because the Tabletop games category on Kickstarter includes anything remotely related to board games and sometimes things slip through my filters.

    Why is this future award winning board game and literal saviour of humanity missing from your list?

    Sometimes my filters get a bit overzealous and discard actually valid projects. If you feel something is missing for this reason, leave a comment and I'll add it (maybe).

    Can I donate all my money to you?


    Can you help me promote my game?

    Please no. I make lists. Nothing more.

    Your list is full of errors and now there's cheese dust all over my cards!

    Indeed, this fine piece of code runs purely on Reddit karma, so anything can happen. Leave a comment and I'll see what I can do.

    Ending soon (20) ----------

    | Name | Description |Backers| Pledged | Ends | Information |Tags| BGG | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|:-----:|:------------------------------:|:---------------:|:-------------------------------------------------:|:--:|:-----------------------------------------------:| | A Song of Ice & Fire: Tactics - A Tabletop Miniatures Skirmish Game |Dive into the heart of Westeros with 'A Song of Ice and Fire: Tactics,' our exhilarating new skirmish game set in George R.R. Martin's iconic universe. Take command of legendary characters from different factions, strategically navigating the battlefield to claim victory.Unleash the power of your …| 4262 | $974,421.13 (325%) in 10 days | 2024-02-23 |💸 Gamefound 👥 2 players 👶 14+ ⏱️ 30-60 min. Wargame| 💰🔥 |BGG| | TOKYO HIGHWAY Rainbow City | A colorful new board game expansion for TOKYO HIGHWAY! With new pieces and new ways to play, it's better than ever. | 4232 | ¥31,192,996 (6239%) in 26 days | 2024-02-22 | 💸 Kickstarter | 🎉💰 | | | CRYPTIC NATURE: Discover and Protect the Legendary Creatures | A medium-weight competitive board game about finding and saving legendary creatures | 3797 | €321,332.00 (3213%) in 25 days | 2024-02-21 | 💸 Kickstarter 👥 2‑4 players 👶 10+ ⏱️ 60 min. | 💰🌳 |BGG| | Last Light 2nd Edition & New Alien Pack - 4X in under an hour! | A true 4X space experience that can be played in an hour! Seriously. | 3129 | $368,805.92 (738%) in 19 days | 2024-02-23 | 💸 Gamefound 👥 2‑8 players ⏱️ 60 min. | 💰🌳 | | | EVE: War for New Eden | Board Game adaptation of the iconic EVE Online MMO. The table is set for the grand game of cosmic chess. Make your first move today! | 2380 | €490,250.00 (981%) in 25 days | 2024-02-21 | 💸 Kickstarter 👥 2‑4 players 👶 14+ ⏱️ 90-180 min. |🎉💰🌳 |BGG| | Photo Tour: North America Board Game | Become a travel photographer in this 1-5 players strategy game. Take stunning photos in USA and Canada and collect them in your journal | 1563 |CA$145,093.00 (1451%) in 24 days| 2024-02-23 | 💸 Kickstarter 👥 1‑5 players 👶 8+ ⏱️ 40-60 min. | 💰 |BGG| | Enigma Puzzle Gamebooks | A new Gloom solo adventure and more! | 907 | $53,998.00 (1080%) in 26 days | 2024-02-23 | 💸 Kickstarter | 💰🌳 | | | Heart of Crown's 10th Anniversary | Heart of Crown 2.0 and a new digital version - let's celebrate 10 years of Heart of Crown! | 865 | $100,699.00 (403%) in 12 days | 2024-02-23 | 💸 Kickstarter |🎉💰🌳 | | |Nature Games Trio: Sunrise, Snowfall, & Floriferous| Create beautiful pottery, wander through the woods, and enjoy your garden with our relaxing games! | 801 | $46,391.00 (232%) in 12 days | 2024-02-24 | 💸 Kickstarter | 💰🌳 | | | 25th Century Games 2024 Import Collection | Travel around the world of gaming without leaving home. New editions, updates, and fresh printings of hard to find fun games. | 585 | $36,976.00 (740%) in 12 days | 2024-02-24 | 💸 Kickstarter | 💰🌳 | | | Ruination: Blood Sworn | Return to the blood-stained sands and lead your tribe to victory. | 475 | $31,995.00 (320%) in 19 days | 2024-02-20 | 💸 Kickstarter 👥 2‑4 players 👶 14+ ⏱️ 60-120 min. | 💰🌳 |BGG| | Food Fight! - True Tabletop Minis | Are you feeling hungry?! Food Fight miniatures are here!! | 423 | €10,273.00 (10273%) in 24 days | 2024-02-24 | 💸 Kickstarter 👶 10+ ⏱️ 5 min. | 💰🌱 |BGG| | Pocket Air War - Definitive edition | Pocket Air War is a fast game of aerial combat in WWII you can play anywhere you want. | 336 | €21,746.00 (1087%) in 12 days | 2024-02-24 | 💸 Kickstarter | 💰 | | | Atlantic Sentinels | A tactical, solitaire game that puts you in charge of an escort to protect convoys in the N. Atlantic from German U-boats. | 312 | $31,059.00 (1242%) in 9 days | 2024-02-21 | 💸 Kickstarter | 💰🌳 | | | The Infection: Roll, Write & Fight [Print and Play] | Embark on a strategic puzzle/problem solving journey, explore various locations, gather resources, combat the Turned and Survive. | 302 |PLN 7,920.00 (1584%) in 12 days | 2024-02-22 | 💸 Kickstarter 👥 1‑100 players 👶 14+ ⏱️ 35-55 min. | 💰 |BGG| | Squirrels The Card Game | Fast, fun, and easy-to-learn game where players battle to get the lowest score. Each game is challenging, unpredictable, and exciting. | 288 | $11,806.00 (1181%) in 26 days | 2024-02-22 | 💸 Kickstarter 👥 2‑8 players 👶 6+ ⏱️ 15-45 min. |🎉💰🌳 |BGG| | Knight: Second Edition | Will you ride into legend? | 244 | A$10,309.00 (515%) in 18 days | 2024-02-21 | 💸 Kickstarter 👥 1‑4 players 👶 12+ ⏱️ 40-60 min. | 💰 |BGG| | FUTURE HEROES: Fast-Paced, Trick-Taking Board Game | Lead your team of gladiators into the arena, arm them with weapons and magic, and ensure eternal glory in a dystopian future. | 211 | $8,343.00 (209%) in 26 days |⚠️ 2024-02-18| 💸 Kickstarter | 💰🌱 | | | Conquest Princess: Night of the Necropede | Dress up, team up, and save the galaxy again! An expansion deck for Conquest Princess: Fashion is Power co-op board game. | 141 | $9,524.00 (298%) in 12 days | 2024-02-23 | 💸 Kickstarter 👥 1‑4 players 👶 14+ ⏱️ 40-75 min. |🎉💰🌳 |BGG| | Be Kind. Rewind: A $1 Video Store Journaling Game | Revisit a time when renting movies was a ritual and video stores ruled the strip malls of the world! | 132 | $1,386.00 (1109%) in 12 days | 2024-02-22 | 💸 Kickstarter | 🎉💰 | |

    New this week (23) ----------

    | Name | Description |Backers| Pledged | Ends | Information |Tags| BGG | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|:-----:|:---------------------------:|:--------:|:--------------------------------------------------------:|:--:|:-----------------------------------------------:| | Aeon's End: The Descent |Aeon’s End: The Descent is a standalone experience within the exciting world of Aeon’s End, utilizing the familiar shuffle-free deck-building game system with a replayable narrative experience about the founding of Gravehold! Discover new Mages and Nemeses, along with the all-new Friends & Foes mo…| 1989 |$275,309.20 (2753%) in 5 days|2024-03-01| 💸 Gamefound 👥 1‑4 players 👶 14+ ⏱️ 60 min. Card Game |💰🔥🌱 |BGG| | EPIC WARPATH™: The Game of Sci-Fi Mass Battles | Command vast armies of aliens and humankind on distant worlds in the new epic scale miniatures game by Matt Gilbert & Alessio Cavatore. | 1219 |£156,003.00 (520%) in 4 days |2024-03-01| 💸 Kickstarter |💰🔥🌳 | | | Steam Power | A new train game by Martin Wallace, with a quick setup and play time, yet offering satisfying depth. Build the smartest network and reap the rewards. | 1060 |$114,264.08 (127%) in 5 days |2024-03-05|💸 Gamefound 👥 1‑5 players 👶 14+ ⏱️ 45-90 min. Area Control| 💰🔥 |BGG| | Ace of Aces: Powerhouse Series Deluxe Edition | WWI France: You're in the cockpit patrolling the skies over the trenches, can you find and shoot down your enemy? | 1046 | $62,867.00 (419%) in 5 days |2024-03-13| 💸 Kickstarter |💰🔥🌳 | | | Philharmonix: Space Orchestra Management Board Game | Become a space orchestra manager and perform magnificent concerts across the galaxy in this unique 1-4 player worker placement game. | 997 |A$125,389.00 (410%) in 5 days|2024-03-12| 💸 Kickstarter 👥 1‑4 players 👶 13+ ⏱️ 60-150 min. |🎉💰🌳 |BGG| | Dieson Crusoe | Shipwrecked and stranded, you must outwit, outlast, and overcome the dangers of a mysterious island to escape its clutches in this thrilling, dice placement solo game! | 825 | $18,691.25 (374%) in 5 days |2024-03-01| 💸 Gamefound 👥 1 player ⏱️ 30 min. Dice Game | 💰🌳 | | | Sea Dragons | Protect the island from the pirates and gain control over the seas. | A game from Simone Luciani, Pini Shekhter & Yaniv Kahana | 699 | $30,883.00 (309%) in 5 days |2024-02-29| 💸 Kickstarter | 💰🌱 | | | Pulp Invasion X4: The Galactic Map | Find Allies through Planets on the Galactic Rim map for the Intergalactic Council. Visit the Rim Sectors with your Space Cruiser! | 514 | $10,527.00 (211%) in 5 days |2024-02-29| 💸 Kickstarter | 💰🌳 | | |Lovestruck - A game about finding love on reality TV| A social deduction board game where you compete on a reality dating show. Are you here for the "right" reasons? | 486 | $15,468.00 (309%) in 4 days |2024-03-06| 💸 Kickstarter | 🎉💰 | | | Everstone: Discovering Ignis | A 1-4 player engine-building board game with multi-use cards set in a whimsical world. | 439 | $23,560.00 (94%) in 5 days |2024-03-14| 💸 Kickstarter 👥 1‑4 players 👶 14+ ⏱️ 40-120 min. | 🌱 |BGG| | Forks: 2nd Edition | A reprint and retheme of the acclaimed card game Forks, now for 2-6 players. | 401 | £4,694.00 (361%) in 6 days |2024-02-29| 💸 Kickstarter | 💰 | | | Don't Get Stabbed! Second Edition | The cult-hit, horror card game is back with a brand-new look and plushie. Free U.S. shipping. | 302 | $12,434.00 (622%) in 5 days |2024-03-14| 💸 Kickstarter | 💰 | | | Rocket Ranchers Herding Cats in Space! | A grid-drafting set-collection card game for 1 to 6 players. Collect alien livestock. Watch out for Space Cats ... or don't! | 266 | $12,233.00 (245%) in 5 days |2024-03-05| 💸 Kickstarter 👥 1‑6 players 👶 8+ ⏱️ 30-45 min. |🎉💰🌱 |BGG| | Etherium | Experience Victory in a 3D Realm of Strategy! | Dive into Etherium’s world with a 3D board and deep strategic gameplay. Program your actions and command your faction to gather Ether! | 162 | €12,276.00 (49%) in 5 days |2024-02-27| 💸 Kickstarter 👥 2‑4 players 👶 8+ ⏱️ 45-60 min. | |BGG| | Louisbourg 1758 | A 2 player block game on the British and French fight for Louisbourg during the French & Indian War. Plays in 1 hour. | 150 | $13,869.00 (789%) in 4 days |2024-03-02| 💸 Kickstarter 👥 2 players 👶 14+ ⏱️ 60-90 min. | 💰🌳 |BGG| | Hurt Party: A Game of Bad Apologies | A party game that pokes fun at all of the terrible ways we say we're sorry. | 113 | $4,711.00 (47%) in 5 days |2024-03-16| 💸 Kickstarter 👥 2‑7 players 👶 14+ ⏱️ 10-20 min. | 🎉🌳 |BGG| | Mythos - The Divine Card Game | Fulfill the prophecy as you harness the deities and myths from around the world in this party-building strategy card game. | 105 | $8,867.00 (89%) in 2 days |2024-03-17| 💸 Kickstarter | 🌱 | | |Champions of the Hundred Halls: A Coop Strategy Card Game | Harness your magic. An asymmetrical cooperative game for 1-4 Players with Increasing Levels of Difficulty and Endless Replayability. | 95 | $5,647.00 (56%) in 5 days |2024-03-15| 💸 Kickstarter 👥 1‑4 players 👶 14+ ⏱️ 50-90 min. | 🎉🌳 |BGG| | Burned | Burned is a quick, aggressive, game of cat-and-mouse for 2 players. Do you have what it takes to survive in Neon City? | 92 | $3,860.00 (26%) in 5 days |2024-03-14| 💸 Kickstarter 👥 2 players 👶 10+ ⏱️ 10-20 min. | 🌳 |BGG| | Widgets n' Digits | Be the CEO of game night in this board game of wacky economic strategy! | 54 | $3,482.00 (50%) in 2 days |2024-03-08| 💸 Kickstarter 👥 2‑4 players 👶 14+ ⏱️ 30-60 min. | 🌱 |BGG| | SKUNK'D | 35 years in the making, from our family to yours, the SCENTsational dice and card game -- silly yet cerebral, where YOU make the rules! | 53 | $5,439.00 (78%) in 2 days |2024-03-18| 💸 Kickstarter | 🌱 | | | Mole Park: Whack & Win | A carnival-themed party game for 2-8 players where you Whack moles and Win prizes! | 38 | $2,686.00 (66%) in 2 days |2024-03-27| 💸 Kickstarter | 🌱 | | | Earth Matters Game - Seeds for Earthy Action | Inspire lively conversations about our awe-inspiring home, planet Earth, with this unique board game. | 14 | $1,058.00 (46%) in 5 days |2024-03-24| 💸 Kickstarter | 🎉 | |

    Notable filtered projects (2) ----------

    | Name | Description |Backers| Pledged | Ends | Information |Tags| |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|:-----:|:---------------------------:|:--------:|:-----------------------------------:|:--:| |Tainted Grail TTRPG: Song of a Dying World|Dive into the new chapter of the Tainted Grail saga by Awaken Realms, produced by Studio Agate, the most awarded French TTRPG studio.| 1910 |€241,036.55 (482%) in 5 days |2024-03-08|💸 Gamefound 👥 2‑6 players ⏱️ 120 min.| 💰🔥 | | Sentai & Sensibility RPG | As part of the Regency elite you have many obligations, but your top one is to save the world with your team of heroes! | 1251 |$33,650.00 (1858%) in 19 days|2024-02-22| 💸 Kickstarter |🎉💰🌳 |

  • Hi

    I'm playing with the idea of buying Red Strike by Vulca Simulations, I have friends that would be up for a few games. We all played Axis & Allies before, which is a bit easier than Red Strike as far as I see. I also plan to play it by my self (the scenarios look very interesting).

    Any thoughts or experiences?

  • Only in March so far, but things are going well. Almost too well... It's a good twist on the classic. Anyone else played it?

  • https:// /shut-up-sit-down-quinns-quest-and-the-year-ahead/

    > Tom, you’re an extraordinarily rare talent. You’re hilarious, insightful, and technically-minded in a way I’ve never been (don’t know if you noticed this). But more importantly, you’re hungrier and more passionate about board games than my decrepit ass. Part of knowing when to step back a little is knowing when it’s time to make room for the next generation, and it’s past time I do that.

  • Just Got My Basic Board Game Table, Where and What Accessories Can I Add?


    I commissioned this very basic board game/dining table so there isn't much going on right now.

    I was wondering if I could add something detachable on the sides like cup holders or card holders.

    I was thinking to hire a 3D print service or maybe there are ready-made stuff out there that I could buy instead.

    I'm very excited to play on this table.

    pics of the table

  • I found this channel when looking up how to play FlameCraft. Now I always check to see if he has a video when looking up how to play a new game. He has a great sense of humor and explains the games well!

  • I've taught Root to people a bunch of times. This was supposed to be a quick dump of my mental notes, but I ended up putting in so much effort that I decided I might as well publish it. Maybe it will help someone.

    I include teaching tips, explain how I deliver the teach, and outline rough talking points in each section. How is everyone else teaching games?

  • !

    • Move 1: 1 point
    • Move 2: 1 point
    • Move 3: 4 points
    • Move 4: 4 points
    • Move 5: 1 point
    • Move 6: 1 point
    • Move 7: 4 points
    • Move 8: 1 point
    • Move 9: 4 points
    • Move 10: 6 points
    • Move 11: 7 points
    • Move: 12: 8 points
    • Move 13: 7 points
    • Move 14: 7 points
    • Move 15: 7 points
    • Move 16: 7 points
    • Move 17: 7 points
    • Endgame Bonus: 10 + 10 + 7 + 7 + 2 == 36 Endgame Bonus
    • Total Score: 113

    Note that while this is "optimal" placements, it is not the best sequence in-game. For example, sequence 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 are going backwards. I'm not sure how to rewrite my program to account for the top-down placements per round however. So there's still work to be done.

    This was a relatively simple brute-force bot that exhaustively checked all possibilities for the best possible placement. So I'm pretty sure I've go the best placement here. Well, maybe it was more "Dynamic Programming". I worked backwards: I calculated all possible 17-placement endgames (there's only 1.081 million of them, aka 25-choose-17), and then back-calculated all possible moves back to move#1.

    Then I calculate from move#1 forward, choosing the best endgame move now that all possible endgames have been searched. Chess-programming fans would know this as a "Tablebase" approach.


    EDIT: Searching the ~60 million possible optimal games proved to be difficult, as my computer ran out of RAM at 2GB (ummm... I got a 32GB system here. WTF Windows?). I'm sure there was some compiler flag I messed up on.

    But I did a few heuristics and came up with the following board:


    This is a 17-placement across 5 rounds with as many placements on the "top" of the board that I could find with my program.



    • Optimal 11 Placement: 58 Points
    • Optimal 12 Placement: 63 Points
    • Optimal 13 Placement: 73 Points
    • Optimal 14 Placement: 82 Points
    • Optimal 15 Placement: 91 Points
    • Optimal 16 Placement: 99 Points
    • Optimal 17 Placement: 113 Points
    • Optimal 18 Placement: 123 Points
    • Optimal 19 Placement: 136 Points
    • Optimal 20 Placement: 147 Points
    • Optimal 21 Placement: 163 Points
    • Optimal 22 Placement: 174 Points
    • Optimal 23 Placement: 192 Points
    • Optimal 24 Placement: 211 Points
    • Optimal 25 Placement: 240 Points







  • 95% Monty Python and the Holy Grail's official board game includes a working catapult

    Monty Python and the Holy Grail: The Game contains a functioning catapult and a castle full of references to the 1975 B…

    cross-posted from:

    > Back on Backerkit:

  • Been enjoying playing Spirit Island lately and was thinking about picking up a couple of the expansions.

    I've only got the base game so far and was wondering which expansions to go for.

    One thing I'm noticing is that they all seem to be extremely well reviewed which is not making the decision any easier lol.

    what do you all think? anything essential?

  • I frequently read that people at the time said the plastic minis in Nemesis can detract as much as they can add to the atmosphere, hiding important parts of the board space owing to their sheer size.

    TI is often lambasted for taking an entire weekend.

    Rosenberg's euro games are the bane of many a player trying to keep all possible actions in their mind.

    Modern kickstarters can arrive in shipping crates worth of stuff, making you rent a lorry just to get your 25 minute party game to a meet-up.

    What's your biggest regret purchase you can readily recall where a game was just "too much". No matter what specifically it was too much of.

    For me personally, my big one was Android: Netrunner. I was excited to jump back into 2-player competitive deckbuilding after I quit Magic The Gathering early in the fourth edition. And it seemed so perfect. No luck involved, known spaces of cards, multiple factions, asymmetry which I nearly always love, it's all perfect! On paper... In reality I found out, yes, for me this is a strictly superior MtG. No downsides. Except that I'm no longer 16, and I no longer want to spend forever creating decks, collecting cards even if they're not random, or engage with sifting through hundreds or thousands of cards when working on decks. The exact things that made me excited to play MtG-but-better and brought me to buy Netrunner were the very things turning me away from it now.

    Still got to sell it, oddly attached to my first-run box + all expansions now that it's no longer available. But played it like 6 times and that was it. 0 enjoyment. Gave actual MtG a try, even less enjoyment. Tried Keyforge, also even worse. I feel that the entire genre is just a goner for me, and I regret investing so much money into Netrunner. A lot.

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