I am going into battle
It's a pipe
Tasteful Nudes
And I want it back
Pesto Bismol
A Dual Shocking Truth
Ice Ball Earth
Eh. Itll probably be fine.
North West South East Asia
If only
Not Funnie, Doug
learning spanish
how to have a fun and safe halloween
last minute halloween costumes
What is your favorite dinosaur?
stay informed 🙏🏻
The government fears this
I've finally overcome my fear of eyecontact
An award for YOU!
You're the coal that keeps the fire of my love burning bright.
It is Thursday
We need David Attenborough to cover this
important frog
The Cure
Hello there
Hogs Map
The maximum size of a PDF compared to Europe.
Page dimensions are not limited by the format itself. However, Adobe Acrobat imposes a limit of 15 million in by 15 million in, or 225 trillion in2 (145,161 km2). 👀
Accurate Instructions
Some of you guys are alright
Little Stuart
Source: @jennscomics https://www.instagram.com/p/CLnEeN_D1UM
Trolley Dilemma
Wishing Well
Source: https://pbfcomics.com/comics/wishing-well
Oree uh-ohs
Youth Culture
Source: https://onegianthand.com/post/617236771388948480
Why do they call it oven?