The idea of this community is to share black metal bands (can be also from other extreme genres) related with the radical left.
Reminds me of Master's Hammer quite a bit, I like it but it differs from earlier stuff
Unru – Als Tier ist der Mensch nichts
Probably one of the most infamous concurreny active german RABM bands.
Atmospheric Black Metal meets punk attitude and philosophical lyrics.
Is Crust/Anarcho punk bands welcome?
Hi, comrades! First off, I'd like to say I'm happy to have found this community. One of the subreddits I perused was RABM, so I'm glad lemmy has one that's similar. I would look for suggestions on music to buy from that subreddit. Anyways, does crust/anarchopunk count since the politics are similar?
Antifascist Music on raddle.me
Alerta !
Blackbraid II by Blackbraid Releases Tomorrow
I'm pretty excited about this and have been looking forward to it for a while.
Cedar Skeletons by Panopticon
New single by panopticon
Cascadian Scene rife with crypto-fascism
[This essay was written to bring awareness to the issue of fascist presence in our community and to point out how certain people within it have accommodated it and that many of them still choose to associate with those who openly promote fascist ideology. In July 2019, Sean Dimentia (Oakland-based e...
this is really troubling reading for anyone like me who was really into this scene
Night Beheaded - Enter Earth
Spettro - Vento eterno (Single)
Click to view this content.
Honor Desecration - Evolve // Revolt (Raw BM, DIY)
Band from the owner of Exhale the Ash magazine (Bibliogram, Instagram). The sound is very DIY as indicated on the album description on Bandcamp. Still amazing.