Metalhead, programmer, with its political tendencies on the radical left (only needs to read theory).
Night Beheaded - Enter Earth
Night Beheaded - Enter Earth
Scourge666 - Slowly fading into Nothingness
Spettro - Vento eterno (Single)
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Honor Desecration - Evolve // Revolt (Raw BM, DIY)
Band from the owner of Exhale the Ash magazine (Bibliogram, Instagram). The sound is very DIY as indicated on the album description on Bandcamp. Still amazing.
Strunkiin - XX121 (EP, Instrumental)
Frost, Pisse & Ellend - Frost
Carathis - The Amethyst Fortress
Kluizenaer - Ein Abbild Der Leere
Ikarie - Cuerpos en Sombra (Post, Doom)
Yaotl Mictlan - Sagrada Tierra del Jaguar
Kaskade - Lusistania (Single)
Vanagandr - Howling Curses at Divinity's Throne
Non Serviam/Gallkrist (Split, Experimental Industrial/Blackened Doom)
5 track album
Gallkrist is a project from Vivian, ex Gallhammer.
Electromancy - Technopagan (Instruments played by robots)
Video for The Spark to understand how it works
Falls Of Rauros - Clarity (Single)