This sounded more accusatory than I meant, that’s not my goal, it’s more of a “why is it so hard to imagine a caring leader?” not a personal attack.
Thanks for being clear, it's easy to misunderstand emotions via text. I get that we're having a conversation about topics we're passionate about and don't necessarily agree so unless you're clearly direct an insult at me personally we're good :) I repect your position and can tell you're a good person.
I agree with everything you said. Now what happens with those good people in charge step down, die, or are overtaken by not so good people?
I can imagine being a benevolent dictator, that I would do a great many things to help people. And then it would click in my head that this situation is temporary. And other than democracy, there's no even close to acceptable method of transferring this power and especially in ensuring that it remains with good people. We have history to look at at see how that works.
If it were possible for good people to be in charge and stay in charge, it would've happened already. Now you might make that same claim about anarchism, if it were possible, why don't we see any anarchist states (which would be an oxymoron of course). Any my reply is that anarchism was the effective state (as in status) for a hundred thousand years and is the default status of any group -- that is until in a given group the psychopaths win and stop the game (by claiming exclusive right to violence).
Am I a supporter of democracy then? Not really, I think it's better than alternative methods of choosing state leadership, but it's not the choosing method that's the problem, it's the power that's the problem.