Madison on why she quit
Madison on why she quit

Madison on why she quit
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None of this is surprising to me at all. I’ve been seeing hints of a toxic ‘hustle’ mindset in their videos for quite some time and have commented as much on the videos. I’ve worked in environments just like this and once you’ve lived it it’s easy af to spot.
Linus probably says ‘I don’t ask anything of anyone that I don’t expect of myself’ and then goes on to expect someone making 50k to put in as much time and effort as he did when first starting LTT/LMG.
That is seriously my biggest gripe about employers... They think our pittance motivates us as much as their fortune.
Yea, I'll get it done by the end of the week! Let's trade paychecks and I'll f*cking get it done real fast...
My comment on the forums was very similar.
The key issue in all of this that they didn't address is that they're pushing too fast. There have been many red flags about Linus pushing people too hard to get stuff done too fast.
It doesn't matter what kind of "new processes" you put in place if people just don't have time. And you can't expect every employee to work as though they have 20% equity in the company. If you put more than 30 hours of work per week onto a full time, salaried employee, you're not going to get their best work, especially in creative or expertise-required jobs.
To do their best work, people need time to breathe. They need time to be able to talk to their coworkers about a problem without worry about pulling them away from their own work for 15 minutes. They need time to grab a drink or a sandwich while they step back from a problem and consider it from a distance. They need time to decide their previous work wasn't good enough and to go back and redo it. They shouldn't have to ask. Having to ask is a problem. Getting "no" back as an answer is an even bigger problem.
If you try to account for every 15 minutes, you're going to get shit quality product pushed out the door.
Madison brought this up. Employees have brought this up in videos. And Linus has raised red flags more than once. The biggest was with his equating doing things right to hours worked and directly to cash. That speaks to exactly this. People don't have time to do things right, and they don't have time to fix things.
The only way to fix this is to either hire more people (which you clearly can't afford), or allow your current people to put out less product.
If you put more than 30 hours of work per week onto a full time, salaried employee, you’re not going to get their best work, especially in creative or expertise-required jobs.
Facts. If you claim you can work more than ~30 maybe 40 hours (that's really pushing it) a week in this type of work without output/quality falling off a cliff, you have lots of room for process automation from my experience. I don't think I do more than ~15-20 hours of actual active programming per week. If I have hard deadlines, pushing that out to 60-80 hours does increase output but nowhere close to linear output.
And as other people said, she was expected to output that much social media posts, but now they post the bare minimum. Maybe she was being asked too much after all.
Yeah I wish I could say I'm surprised, but I'm not. This kind of mindset is all too common in tech. I hate it.
I think one of her friends leaked the sexual harassment allegations a while back cause I distinctly remember hearing about it. I think it got quickly swept under the rug win some talk of an NDA. regardless I'm glad it's in the light now.
It’s absolutely bonkers how basically every scandal in the tech industry has at least an element of sexual harassment. Really feels like a lot of guys in the industry have problematic feelings towards women (probably because of their experience as nerdy teens), and unleash those when they have power and when they don’t think there’ll be any consequences.
You don't hire your partner as the head of HR unless you want to hide a bad work enviroment.
Right? How do you go to HR if he harasses you? Yeah so I know y'all live together but like it's really bad?
Oh I thought she was head of accounting. I didn’t realize HR. Conflict of interest much?
You're right actually. Point still stands somewhat, the whole thing is fucked
Didn't Coulton mention HR was his purview?
U do that when u think its a stupit position that doesnt really mather when u got a company of 10 to 20 people. When u hire lets say 90 poeple it starts to breakdown.
HR has always been to protect the company, not employees.
Stopped watching years ago because something about the videos were starting to put me off. Now I know.