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  • This supports the notion that the issues with quality are due to overextended teams. It sounds like yet another workplace where upstairs decisions are made without consulting the people who will actually do the work, and so the rank and file have to constantly scramble to make up for that. I feel like LTT leadership decided a velocity of content to support certain goals rather than what their resources can actually do.

    ... And it also seems like they have not outgrown the "early joiners can do whatever they want to whomever they want" problem that plagues companies like this.

    • I mean we already knew their staff was overextended, and that upper management has been pushing for velocity at the expense of quality. This has been self evident by the myriad of issues pointed out in Steve's video.

      What wasn't already apparent was how horrendously abusive of a workplace LMG appears to actually be. This is quite literally shocking and I honestly think most of the commenters are underreacting, lol.

      This poor girl was sexually assaulted by coworkers/management on multiple occasions. Verbally abused regularly. And she had to self harm to a degree that she needed to go to the ER just to TAKE A DAY OFF FROM WORK.

      I used to work in tech myself, and I've heard some horror stories, especially from women in tech. But this is among the worst. If all this is true, LMG is a horrific, toxic, abusive organization and I hope they get sued into the ground.

      • It's been a while since I regularly watched LMG content, so I wasn't really aware of how many videos they were churning out. Looking at it now, I would assume their staff was much larger than it is.

        Ironically, the harassment/assault/retaliation stuff is the one area they'd benefit from being a bit more corporate. Obviously they aren't capable of ending it for the purposes of basic human decency. Maybe a liability approach would get through...

  • If the allegations about the sexual topics are true (like managing the OnlyFans account and having to see other people's junk, being told to twerk for a coworker and getting asked about "how she liked to fuck") LTT is in some serious trouble.

    No sponsor in their right mind wants to be associated with a bunch of grown men sexually assaulting their female coworkers. If this isn't cleared up totally and publically, LTT will lose a lot of sponsors and this can seriously hurt them.

    When the employee handbook leaked a few months ago and this was mostly ignored by Linus except him making a rant about the company not needing unions because they're so great, that was already very suspicious to me. It seemed like just another hustle culture company trying to sweep things under the rug. Well, looks like it was not just a feeling...

  • Reading the full thread was stressful enough, I don't even want to image what it was like to live it.

    Now I understand why the company is so against unionizing, all this stuff would pretty quickly explode in their face. It's straight up abuse that should be met by the full force of the legal system.

    What the fuck is wrong with people that makes them think that if you have the smallest modicum of power over someone else it's your god given right to be an asshole, a sexual predator or just generally toxic.

    I don't get it.

  • Alright, time to unsubscribe from their channels. Already started to dislike Linus when he went all Anti-Union and stuff, but this is truly disgusting.

  • Everyone saying this isn't malice, it fucking is. All of this is done out of malice. He is angry his employees don't treat this like their day 1 dream and give their entire 45k/yr soul to the brand. He is upset that people would even dare question their products. He is furious that employees would have the gall to expect time off.

    It is malice, it always has been. Capitalist hold everyone in contempt, especially employees. It is the easiest thing in the fucken world to take a little less profit from your pocket and add it to the people who actually make your company run. None of these fucks do it because they hate their own employees. They don't want humans working for them, they want cheap drones that follow their every word intention. The people at the top of any company fucking hate they have to pay you at all. Accept that. That is reality.

  • Honestly, that's a much larger issue to me than the beef with GN. Forcing the image of a super cool liberal easy company while being as shitty as every other bigger greedy firm. So sad.

  • I'll start with: I believe Madison.

    I honestly did not even know that she had left, so all of this is news to me. I assumed that she went into a role that suited what she wanted to do (like production or editing or something with no significant on camera time), and was still there. I usually avoid following anything so closely that I'm aware of whatever drama they get into. Which isn't to imply that Madison's experience is mere drama, because it's not. This is an egregious HR violation on all fronts, and bluntly, if Madison still has any evidence of any of this, a lawyer would do well to pick up her case at no cost to Madison; as far as I'm concerned, with any level of evidence, especially right now with the PR nightmare they're currently weathering, they'll want to settle quickly (if they have any sense left in their heads whatsoever).... And Madison can walk away with a very reasonable pay off for all this mental anguish.

    Of course, money doesn't un-do the fact that it happened.

    On the surface, to me, this looks like LMG hired Madison to appease the masses, partly evidenced by the fact that he announced that he had done so before she was even made aware that they were interested in bringing her on board, which seems to be a trend with Linus now - saying things have happened when he simply rubber stamps the approval to go ahead and start the process.... Then "allowed" her to appear on camera enough to show that yes, she does work here... Then as the hype from fans died down and stopped being a benefit to the company, slowly berated her into leaving quietly so schmucks like me (anyone that's not so dedicated that they read the LTT forums daily), are unaware, and they don't lose viewers.

    The workload described, at first didn't sound too bad, busy, sure, but not bad. Some Twitter posts, FB posts, a few tiktoks daily... Yeah ok. That's a fairly reasonable bar to set, a little high IMO, but ok.... Then she went on. And on.... And on.... What the fuck? I get the idea that it's "only social media" so some think it's "not really like working" (which I don't agree with, I just understand why people think that), since managing your own social media is fairly trivial, but when managing it for someone else, you have to constantly check yourself and consider "is this me saying it? Or is this the right tone and perspective for what the company would say?" Because if you say the wrong thing, you're reprimanded, or fired. That kind of mental gymnastics is rough; and having to do that for a dozen posts a day is a lot of work to accomplish alone, and you're probably going to make some mistakes unless you can bounce the posts off of someone like a long term employee or manager to make sure that the message isn't straying from the brand you represent.

    I've personally been in plenty of scenarios where I've been over worked. It happens. When being overworked is basically your job duties, that's unreasonable in every way.

    On top of that the dismissive and demeaning treatment isn't going to help. I'm not surprised that Madison noped the fuck out, and it's sad that happened, and more sad that she felt that she shouldn't even say anything. It's unsurprising that she left and that she had such a major impact to her mental health by being there... Honestly, it's almost surprising that she stayed as long as she did.... And this isn't even addressing the sexual misconduct. I know for me, when I think "sexual assault" I'm thinking the worst case scenario, and bluntly, some of the comments that she relays (like "you've never gotten drunk with us") makes me think that could have happened... But it's not exclusive to that. This is sexual assault. She was sexually harassed and sexually assaulted by staff and bluntly, I hope she names and shames those who were involved. This is unacceptable in any and every way in the workplace and everywhere else. Madison's gender, sexual orientation, preferences, history, everything, is entirely personal, and discussions of such things in a workplace is completely unacceptable. If she wanted to offer up such information of her own volition, sure, but berating her about it, and harassing or demeaning her about it is completely unwelcome both socially, and legally.

    IMO, Madison has a legal case if she ever chooses to pursue it.... I think she should but I understand why she hasn't, and isn't.

    As for LTT and LMG, I'm extremely disappointed that Madison was set up to fail like this. I get that it's a bit of a boys locker room, where most of the staff are "one of the guys" regardless of who they are or what gender they are, and ribbing is part of that. Clearly this was above and beyond it and from what people said to Madison after she left, her treatment was worse than most.... Well beyond a good ribbing, and others could tell. Anyone who participates in ribbing among friends can recognise when they've gone too far. IMO, it was clear that they had, and they just kept doing it. No part of that is ok. The staff then took it further and further into sexual harassment and assault, and the management team was complacent. This is wholly unacceptable on LMG's side. Their behaviour is reprehensible.

    I hope Madison is doing better. I'll probably track down her twitch and throw her a sub, because she deserves it, and never deserved to be treated the way she was. I don't know what she's doing now, but I wish her all the success in the world.

  • I had heard Linus' anti-union remarks on WAN Show and was slightly weirded out, because I don't believe for a second that a company owner AND manager of a company much smaller than theirs has enough time and resources to really be in touch with what their workers need, even if they have the best intentions.

    There once was a WAN Show segment about quiet quitting and his fear that people might do that and it came across as if he was more scared that his employees might do it and thereby "hurt the company" than him being interested in why people feel compelled to only work the minimum amount required. As if he was expecting people to always give him 110%.

    Even 90% is enough, that's just reality. If you have people working for you full time, you can't just pay them for their most productive and focused time. There's also socializing with coworkers, taking short breaks and being creative without direct output. It's all part of being a team. A good and healthy team that feels appreciated can take up extra work and make short extra bursts as they become necessary, but that can never be the expected normal.

    There was also some WAN Show segment about compensation, free time and the likes that was weird. Maybe it was part of one of the upper two, I don't quite remember. It's a bit fuzzy but I remember that I was a little surprised that they operated on the same scheme of low amount of days off + limited sick days system that many US/North-American companies seem to run on. I get that it's normal in that part of the world, but I still had this idea in my head that they were somehow different. It all felt so quirky, close-knit and best-buddy-like in the videos. That made me think that they were somehow more progressive and worker focused than it turns out after all.

    Hearing these allegations is like finding that missing puzzle piece and suddenly it fits into a much bigger picture. I had a lot of respect for Linus and his company and really believed that they were "better". I really like their content, it is super entertaining and of very consistent quality. They are experts at making things accessible and interesting for a broader audience. But they are also running in a giant hamster wheel that is the youtube algorithm and several daily uploads.

    Very sad to see how all this could happen. Even worse is how all of this is being handled. They need a proper restructuring because these problems seem to be structural and deep-rooted. I wish Madison all the best!

    Edit: Typos

  • Jesus fucking Christ. Messing up a review, selling a prototype then repaying the company is just unprofessional, this is a whole other fucking level ! It's going to be hard to keep watching their videos after that, especially considering the two of them building a PC was my favourite one.

  • All the previous proof put a dent in their brand but these allegations are actually brand destroying. Linus is evidently an asshole to his workers in his videos so I don't have a hard time believing her allegations. What a fucking dumpster fire.

  • Holy shit. This has quickly gone from concerning to never watching any of their content again. The inaccurate data stuff sucks, but wasn't really unexpected, it's not what I watch them for and I knew they probably rushed that type of content to keep up their schedule. The thing with Billet was pretty bad in a number of ways, but you could understand the auction thing just being a case of horrible miscommunication that they should make up for. This is just beyond inexcusable though, I'm disgusted that they've acted like they're being so transparent about the company while this is going on behind the scenes.

  • Yeah that doesn't sound great at all. Must've been hard not to post all of this before, especially with people constantly asking. It seems like suddenly all kinds of issues at LTT boil over at once. They're going to need a change of direction and some well worded apologies in order to win back trust.

    Personally I've started favouring boring big companies over cool flashy small companies to work for as well because of this kinda stuff. Having a very informal atmosphere definitely has it's plus sides when all goes well, but when you're in a (relatively) small company there's sometimes also a lack of professionalism all the way to the top. When you start running into problems you might very well run into the situation where nobody really takes your issues seriously, and because the company is small and everyone knows eachother well there's really noone to turn to. At least in big boring companies there seem to be protocols and a bit more distance between HR and the management.