Madison on why she quit
Madison on why she quit

Madison on why she quit
She picked the right moment to come out with this. I mean, keeping this in for 2 whole years while being under the impression that you're under some NDA, you can only imagine how stressful she must've felt.
I feel really sorry for her and I wish her the best. She's a really cool person.
That's usually how these things work. People see others speaking out against someone, and that gives them the courage that they'll be heard.
It also helps that the current news only does to back up her claims and increase the perceived validity.
It's sad people have to wait for these opportunities to come, if at all. Otherwise people would dismiss them as a liar or disgruntled employee. There are too many sycophants even now that will back Linus no matter what.
You really had me in the first half there.
I feared you'd continue with "how convenient for her to get attention now", like people (especially women) are treated when they come out about abuse.
Thank you for being empathetic
It's best not to assume the worst of people right away, especially those that you do not know personally. This happens too often on the internet and by extension, in real life. It can be hard to do that, I know, but the more people that do it, the better it is for everyone.
It would have been, but she's apparently been posting about this for a while, only for it to come to light relatively organically.
Madison has been talking about this for awhile now. Dig up old tweets and posts and she's definitely mentioned sexual harassment since she left LTT. No one paid attention until now.
Yep, she even said as much in here. People kept asking her about this and only now she gets the attentions that she deserves. It absolutely sucks.
This is, quite frankly, atrocious.
Horrifying more like. I hope she is okay though. Linus fan boys will wreak havoc.
This is worse than the Gamer's Nexus video. The biggest red flag initially wasn't even the bad testing data, it was how overworked the staff were. Clearly employee wellness is not a priority.
The Gamer’s Nexus video was necessary for others to speak out. Steve was clear that speaking up was a move that could backfire due to the power imbalance involved. Had he not spoken up there would be no opportunity for Madison to weigh in her experiences without being attacked.
without being attacked.
Not that she hasn't been attacked constantly before and after the GN video, mind.
Linus didn't notice because that's status quo in modern capitalism.
Still makes Linus a shithead for going right along with horrible practices, but it should go to explain how a lot of it is not conscious malicious intent. Employers exploit people all the time.
After I came forward about being assaulted, Someone accused Linus of inappropriate conduct on twitter.
He came over to my corner and started BERATING HER. Calling her insane, mentally ill, an attention seeker, and just digging into this poor woman who had felt wronged by him.
Linus sounds pretty consciously malicious to me...
“Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men, even when they exercise influence and not authority; still more when you superadd the tendency of the certainty of corruption by authority.”
—Lord Acton, Letter to Bishop Creighton (1887)
Wha what video?
She has also confirmed that this Glassdoor review was written by her, with continuing updates on her twitter
Quote from the twitter thread:
I was asked about my sexual history, my boyfriends sexual history, "how I liked to fuck".
I was told that certain issues were "sexual tension" and I should just "take the co-worker out on a coffee date to ease it out"
I was asked to twerk for a co-worker at one point.
I was told I was chunky, fat, ugly, stupid. I was called "retarded" I was called a "faggot"
Holy cow I thought the screenshots currently on this post were the whole thing and I was horrified??
No, the screenshots are like, half?? THE TAME HALF????
I was like, huh seems like she was overworked I guess I wonder why there's so many comments... Oh fuck.
Holy shit wtf
I figured it was stressful there, and I always kind of dismissed the dickheads in the community as “the internet being the internet” but it seems it’s WAY worse.
Man what the fuck kind of attitude is that??
They sound like a bunch of immature misogynistic little pricks.
Honestly? Considering how some members of the team act on camera I'm willing to believe they are immature misogynistic little pricks
Someone share the glassdoor post here pretty please? They've got a login wall
1.0 Jul 27, 2022
Disappointed with treatment would not recommend
Social Media Coordinator
Former Employee, more than 1 year
X Recommend
O CEO Approval
X Business Outlook
a lot of talented people
employee bonding activities
No proper/or explained HR system.
Sexist remarks, coded language, and harassment were common place.
Inappropriate actions, comments, and discussions frequently occurred.
Including discussion about employees bodies, appearance, clothes, and wealth.
Upper/middle management frequently misuse power.
No way to report most incidents without issue, since the HR team was ALSO upper management.
Feedback was consistently harsh and not constructive.
Inappropriate language was commonly used while giving feedback.
Meetings with unbalanced power dynamics were common place.
Gaslighting situations frequently occurred.
Unbiased 3rd parties were never present, or easily able to be requested in these meetings.
Lack of proper communication between management and employees.
Outside ventures frequently frowned upon, or limited by the company.
Advice to Management
Stop dismissing complaints because "everyone is friends here" it's a workplace, not a group hangout session.
Get a proper HR team and take reports of harassment and inappropriate conduct seriously.
Don't dismiss employees complaints.
Just an fyi, you can get past the wall using reader mode in Firefox and^*/gd-hardsell
in ublock origin's filters. Reader mode is necessary if you want to see full reviews, the ublock rule is to stop the "please login" popup
Imgur blocking VPNs again. Ugh.
What the actual fuck. This is starting to sound like FTX
Holy fucking shit
What the actual fuck.
fucking absolute disgusting.
None of this is surprising to me at all. I’ve been seeing hints of a toxic ‘hustle’ mindset in their videos for quite some time and have commented as much on the videos. I’ve worked in environments just like this and once you’ve lived it it’s easy af to spot.
Linus probably says ‘I don’t ask anything of anyone that I don’t expect of myself’ and then goes on to expect someone making 50k to put in as much time and effort as he did when first starting LTT/LMG.
That is seriously my biggest gripe about employers... They think our pittance motivates us as much as their fortune.
Yea, I'll get it done by the end of the week! Let's trade paychecks and I'll f*cking get it done real fast...
My comment on the forums was very similar.
The key issue in all of this that they didn't address is that they're pushing too fast. There have been many red flags about Linus pushing people too hard to get stuff done too fast.
It doesn't matter what kind of "new processes" you put in place if people just don't have time. And you can't expect every employee to work as though they have 20% equity in the company. If you put more than 30 hours of work per week onto a full time, salaried employee, you're not going to get their best work, especially in creative or expertise-required jobs.
To do their best work, people need time to breathe. They need time to be able to talk to their coworkers about a problem without worry about pulling them away from their own work for 15 minutes. They need time to grab a drink or a sandwich while they step back from a problem and consider it from a distance. They need time to decide their previous work wasn't good enough and to go back and redo it. They shouldn't have to ask. Having to ask is a problem. Getting "no" back as an answer is an even bigger problem.
If you try to account for every 15 minutes, you're going to get shit quality product pushed out the door.
Madison brought this up. Employees have brought this up in videos. And Linus has raised red flags more than once. The biggest was with his equating doing things right to hours worked and directly to cash. That speaks to exactly this. People don't have time to do things right, and they don't have time to fix things.
The only way to fix this is to either hire more people (which you clearly can't afford), or allow your current people to put out less product.
If you put more than 30 hours of work per week onto a full time, salaried employee, you’re not going to get their best work, especially in creative or expertise-required jobs.
Facts. If you claim you can work more than ~30 maybe 40 hours (that's really pushing it) a week in this type of work without output/quality falling off a cliff, you have lots of room for process automation from my experience. I don't think I do more than ~15-20 hours of actual active programming per week. If I have hard deadlines, pushing that out to 60-80 hours does increase output but nowhere close to linear output.
And as other people said, she was expected to output that much social media posts, but now they post the bare minimum. Maybe she was being asked too much after all.
Yeah I wish I could say I'm surprised, but I'm not. This kind of mindset is all too common in tech. I hate it.
I think one of her friends leaked the sexual harassment allegations a while back cause I distinctly remember hearing about it. I think it got quickly swept under the rug win some talk of an NDA. regardless I'm glad it's in the light now.
You don't hire your partner as the head of HR unless you want to hide a bad work enviroment.
Right? How do you go to HR if he harasses you? Yeah so I know y'all live together but like it's really bad?
U do that when u think its a stupit position that doesnt really mather when u got a company of 10 to 20 people. When u hire lets say 90 poeple it starts to breakdown.
HR has always been to protect the company, not employees.
Stopped watching years ago because something about the videos were starting to put me off. Now I know.
This is not your conventional toxic workplace. This is ADVANCED toxicity. She resorted to self harm for a day off. That's a type of struggle that can make a company go terminal if the rank and file band together.
This needs to be spread.
Im sorry, but that is conventional toxic workplace. Or ive just heard a lot of horror stories from people.
This supports the notion that the issues with quality are due to overextended teams. It sounds like yet another workplace where upstairs decisions are made without consulting the people who will actually do the work, and so the rank and file have to constantly scramble to make up for that. I feel like LTT leadership decided a velocity of content to support certain goals rather than what their resources can actually do.
... And it also seems like they have not outgrown the "early joiners can do whatever they want to whomever they want" problem that plagues companies like this.
I mean we already knew their staff was overextended, and that upper management has been pushing for velocity at the expense of quality. This has been self evident by the myriad of issues pointed out in Steve's video.
What wasn't already apparent was how horrendously abusive of a workplace LMG appears to actually be. This is quite literally shocking and I honestly think most of the commenters are underreacting, lol.
This poor girl was sexually assaulted by coworkers/management on multiple occasions. Verbally abused regularly. And she had to self harm to a degree that she needed to go to the ER just to TAKE A DAY OFF FROM WORK.
I used to work in tech myself, and I've heard some horror stories, especially from women in tech. But this is among the worst. If all this is true, LMG is a horrific, toxic, abusive organization and I hope they get sued into the ground.
It's been a while since I regularly watched LMG content, so I wasn't really aware of how many videos they were churning out. Looking at it now, I would assume their staff was much larger than it is.
Ironically, the harassment/assault/retaliation stuff is the one area they'd benefit from being a bit more corporate. Obviously they aren't capable of ending it for the purposes of basic human decency. Maybe a liability approach would get through...
If the allegations about the sexual topics are true (like managing the OnlyFans account and having to see other people's junk, being told to twerk for a coworker and getting asked about "how she liked to fuck") LTT is in some serious trouble.
No sponsor in their right mind wants to be associated with a bunch of grown men sexually assaulting their female coworkers. If this isn't cleared up totally and publically, LTT will lose a lot of sponsors and this can seriously hurt them.
When the employee handbook leaked a few months ago and this was mostly ignored by Linus except him making a rant about the company not needing unions because they're so great, that was already very suspicious to me. It seemed like just another hustle culture company trying to sweep things under the rug. Well, looks like it was not just a feeling...
Definitely unsubscribing from all their channels. All of that shit is absolutely disgusting.
I had wondered what happened to her and why she seemed to rarely be in any content despite having a good camera presence. It sucks that she had to put up with all that. Linus should have put in his big boy pants and fired the shit heads that helped create such a toxic work environment. He clearly does not know how to manage a company.
From the thread, Linus is part of the problem.
Linus is the problem. It’s a top down problem, and he’s the one at the top. Everything stems from time and lack of it to resolve issues correctly. When you don’t have time to deal with things and more things get requested of you, it’s human nature to try to downplay or discredit their importance.
He should fire himself too, from the sound of it.
Hot damn. That's not just toxic but straight up abusive and the more you hear about Linus as a person the worse it gets too.
Linus has admitted to bullying others when he was younger, guess that side of him never went away. Just good at hiding it or editing out of public view. I'm looking back now wondering if he even properly compensated his employees for doing what should have been CONTRACT work on his house or just what they would have made from the videos so he could profit off free labor.
Reading the full thread was stressful enough, I don't even want to image what it was like to live it.
Now I understand why the company is so against unionizing, all this stuff would pretty quickly explode in their face. It's straight up abuse that should be met by the full force of the legal system.
What the fuck is wrong with people that makes them think that if you have the smallest modicum of power over someone else it's your god given right to be an asshole, a sexual predator or just generally toxic.
I don't get it.
His Union comments are just tone deaf. He’s not wrong that it would be a failure on the company if people felt they needed to unionize. It doesn’t need to be said. Clearly he didn’t think he treated his employees badly, but here we are.
No; what, he’s exactly wrong in saying that! Regardless on your thoughts on unions, that’s never something that a CEO/Founder should say about their company, first because it’s just incredibly stupid like you noted, but also because it’s the biggest red flag that you DO need to unionize ASAP!
At the end of the day, Linus was trying to sell ‘we don’t need a union because we’re the cool workplace’, but it’s always been because unions, by definition, dilute the power of people in his position, which I’m sure he feels very threatened by, especially the longer he built this Jenga tower.
And if you think that companies that are unionized are a sign of failure… well, I don’t know how to address that without pulling out my own hair.
Holy shit.
So much of what she says is not just horrifying (seriously, feeling the need to hospitalize yourself for a day off), but also straight up illegal.
Retribution, hostile work environment, straight up harassment, not to mention evidence of "constructive dismissal". (I'm using US terms but I know these have equivalent laws in Canada)
I've had some pretty bad jobs that have destroyed my mental health, but none of them come close to what Madison is describing here and I am so happy that this is coming out. This is the sort of thing people need to know about LTT and LMG.
Alright, time to unsubscribe from their channels. Already started to dislike Linus when he went all Anti-Union and stuff, but this is truly disgusting.
I’m really glad I didn’t purchase that stupid screwdriver now.
I feel so much better now, using uBlock and SponsorBlock watching their videos. I knew something was off when Linus started with the Anti-Union talks. Fuck this little bastard.
She was sexually assaulted in the workplace? So LTT is just running an old boys club tech business? No wonder getting women in tech is such a problem. This is absolutely vile and vomit inducing.
I wish I could say I'm surprised, but given my interactions with these kinds of people in the tech industry, sadly I'm not surprised. Reading the twitter thread, I had that sinking feeling and knew that it was going to appear.
As someone who has worked in tech and IT, it should not be surprising at all. While internal sexual harassment has not been much of an issue in the places I have worked, women constantly being belittled and treated as secretaries makes it no surprise to me that more women do not seek out the positions.
This is the same in the metal industry.
Just to be clear, women being constantly being belittled and treated as secretaries is discrimination based on sex, and it is extremely likely that they being sexually harassed in ways that you don't see. There are tons of ways for bosses and coworkers to pull people aside, force people to stay late, or even pressure meetups outside of the workplace framed as business/mentoring lunches, to set up situations where they can say and do things that no one else will see or hear. Belittling people is often a practice that abusers use to wear down victims psychologically, to set the stage for ongoing and escalating abuse. Many abusers are very socially clever these days, and will go to great lengths to groom their victims into not realizing they are being abused, target people who need the job/reference/experience etc. and keep as much of the abuse as possible outside of official records like email, and even manufacture documentation in retaliation of the people they abuse, for example, creating false poor performance reviews, so they can dispose of victims when they are done and have a evidence in their own favor if there is a court case.
next TechLinked-
LTT just pulled a Blizzard
Everyone saying this isn't malice, it fucking is. All of this is done out of malice. He is angry his employees don't treat this like their day 1 dream and give their entire 45k/yr soul to the brand. He is upset that people would even dare question their products. He is furious that employees would have the gall to expect time off.
It is malice, it always has been. Capitalist hold everyone in contempt, especially employees. It is the easiest thing in the fucken world to take a little less profit from your pocket and add it to the people who actually make your company run. None of these fucks do it because they hate their own employees. They don't want humans working for them, they want cheap drones that follow their every word intention. The people at the top of any company fucking hate they have to pay you at all. Accept that. That is reality.
Honestly, that's a much larger issue to me than the beef with GN. Forcing the image of a super cool liberal easy company while being as shitty as every other bigger greedy firm. So sad.
And yesterday I thought the GN video was serious business. Damn.
This person waited until a moment where they felt that people would believe their story.
I don't blame them for it at all, even if I think they should have retained legal counsel over a year ago. Linus would have come to the immediate defensive, calling it a one-off and I could see many of the die-hard fans siding with Linus.
This story is far from unique. Women deal with this shit constantly in the workplace. The vast majority never report because the police and courts don’t take them seriously either. It’s like collectively they just deal with it, and that’s absolutely heartbreaking.
I wouldn't say that she waited, an endless amount of woman and people in general will experience similar things and the public will never know about it.
There is a good chance she took the only opportunity to tell the public what happened to her.
Making this comment because I think it's important to be careful with language when we talk about stuff like this.
I'll start with: I believe Madison.
I honestly did not even know that she had left, so all of this is news to me. I assumed that she went into a role that suited what she wanted to do (like production or editing or something with no significant on camera time), and was still there. I usually avoid following anything so closely that I'm aware of whatever drama they get into. Which isn't to imply that Madison's experience is mere drama, because it's not. This is an egregious HR violation on all fronts, and bluntly, if Madison still has any evidence of any of this, a lawyer would do well to pick up her case at no cost to Madison; as far as I'm concerned, with any level of evidence, especially right now with the PR nightmare they're currently weathering, they'll want to settle quickly (if they have any sense left in their heads whatsoever).... And Madison can walk away with a very reasonable pay off for all this mental anguish.
Of course, money doesn't un-do the fact that it happened.
On the surface, to me, this looks like LMG hired Madison to appease the masses, partly evidenced by the fact that he announced that he had done so before she was even made aware that they were interested in bringing her on board, which seems to be a trend with Linus now - saying things have happened when he simply rubber stamps the approval to go ahead and start the process.... Then "allowed" her to appear on camera enough to show that yes, she does work here... Then as the hype from fans died down and stopped being a benefit to the company, slowly berated her into leaving quietly so schmucks like me (anyone that's not so dedicated that they read the LTT forums daily), are unaware, and they don't lose viewers.
The workload described, at first didn't sound too bad, busy, sure, but not bad. Some Twitter posts, FB posts, a few tiktoks daily... Yeah ok. That's a fairly reasonable bar to set, a little high IMO, but ok.... Then she went on. And on.... And on.... What the fuck? I get the idea that it's "only social media" so some think it's "not really like working" (which I don't agree with, I just understand why people think that), since managing your own social media is fairly trivial, but when managing it for someone else, you have to constantly check yourself and consider "is this me saying it? Or is this the right tone and perspective for what the company would say?" Because if you say the wrong thing, you're reprimanded, or fired. That kind of mental gymnastics is rough; and having to do that for a dozen posts a day is a lot of work to accomplish alone, and you're probably going to make some mistakes unless you can bounce the posts off of someone like a long term employee or manager to make sure that the message isn't straying from the brand you represent.
I've personally been in plenty of scenarios where I've been over worked. It happens. When being overworked is basically your job duties, that's unreasonable in every way.
On top of that the dismissive and demeaning treatment isn't going to help. I'm not surprised that Madison noped the fuck out, and it's sad that happened, and more sad that she felt that she shouldn't even say anything. It's unsurprising that she left and that she had such a major impact to her mental health by being there... Honestly, it's almost surprising that she stayed as long as she did.... And this isn't even addressing the sexual misconduct. I know for me, when I think "sexual assault" I'm thinking the worst case scenario, and bluntly, some of the comments that she relays (like "you've never gotten drunk with us") makes me think that could have happened... But it's not exclusive to that. This is sexual assault. She was sexually harassed and sexually assaulted by staff and bluntly, I hope she names and shames those who were involved. This is unacceptable in any and every way in the workplace and everywhere else. Madison's gender, sexual orientation, preferences, history, everything, is entirely personal, and discussions of such things in a workplace is completely unacceptable. If she wanted to offer up such information of her own volition, sure, but berating her about it, and harassing or demeaning her about it is completely unwelcome both socially, and legally.
IMO, Madison has a legal case if she ever chooses to pursue it.... I think she should but I understand why she hasn't, and isn't.
As for LTT and LMG, I'm extremely disappointed that Madison was set up to fail like this. I get that it's a bit of a boys locker room, where most of the staff are "one of the guys" regardless of who they are or what gender they are, and ribbing is part of that. Clearly this was above and beyond it and from what people said to Madison after she left, her treatment was worse than most.... Well beyond a good ribbing, and others could tell. Anyone who participates in ribbing among friends can recognise when they've gone too far. IMO, it was clear that they had, and they just kept doing it. No part of that is ok. The staff then took it further and further into sexual harassment and assault, and the management team was complacent. This is wholly unacceptable on LMG's side. Their behaviour is reprehensible.
I hope Madison is doing better. I'll probably track down her twitch and throw her a sub, because she deserves it, and never deserved to be treated the way she was. I don't know what she's doing now, but I wish her all the success in the world.
I had heard Linus' anti-union remarks on WAN Show and was slightly weirded out, because I don't believe for a second that a company owner AND manager of a company much smaller than theirs has enough time and resources to really be in touch with what their workers need, even if they have the best intentions.
There once was a WAN Show segment about quiet quitting and his fear that people might do that and it came across as if he was more scared that his employees might do it and thereby "hurt the company" than him being interested in why people feel compelled to only work the minimum amount required. As if he was expecting people to always give him 110%.
Even 90% is enough, that's just reality. If you have people working for you full time, you can't just pay them for their most productive and focused time. There's also socializing with coworkers, taking short breaks and being creative without direct output. It's all part of being a team. A good and healthy team that feels appreciated can take up extra work and make short extra bursts as they become necessary, but that can never be the expected normal.
There was also some WAN Show segment about compensation, free time and the likes that was weird. Maybe it was part of one of the upper two, I don't quite remember. It's a bit fuzzy but I remember that I was a little surprised that they operated on the same scheme of low amount of days off + limited sick days system that many US/North-American companies seem to run on. I get that it's normal in that part of the world, but I still had this idea in my head that they were somehow different. It all felt so quirky, close-knit and best-buddy-like in the videos. That made me think that they were somehow more progressive and worker focused than it turns out after all.
Hearing these allegations is like finding that missing puzzle piece and suddenly it fits into a much bigger picture. I had a lot of respect for Linus and his company and really believed that they were "better". I really like their content, it is super entertaining and of very consistent quality. They are experts at making things accessible and interesting for a broader audience. But they are also running in a giant hamster wheel that is the youtube algorithm and several daily uploads.
Very sad to see how all this could happen. Even worse is how all of this is being handled. They need a proper restructuring because these problems seem to be structural and deep-rooted. I wish Madison all the best!
Edit: Typos
Jesus fucking Christ. Messing up a review, selling a prototype then repaying the company is just unprofessional, this is a whole other fucking level ! It's going to be hard to keep watching their videos after that, especially considering the two of them building a PC was my favourite one.
All the previous proof put a dent in their brand but these allegations are actually brand destroying. Linus is evidently an asshole to his workers in his videos so I don't have a hard time believing her allegations. What a fucking dumpster fire.
I wouldn't be so sure about this being brand-destroying. Activision-Blizzard and Ubisoft have been exposed as being full of harrassment and toxic work culture too, and they're still doing just fine. Maybe Linus himself will fuck off somewhere in disgrace, but the brand itself will live on. In a way, it was the perfect time for these allegations to come out as they've not long got themselves a new CEO. He can claim that he knew nothing about what was going on there, and make empty promises about how things will be different now he's in charge, etc.
Blizzard and Ubisoft have huge games under their belt that make them a ton of money, Especially with Microsoft now owning blizzard they're not going anywhere. LTT on the other hand relies on sponsors and the community to make most of their money. It's too early to make a conclusion but if these allegations turn out to be true, A lot of sponsors will absolutely pull out and the community would give them even less support than they're getting now which probably won't be financially viable to keep the company around if they get to that point.
I was asked about my sexual history, my boyfriends sexual history, "how I liked to fuck".
I was told certain issues were "sexual tension" and I should just "take the co-worker out on a coffee date to ease it out"
I was asked to twerk for a co-worker at one point
who is this maniac that asked this question and made these requests
this person should be fired asap otherwise others may leave as well
I'm happy Madison took her mental health and self-respect above the job
Oof. I wasn’t too bothered about tech bros shanking each other in name of ethics in tech YouTubing. But this is absolutely unacceptable. I believe Madison. If there is no confirmation from Linus that whoever sexually assaulted and otherwise degraded her has been fired so fast their fucking eyes are spinning then I’m unsubscribing. I will not be watching videos every week where I’m trying to figure out who the creep is.
TBH, I'm not surprised. Linus stance on unions is really weird... My interest in LTTs videos has anyway declined in the last time, maybe I'll take a break and hope they really change some things.
Props to Madison for speaking out about this!
Been a union member at my workplace for 20years, they only give a shit about pay increases for the workers and Linus pays his workers above minimum wage which is what the union would ask for.
In this economic climate no one will strike for just one person when it's those members that are part of the problem.
Unions aren't what they used to be and shouldn't be treated as such.
Your union sucks then. Unions have done all sorts of things besides get more pay. They fight for benefits like vacation and sick time, make sure you can't be fired without cause, ensure good work/life balance, make your job physically safe, and help bad management be held accountable.
Striking isn't the only tool in a union's répertoire. They'll also do things like help pay for lawyers to fund legal action (hard to do as an individual) and negotiate on your behalf. Most people don't want to be negotiators (especially the most vulnerable) The union does that undesirable work for you and can often hire experts to do it.
Work to rule is an alternative to striking that is similar but keeps you working. That's doing exactly what your contract says and nothing more (eg, bus drivers have done it by not collecting fares, but still driving their routes; teachers have done it by only teachong their classes without doing any extra coaching or supervision on the side). And since your comment suggests that people won't strike because they can't go without pay, they can also pay you for the duration of a strike.
Unions have been stripped of power repeatedly and told to fuck off by governments repeatedly.
Unions aren’t what they used to be I don't know a lot about unions in the US/Canada, but you're probably right
But I also think it depends on your union, right?
Still better a weak union than no union at all
You're the union, it's not separate from the workers, it is the workers. Not happy with what the union is doing? Get involved.
Well, this is pretty fucking horrific if true.
Setting aside the factual accuracy of LTT content (which is a separate discussion entirely), the main thing that they did well and that I generally enjoyed was their brand of jank content - like building impractical virtualized gaming setups, stupid water cooling projects, stuff like that.
If even a handful of these accusations hold water then I would no longer be able to enjoy that content knowing what took place behind the scenes in the process of creating it.
If all of them turn out to be true...I am neither Canadian nor a lawyer but it sounds like charges could be brought. In that case I don't see any way that trust in LTT/LMG could be rebuilt outside of some major team members stepping down.
I am neither Canadian nor a lawyer...
From this day forward, I will finish every email with these words.
It's Test Kitchen stuff all over again. Corporate capitalist culture repetitively turns lovely and bright stuff about something innocuous and innocent like food or computers into exploitation, greed, harassment, and misery.
It's Test Kitchen stuff all over again.
Man, I'd almost forgotten about that. What a shitshow. At least a few of the creators seem to be doing OK with their individual channels now.
I'd die for claire saffitz of the bon appetit test kitchen dessert person kitchen
Holy shit. I stopped watching about when she quit (not for a reason, the content was just stale) but between this and the recent issues raised by GN o don't think watching LTT is relevant nor even ethical at this point.
When did she quit?
About 2 years ago
This is pretty distressing to read. I am wondering if the upper management referred to is Linus, or someone else. Doesn't really matter much, the buck ultimately stops with him.
It doesn't sound like the kind of culture that Luke would tolerate, and I can't imagine Luke standing by Linus for that either.
It is worth pointing out that there is nothing Linus can do to respond either, if he was responsible he is hardly gonna own it, and if it was another upper management then he probably can't publically name them either. And there is no way any of us can know what is really happening. Madison is basically the only one who can pass judgement. I am very curious as to how Emily has been treated, especially after coming out, but she has a right to privacy and doesn't have to answer to any of us.
I guess the only real answer is for Tarren CEO to rapidly implement a proper HR department and provide a proper recourse. And if Linus is the direct cause of these issues, then really there is nothing that can be done.
I also can't help but wonder about Taran (the macro king). He left LMG like a year ago and he obviously doesn't have to share details, but it wouldn't surprise me if the work Rythm they put on him was too much, despite him being one of the best premiere editors in the world.
Yeah. That is also an interesting one. For what it's worth, he did seem genuinely thankful towards Linus for taking care of him earlier on in his career, and if he knew something was up I would hope he would have just left instead of being part of the farewell video.
But he probably was getting fairly burnt out. But as always, we cannot know what anyone's motivations for anything are, so it's best we don't second guess people's public statements.
Luke wasn’t part of LTT at the time as far as I know.
Sure, but they were still in close, and I assume that if this is about Linus, then he has always been that way, so Luke would know about that side of him.
I dunno, I just don't know. Maybe I am being hopelessly naive. The world is a shittier place today.
Unfortunately without names we don't know who was doing any of the harassing. Why do you say Luke wouldn't tolerate it?
No good reason, he just seems fairly level headed. I could be way wrong though. He has publically call Linus out on his bullshit before.
This could all just be copium speaking, I want it to be a solvable problem, but if it's Linus, I don't think that's really possible. People can change (See: Linus Torvald), but I just dunno if it's possible. And I don't know if Linus Torvald actually changed that much either.
If she name drops, shit is really going to fly. But she should only do that if she has proof of who said it. I hope she does. Because if all that's true (and lets be honest, Linus has regularly been fine with showing how toxic of a boss he is on camera, so it's very likely all true) LMG should burn to the ground.
Getting your employees to work on your house? Definitely paid them fairly, right guys?
That whole thing was so cringeworthy...
Wow. What a motherfucking piece of shit company. And Linus is also personally a piece of shit too (see screenshots below). Hope this means the end for LTT on YouTube. Note that the full thread is on Twitter here where she has responded to a few tweets that add further details.
Here’s a link to the thread:
Really damning stuff.
Thanks, added to the post.
Holy shit. This has quickly gone from concerning to never watching any of their content again. The inaccurate data stuff sucks, but wasn't really unexpected, it's not what I watch them for and I knew they probably rushed that type of content to keep up their schedule. The thing with Billet was pretty bad in a number of ways, but you could understand the auction thing just being a case of horrible miscommunication that they should make up for. This is just beyond inexcusable though, I'm disgusted that they've acted like they're being so transparent about the company while this is going on behind the scenes.
I must say i wass always appalled how he snapped at employees in the "haha I'm kidding" tone. It always felt off to me.
This is an awful treatment of an employee and I don't know how many more cases like this are still existing at this moment. Fuck LTT, best I can do is step away from them and their content but if there is anything else I can do to get back at them let me know.
The get revenue from clicks and views and merchandise.
So stop watching their content. It's the best thing you can do to get back at them.
After I came forward about being assaulted, Someone accused Linus of inappropriate conduct on twitter.
He came over to my corner and started BERATING HER. Calling her insane, mentally ill, an attention seeker, and just digging into this poor woman who had felt wronged by him.
At least one more woman has received shit treatment from Linus, I believe this problem is endemic.
I wouldn't even be shocked to learn the abuse extended to male employees, either
my lemmy client's running at 1 fps help
Yeah that doesn't sound great at all. Must've been hard not to post all of this before, especially with people constantly asking. It seems like suddenly all kinds of issues at LTT boil over at once. They're going to need a change of direction and some well worded apologies in order to win back trust.
Personally I've started favouring boring big companies over cool flashy small companies to work for as well because of this kinda stuff. Having a very informal atmosphere definitely has it's plus sides when all goes well, but when you're in a (relatively) small company there's sometimes also a lack of professionalism all the way to the top. When you start running into problems you might very well run into the situation where nobody really takes your issues seriously, and because the company is small and everyone knows eachother well there's really noone to turn to. At least in big boring companies there seem to be protocols and a bit more distance between HR and the management.
Wow, that’s incredibly terrible, much worse than I could have imagined. I feel so bad for her, and so mad at the working environment at LTT. I started getting red flags when Linus kept bringing up his classic line “I feel like if my company unionized then I’ve failed” every other week on the WAN show. Unsubbed then because I thought he was being myopic in his little capitalist startup bubble, but no, turns out he’s just completely insufferable, and a union would have eventually led to a complete overhaul at LTT, if not lawsuits, something he would rather give up the CEO role to avoid.
Sounds to me like LMG should unionize or something but I'm no expert.
I just saw this morning that LTT on YouTube are doing a live stream to "address the situation". They have their upper management trying to clean up the mess as best they can. It stinks of soulless corporate BS.
I believe they posted their last update video before Madison's Twitter posts.
Honestly they'd benefit from a bit of Soulless Corporate BS at this point. Soulless Corporate BS at least ensures that sexual abuse allegations are taken seriously and there isn't a culture of inappropriate behavior nor language at play
I'm not shocked that they're plagued by cultural issues that have reached their breaking point now. I remember watching some of the first Channel Super Fun videos and thinking "what if someone doesn't want to participate in this? It doesn't look like anyone has a choice" but assumed that it had to be fine
Iono about that one, chief. Soulless Corporate BS is nowhere near a guarantee of ethics. The appearance of structure and organization has only a small correlation to actual organization and structure. I've seen many versions of this. The skeletons in the closet are all the same no matter how brazen or hush-hush you are about them, the real question is are they there, how many, and why. Honestly, Soulless Corporate BS is smoke and mirrors, and a red flag to start off with in itself.
She had me at the only fan account. Why the fuck does Linus, a tech creator" need an only fan account? Dude is mentally sick and money hungry. I've always hated his guts for some reason. And now I know why. Never subbed to any of his channels. And when I want to watch something on his channel, I make sure I do so on newpipe
Everyone loved the OnlyFans account. Forcing someone to manage it who said they weren't comfortable is kind of insane.
I'm honestly surprised they kept it around after the april fools thing, I thought they deleted it.
Really shitty of LTT to force Madison to maintain it regardless, allowing her to be on the recieving end of unsolicited sexual material from fans (some aimed at her) that she didn't want to read or see. That's really disgusting actually.
I have absolutely zero issues with anyone having an OF account, it is the part that she was forced to manage it is the one that got me. Also, I still don't get why a tech channel needs an OF account. If it were a "joke" then it should have been shut down after that "joke" was over. Dude wanted some revenue somehow from that site, too
The OnlyFans account was part of an April Fools joke. They really should've shut it down soon after that though...
He wants money from that, too.
I know that I'm done watching LTT videos from here on out, but I did go back and look at the video about what it's like to work for Linus and honestly I don't know why I didn't see more of the red flags sooner.
Ok I will wait couple of days to see how it continues, but I will most likely unsubscibe from all their channels and stop watching them completely. Which will not be hard. For real reviews I watch Hardware Unboxed and Gamer Nexus. LTT was on my watch list for some funy/interesting video here and there. And even those I watched less and less.
What the fuck!!! This was absolutely enraging to know. Linus is a piece of shit. I can't even comment on one specific thing as worse in the whole thread. Everything is fucked up about how they treated her.
fuck linus media group and fuck that motherfucker pretending to be a nice and friendly guy. How you treat your people behind closed doors is your character not the fake YouTube shit.
He has blatantly obvious "boss" like tendencies. People REALLY need to learn that the "boss" mentality IS NOT a "winner's" mindset. It's just being an asshole that takes advantage of others.
You should see the WAN show because he sometimes let's his true nature out. Even more so recently with the backpack drama and innaccuracies in videos. But there is one tell that he made a while ago, a few years now so it will be hard to find now, but he did mention how he is against "friendly banter being chided". Stuff like that easily snowballs into sexual harassment being brushed off, but since the tech bro audience didn't understand what that means, Linus never considered it a bad thing.
I know it's easy to say in hindsight, but there instances in a few videos where you can see him get legitimately angry with others. Not for long, and any nasty stuff is cut out, but you can tell he has a mean streak. I didn't think it went quite this far, but I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Nobody becomes a millionaire by being nice.
This is fucking awful, I'm actually shocked, and with other leaked testimonies from other former employees I don't think any of this is false. She doesn't have anything to profit from this. I'm glad my adblock has always been on and I use invidious because I would have felt sick knowing I supported these assholes at LTT. Anyways I unsubbed from anything LTT and won't watch any more of their garbage.
Unsubscribed from the LTT channel now. To be honest, I mainly followed it because I was amused this "tech influencer" borked his PC trying to install PopOS.
"Yes, do as I say"
Any video I saw of LTT just boiled down to "look at all this money I just spent, so much money guys and no practical use cases"
Their Linux series seemed a little one sided. It's not like Windows is a perfect replacement which runs without issues.
I watched LTT a lot until recently but that Linux challenge seemed like the first sign to me that they don't look at everything in good faith. "Why doesn't Manjaro tell me it doesn't have APT installed" It's another OS, he acted like it's something you can just jump into without doing research. I know that wasn't his belief but it was his action. Nobody in the Linux community will say it's as easy as Windows, even Linux Mint requires a good bit more know-how than the average "savvy" Windows user. Windows doesn't follow POSIX, Linux and its tools at least try to
Nobody in the Linux community will say it's as easy as Windows
They do tho. Often.
I've read so many times that you are supposed to install it for your grandma cause it's easy and doesn't cause trouble.
Oh yeah Linus just outright also lies to his audience about his experience:
At 2:04 he mentions that pacman? tries to install a dependency for "apt" and then quietly fails afterword and starts an infinite loop. This is the most absurd thing to mention because to my knowledge, nobody else was able to replicate this at all and theoretically this can't happen either because apt-get is not in your PATH on an Arch system.
He so benefits from his reputation and since general knowledge of POSIX and the current GNU/Linux software is virtually non-existent in his audience, he wasn't called out on it.
She really should have went to a lawyer. Besides the fact that she was sexually harassed, lied to, and other large issues, an employer cannot just willy nilly change your contract after you already agreed to one. Them changing the contract after moving to that country, losing her visa, and virtually being stranded there is exactly the same strategy that traffickers employ to exploit immigrants into virtual slavery.
This is a terrible position to take. Just because one person could have done this doesn't mean everyone can.
A lot of lawyers would at least hear her out free of charge, and a likely equal amount would see what a slam dunk case it would be in her favor, if everything she alleges in her post is true. The verbal stuff would definitely be trickier to prove without other witnesses coming forward, but I find it highly unlikely that all the mistreatment she suffered was done strictly verbally and there would likely be a paper trail for evidence. In which case, a lawyer would happily take payment after the courts awarded her reparations.
Look, I know this isn't easy and I completely understand why she was terrified of coming forward. I don't blame her at all. But acting like she should just silently suffer after that kind of abuse is just silly. I'm simply saying that now that she HAS come forward, she should hit up a lawyer and see if statute of limitations are applicable and if not, then sue the ever living shit out of LMG.
Unless it's legally risky for her (I'm unfamiliar with Canadian law), I really hope she starts dropping names.
Some people really gotta be placed on the chopping block.
oh my god they released a tone-deaf apology video after this thread went up. it's an okay response to the GN stuff but hold the fucking video to address the horrifying allegations.
They probably scheduled the video to be posted and then went to bed.
man, if they can delete forum threads about this, they can pull the video before it goes live.
Like that's bad, but their handling of the optics is so much less important than the substance of that abusive culture. Being less tone-deaf in their non-apology wouldn't really change much.
Yuck 🤮
The video came out before Madison spoke out.
Linus is just another tyrant boss, surprise
Nah he's even worse than that. Just read this person's account.
LTT is approaching Amazon levels of fucked up