Pierre: The real problem is the potential Liberal leaders shoes
Pierre: The real problem is the potential Liberal leaders shoes

Pierre: The real problem is the potential Liberal leaders shoes
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While the largest super power in the world is threatening to take over our country Pierre has pivoted from talking about how many genders there are to Carney's shoes.
And still refuses to talk about what his plans are for Canada other then Trudeau bad, wait...now Carney bad.
It's their playbook, it's not about what they will do, it's about whining about the other guy. Seems to work well for them though unfortunately
Its the norm for conservative radio commercials. Constant bashing and oversimplification of the other party's plans while belittling anyone that supports it all without any mention of their own plan.
It's what conservative voters respond to. No ideas, just feelings about how things are bad. Actually learning about why things are the way they are and what needs to change is too hard, and less comforting than feeling like they're special and others are the ones keeping them down.
Not that I support PP (also I hate that I need to specify that first) but he's got a couple videos on YouTube that I thought were fairly well done addressing a couple things regarding trade and some plans.
I have yet to see those, they must be the only ones. I have only ever see him attacking others,and belittling others. People who do that constantly are not to be trusted
Yeah I agree. I'm trying to be optimistic about whoever we have next isn't going to sell us out or pull a USA. PP doesn't instill much confidence but I just hope he has some heart or desire to do good and not be evil.
He instills little confidence in his leadership skills.