"Today"= 18 Months Ago
"Today"= 18 Months Ago

"Today"= 18 Months Ago
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TIL Linus is capable of decency. Occasionally.
As long as the code you submit is quality. Otherwise brace for impact.
Well. He's gotten better.
I think he really struggled understanding that he was seen as a leader, and that people were modelling his behavior because he was setting the standard. Once he realized that, his criticisms became more... measured.
Arguably it was his daughter who got him to tone down.
Kids will do that.
If the kids are lucky
Must... Resist... TVTropes... Link...
Idk, it's more of a Dr. Cox from Scrubs situation. Clearly not the "villain" but definitely abusive on his way to do good works.
I guess it's "Jerk With a Heart of Gold" but it's not very zippy.
Good analogy
He's also mellowed as he's gotten older
makes you wonder what the reply would have been like 10 years ago. probably something along the lines "just breathing the same air as you already makes me feel stupider..."
He is offensively decent.
A compassionate misanthrope. I can relate.