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What's going on at Mozilla these days?
  • Their current userbase is not their target userbase. They are trying to reach a more mainstream audience but all of their attempts to monetize are seen as useless by their current userbase.

    • They want to increase revenue w/ ads - A loud swath of FF users are tech savvy and have adblocking enabled
    • They want to pivot towards AI - A loud swath of FF users see AI as gimmicky

    Repeat ad-nauseum

  • Jump
    Mozilla leadership.
  • In addition to being in the wrong section, this also shows that Firefox usage was in a steep decline long before the pay took off in 2016.

  • Jump
    The debate exposed how comfortable America is with hating immigrants
  • I just want to point out that, reading between the lines, the solutions that would make a difference to change immigration are:

    • Solve climate change
    • Undo the compounding effects of a war that destroyed a country
    • Jail people who hire undocumented immigrants

    Your first solution requires Republicans to believe in climate change (and Independents like Joe Manchin not to get in the way and water down the bill that passed). Your second solution requires investing billions in developing countries to right our wrongs and your third sounds like a Republican talking point.

    This is why I push back on the narrative that oversimplifies immigrataion as Republicans and Dems equally don't care about immigration.

  • Jump
    The debate exposed how comfortable America is with hating immigrants
  • Does AOC need to visit a border to talk immigration when migrants are being bused into NYC daily? Curious if you live in a place where migrants are being bussed or not, because I do, and the reason no one is talking about migrant camps at the border is because they have migrant populations within the neighborhoods in a way that they didn't pre-covid. There's two migrants w/ toddlers less than two blocks from my apartment that panhandle daily. There's migrants panhandling outside of the places I grocery shop and the bars that I frequent downtown. Immigration is tangible in a way that it wasn't pre-Covid

    I think that, irrespective of party, Americans across the board have become more concerned about immigration, partially due to fear-mongering by Republicans for sure, but also due to Democratic strongholds getting a steady flow of immigrants (bussed in by Republicans, fwiw, but a level of immigration that they were not prepared for) and the conflicts for city resources and care have had an outsized impact on perspective/policy and expectations by the population as a whole. It isn't that Democrats suddenly changed their perspective while everyone else remained the same. Every group of individuals polled increasingly became concerned about migration.

    It's easy to frame it as 'Dems don't care', and I'm not sure what you identify as, but looking at the data, people who identify as Dems actually care more than Republicans and Independents.

    I do not want to say that I am happy with the Dems accepting Republican-backed immigration policy positions but I do acknowledge just how unpopular immigration has become within Democratic circles let alone Republicans (and Independents who as a whole are historically more conservative than Democrats).

    Curious what would you suggest as a tenable immigration solution in 2024 that you think would likely get backing from Republicans and Democrats?

  • Jump
    In what videogame you're currently stuck and you gave up or drop it for a while?
  • Did you take advantage of the $9.99 sale as well?

    I took a breather after dying a few times fighting the first boss 2-3 weeks ago. I've forgotten the control already, yet when I decide to pick it back up I'm going to have to kill a boss smh lol

  • Jump
    The debate exposed how comfortable America is with hating immigrants
  • This wasn't isolated to the Democrats and Republicans, IIRC it was the prevailing opinion across the nation irrespective of party.

    I'm sure there were Independents, and <insert minority group here> that were out there also looking for blood in the moment. I wouldn't say because racism/xenophobia/violence exists within a group, it always has a home w/ said group (unless there was a vast majority that held the same belief) and so I'm always prone to push back when ppl paint w/ such a broad brush.

    I think that these generalizations that insinuate that both sides are equally inviting racism/xenophobia/violence does a disservice to the nuances of reality and encourage nihilsm/indifference.

  • Jump
    The debate exposed how comfortable America is with hating immigrants
  • I do think there is nuance in accepting that the plan when there's 20K crossing per month is different when the number spikes 10x to 200k. Dems were unprepared for enforcing policy when things shifted to record numbers for sure, but I wouldn't classify that as 'not caring'.

  • Jump
    Goodbye FireFish.
  • RIP. Was on firefish a few months but saw the writing on the wall back then and jumped ship. In retrospect, probably the 3rd or 4th federated product I've been a user of that flamed out. WATTBA

  • Jump
    Harris to break with Biden on capital gains tax, proposing a smaller increase
  • So would you prefer the capital tax rate is lower or that CNN didn't report it?

    As someone voting for Dems, I'm still confused why progressive policies are becoming more moderate

  • Jump
    What made everyone move to Bluesky or Threads instead of Mastodon?
  • My personal opinion is that it was:

    • Easier signup
    • A wider variety of opinions... Fediverse imo is known for tankies and progressives. I'm a progressive so I'm OK w/ the latter, but it can be an echo chamber at times.
    • Built-in audiences (Threads especially but also Jack founding a spinoff helps)
    • Similar to Linux, one of the benefits to open-source is plenty of forks and standards. This leads to a more fractured landscape at times and so it's rockier than the alternatives
  • Jump
    Why don't more people use Linux? - DHH
    • Doesn't have millions to market like the alternatives.
    • More technical requirement (historically anyways)
    • Much less likely to be the default on hardware (which is what most ppl stick to)
  • Jump aims to fund the fediverse via premium feeds | TechCrunch
  • Regardless of how you feel about subscriptions, it's a step in making the fediverse a more viable option for that that create content for a living.

  • I follow two already using FreshRSS and I'm looking for more

    • (found out about it today on lemmy)
    • (Found out about it in the fediverse)
    12 Why Platformer is leaving Substack

    We’ve seen this movie before — and we won’t stick around to watch it play out

    "After much consideration, we have decided to move Platformer off of Substack. Over the next few days, the publication will migrate to a new website powered by the nonprofit, open-source publishing platform Ghost. If you already subscribe to Platformer and wish to continue receiving it, you don’t need to do anything: your account will be ported over to the new platform."


    They've started inserting a subtle ad as the first result instead of the actual app you're searching for.

    This has to have been a change over the last month or two I feel like?

    I'm having to reprogram myself to view the first result as irrelevant. Really makes me want to increase the F-Droid alternatives that I use.
