As obvious as giving your height in cm
As obvious as giving your height in cm

As obvious as giving your height in cm
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Hey! They say Toronto in BC
They are allowed to be wrong. It's their right as a Canadian.
lol my Ontario coworker once explained it to me this way: the closer you get to Toronto, the less syllables it has. Perhaps BC is just too far away to know the real pronunciation
From an information theory lens, that makes perfect sense. Proximity to a city is proportional to the incentive and ability to increase information density in a city's name. The closer you are to Toronto, the more often the name comes up, so greater incentive to shorten it. And the closer you are, the more likely people are to know what you're talking about when you say "TRONO" because if there's ambiguities, we usually assume it's the one that's closer.
Oh, yeah, Vancouver boy here. We say it wrong on purpose. Why? Because fuck the Leafs! /s