Come on, this is obvious satire, it is basically page from EA talking about 10.000 hours shit and find replacing a few words. Even the notes call it out as satire.
Of course satire is dumb, as it always is a signal towards the incrowd and a lot of the times backfires spectacularly (see starship troopers the movie (the book does the other thing, it is intended as serious, but the arguments are so bad that you can read it as 'this is the story of a dumb failson who gets more and more taken in by propaganda, as he fails to see (or intentionally fails to see, which is part of the book re the whole hitting Zim in the face thing, which only 'occurs' after the guy admits he did it, and not when Zim is walking around with a huge black eye) how he is being manipulated and the system is being used to get rid of people smarter than him by moving them into more dangerous warzones). Anyway back to the movie, intended as a satire of fascist militarism, but now constantly smugly repeated by actual fascists/far right bs mongers). It always amazes me a bit that the Rationalists don't talk about how dumb it is to use satire more. (vs all their other meta level stuff about how people disagree and discuss things and who should and should not be allowed to speak) I think it is probably because satire can be so fun, and it is intellectually rewarding to get it while people you dislike don't get it. Sorry, this rant was sponsored by Helldiverse (im leaving that typo in)! Democracy!