Restaurant in NYC offshores cashier job to Philippines so they can pay below minimum wage ($3/hr in Philippines)
Restaurant in NYC offshores cashier job to Philippines so they can pay below minimum wage ($3/hr in Philippines)

Restaurant in NYC offshores cashier job to Philippines so they can pay below minimum wage ($3/hr in Philippines)
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I would just unplug the camera and computer. Every day. Even if I wasn't buying anything.
Fuck this business.
Be sure to wear gloves.
Because a person 8000 miles away can't wipe down anything so the place has to be dirty
Because you don't want to leave fingerprints behind when you unplug something on camera.
Secret…agent man!
Oh sorry, I didn’t mean you, not-so-secret agent man
It's not illegal to unplug something
Actually, it could be. That could be considered vandalism (you're intentionally making unauthorized modifications to equipment to prevent it from working as expected) which is illegal.
But this is New York, so who knows if they would even enforce that.
No, at worst, it would be criminal mischief. Criminal mischief with $0 in property damage…
So people can just unplug cables at data centers because it's "$0 property damage criminal mischief"?
Come on, their lawyers would (successfully) argue that they experienced loss of revenue for any amount of time their remote cashier system was not connected and operational...
No, “people” cannot even enter a data center without walking through multiple security man traps and providing identification that gets kept at the desk while inside. A data center is not a sandwich shop.
They can just plug it back in. It'll be ok.
Oh, I guess if you can just plug it back in, that just invalidates the downtime that was caused or data being lost.
Being able to undo vandalism doesn't make it suddenly not vandalism.
It’s not vandalism. Vandalism is destruction of property (physically destroying it). Unplugging something that was designed to be unplugged is absolutely not vandalism.
You’re significantly overestimating the police response to a non-vandalism.
Edit: In nyc, they don’t even finger print for an actual vandalism…
They use fingerprints for murder cases, not camera unplugging cases.
Also, this lady now has a job and you’re talking about ruining her job.
I want to upvote the first half of this and downvote the second half.
Man wtf is this shit jfc..
I'd presume they have a few cashiers from the Philippines but at least one person managing the store.