Americans: Never, EVER question again how Hitler came to power in 1933 Germany
Americans: Never, EVER question again how Hitler came to power in 1933 Germany
Because you now did it to yourself.
Americans: Never, EVER question again how Hitler came to power in 1933 Germany
Because you now did it to yourself.
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Wait, what? Thats a little bit of a stretch, don't you think? Under Hitler, 6 million jews and millions of others were imprisoned, starved and slaughtered. I know some Jewish people who are fairly offended by this comparison. I know at first people were largely being hyperbolic, but its become clear that many actually feel this way. He aint Hitler guys, not even close. Thats kinda ridiculous.
I keep being surprised how people can say that. "He is no Hitler, he did not kill 6 million Jews!"
Hitler got into power in 1933, the first massacre on Jewish people happened six years later in 1939, the industrialized and systemic killing of KZ-inmates did not start until 1941.
People don't compare him to Hitler because they believe he already killed 6 million Jews, they compare him to Hitler because of the clear parallels between 1932, maybe 1933 Hitler and Trump, as well as the parallels between the fascist MAGA cult groups and the various extremist groups of the NSDAP.
People aren't (just) afraid of Trump because of what he did, but of what he might do, if he keeps following those parallels.
It's not (mainly) a condemnation of his past and present but a warning to heed BEFORE even the people saying "He's not killed 6 million people." can no longer say that.
Your argument would be valid if Trump was going to be in office for 10 years, but in 4 he will be gone for good. There is no legitimate reason to believe that there is anything Trump can do to maintain power once his term is over. Trump almost certainly isn't going to kill 6 million Jews or any equivalent in 4 years, the only way these parallels continue is if the American people decide for them to continue, irrespective of Trump.
You think this means what exactly
We're not in 1942 yet, we're in 1932.
Hitler started by only wanting to deport all of the jews.
Does that sound familiar?
nah, it was way more explicit in Mein Kampf.
That part took 10 years to evolve. He was elected in 1933, he wasn't out of the picture until 1945.
12 years of evolving fascism, it's an exponential curve.
And since Trump is gone in 4, the only way this curve continues is if the American people say so. Trump isn't the problem.
Oh yeah, I forgot that Trump famously said he doesn't want to be president for life, remove term limits, make sure this is the last US election, etcetera, et-fucking-cetera. And what guardrails do you propose there are against that now?
... We the people... Remember that one? The only things that give Trump power are a piece of paper and US citizens. That piece of paper doesn't do much once people turn against him. I don't like Trump, but I also have a non-zero amount of faith in our government's structure. Next four years will probably be a downhill slide, but then there will be a rebound candidate elected in 4 years. If people in Congress vote in favor of all these ridiculously extreme amendments like you are saying they will, normal Americans will kick them out of office. Now the filibuster seems like a pretty good thing, huh?
We’re not to that part yet.
Hitler didn't genocide 6 million Jews before coming into power. Are you saying we should wait until the Republican Party genocides 6 million American minorities before making the comparison?
It is a tad of a stretch imo but not too far off. Trump right now is very similar to how Hitler was early in his office