WHO calls for cigarette-style cancer warnings on alcohol packaging
WHO calls for cigarette-style cancer warnings on alcohol packaging

Cancer charities back call for ‘prominent’ warning labels while industry body says move ‘not proportionate’

WHO calls for cigarette-style cancer warnings on alcohol packaging
Cancer charities back call for ‘prominent’ warning labels while industry body says move ‘not proportionate’
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Yes please. Sick of the double standard. Can't buy flavoured nicotine anymore but can still buy sickeningly flavoured liquor.
It's called flavored moonshine, and it's art
It's poison, quite literally. State sponsored leathal posion. But it makes money and it's legal, so it's very cool.
Making it illegal won't solve any problems.
I didn't say they should make it illegal. But stip being hypocrits about it. They still need studies to legalize marijuana, because there isn't enough data for it to be save and jada jada. Okay, but we have more than enough data that shows just how bad and dangerous both alcohol and cigarettes are.
No argument there.
Historically that has not been the trend. Prohibition had related issues that could be dealt with, with the hindsight we have now but it you look at it, Prohibition was successful at reducing alcoholism. Secondly, no one said to make it illegal, just to put warnings on it to reduce consumption. Thirdly, there are other ways of reducing consumption besides outright criminalization, like raising taxes on a product significantly or limiting its sales for individuals.
yes it will, it will criminalize the poor while there will be more profitable legal alternatives for the rich ..
It makes money to a few while offloading the much higher cost to society.