Skip Navigation South Korea’s nuclear fuel goal stirs fears of atomic weapons development

Seoul’s envoy to Washington, Cho Hyun-dong, has urged the US to allow South Korea to run reprocessing facilities for spent nuclear fuel.

1 US 'would not consider' Israel arms embargo over forced starvation of Gaza: Official

As Israel moves forward with its plan to ethnically cleanse the north of Gaza, US officials have made public a letter that gives Israel 30 days to 'improve the flow' of humanitarian aid

7 Murder investigation opened after motorist ‘runs over’ cyclist in Paris

Witnesses say incident happened after luxury car driver and cyclist had heated roadside argument

2 Private forums show Canadian doctors struggle with euthanizing vulnerable patients

A homeless man refusing long-term care, a woman with severe obesity, grieving widows. Each euthanasia request sparked debate among Canadian doctors and nurses struggling with the ethics of one of the most permissive laws globally on the practice.

12 Genocide In Gaza: Government Of Canada Labels Palestine Solidarity Organization As A Terrorist Entity

16/10/2024 — The Canadian government has designated Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, an international network that supports and advocates for

66 Reporting On Samidoun Ignores Plight Of Palestinian Detainees

Palestinians detained by Israel have faced inhumane conditions, including rape and torture, with many dying in prison.

0 Sweden boosts defense spending to handle a ‘wartime situation’

Defense Minister Pål Jonson told POLITICO that a Russian attack “cannot be excluded.”

0 US spends a record $17.9 billion on military aid to Israel since last Oct. 7

The United States has spent a record of at least $17.9 billion on military aid to Israel since the war in Gaza began and led to escalating conflict around the Middle East.

>Unlike the United States' publicly documented military aid to Ukraine, it was impossible to get the full details of what the U.S. has shipped Israel since last Oct. 7, so the $17.9 billion for the year is a partial figure, the researchers said. > >They cited Biden administration "efforts to hide the full amounts of aid and types of systems through bureaucratic maneuvering."

24 Opinion: Ontario must resist move to 'forced treatment' for drug users

We cannot warehouse people to pretend we’ve solved underlying drug and other issues.

>Historically, models of isolation and violence inflict deep harm on already targeted peoples: Indigenous, Black, racialized, disabled, criminalized people and drug users. Studies show that forcibly institutionalizing people creates worse outcomes than other forms of support. People already struggle to access voluntary treatment, counselling and bed-based services. This type of incarceration often reduces tolerance to substances, increasing the risk of fatal overdoses upon release, particularly when community-based supports are lacking.

5 Fifa is ‘ignoring human rights report’ into Saudi Arabia’s 2034 World Cup bid

Lawyers identified four areas Saudis are breaching Fifa policies but they have had no response from world governing body after five months

https:// /world/europe/germanys-scholz-announces-more-military-aid-zelenskiy-visits-berlin-2024-10-11/

>Zelenskiy has been meeting allies in Europe this week to present a "victory plan" to end the war while also pressing to use long-range weapons that can strike deeper into Russian territory. > >The details of his plan have not been divulged publicly. A U.S. official has previously described it as a repackaged request for more weapons and a lifting of restrictions on the use of long-range missiles. > >A European diplomatic source also said that there appeared to be nothing especially new in the victory plan.

0 Grayzone Journalist Arrested & Accused of "Aiding the Enemy" for Reporting Same Info as PBS

Today, Israeli news site Ynet News reported “charges against” American investigative journalist Jeremy Loffredo for “aiding the enemy” after defying Israel’s ban on reporting missile strike locations.

2 Japan’s new prime minister: Dreaming of an Asian version of NATO?

Japan's new prime minister envisions further militarizing the country and the region through a military alliance aimed at China and Russia.

>According to Ishiba, an Asian version of NATO, "must ensure deterrence against the nuclear alliance of China, Russia, and North Korea. The Asian version of NATO must also specifically consider America's sharing of nuclear weapons or the introduction of nuclear weapons into the region." > >The move to giving Japan access to nuclear weapons is opposed by a large majority of the population, with a reported 75 percent wanting Japan to sign the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.

>In order to bring about a Pacific Treaty Organization similar to NATO, Ishiba hopes to introduce major changes allowing further militarization of Japan. A first step would be to introduce a military charter, a “Basic Law on National Security” that Ishiba describes as “one of the pillars of my foreign and national security policy.” > >Such a law would legalize military use of public and private facilities and resources under a ‘state of emergency’, expand military capacities further than what the current legislation permits. ‘National emergency’ legislation was created when Ishiba was the Defence Agency Minister in 2003 and, for the first time, enabled the government to give the US military access to Japanese non-military facilities in a ‘state of emergency,’ under which people’s constitutional rights, including the freedom of assembly, privacy, and even private property rights to lands and ports, are suspended. It seems reasonable to assume that the Basic Law on National Security would further restrict civil liberties and support authoritarian leaderships.

5 Focus on possibly treasonous MPs could become 'kangaroo court': ex-minister

Former public safety minister Marco Mendicino says he is very worried the public conversation about some parliamentarians being complicit in foreign interference is becoming a 'kangaroo court.'

Legal action underway to force Canadian Forces to release propaganda documents
  • In 2020, Briant, writing for a non-governmental group called the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project, exposed details about the Canadian Armed Forces spending more than $1 million on training on how to modify public behaviour. That training was similar to that used by the parent firm of Cambridge Analytica, the company at the centre of a 2016 scandal in which personal data of Facebook users was provided to then-presidential candidate Donald Trump’s political campaign.

    Other initiatives revealed by the Ottawa Citizen included military efforts to keep tabs on members of the public including those involved with the Black Lives Matter movement as well as a plan to use similar propaganda tactics to those employed against the Afghan population during the war in Afghanistan.

    An internal investigation by the Canadian Forces determined that some of the efforts violated government rules but no military personnel were ever charged or disciplined.

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    Venezuela: While US Politicians Call Fraud, American Election Observers Endorse Results
  • The Carter Center (cited by that BBC piece) is funded by various western governments including the US, as well as CIA-affiliated regime-change orgs like the National Endowment for Democracy. They are not a neutral party.

    The "pro-Kremlin" smear is similarly questionable as it is promoted by the same groups.

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    Weaponizing Reality: The Dawn of Neurowarfare
  • Are there any problems with this particular story? I found it to be mostly collating current thought about BCI and its applications.

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    DND ignores requests to release information, undercutting federal law, MPs are told
  • National Defence is continuing to ignore requests to release government records as required under law and in the process is undermining a watchdog agency that reports to parliament, members of Parliament have heard.

    The House of Commons Committee on National Defence is conducting hearings into the lack of openness and transparency within the department and the Canadian military. So far it has heard that National Defence violates the law in almost 40 per cent of the requests it receives to produce records under the Access to Information Act.

    In an increasing number of cases, the department is claiming that records don’t exist, the committee heard.

    At times such responses strain credibility. For instance, National Defence claimed not a single document or any information whatsoever was sent to Anita Anand, then the defence minister, throughout the four-month period covering the selection and announcement of the F-35 fighter jet in a $19-billion procurement deal.

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    Covid-19 social distancing was not based on scientific data, Fauci admits
  • This article is literally quoting the official press release of the committee's chairman:

    Dr. Fauci claimed that the “6 feet apart” social distancing recommendation promoted by federal health officials was likely not based on any data. He characterized the development of the guidance by stating “it sort of just appeared.”

    Dr. Fauci acknowledged that the lab leak hypothesis is not a conspiracy theory.

    Dr. Fauci admitted that America’s vaccine mandates during the COVID-19 pandemic could increase vaccine hesitancy in the future.
