You just gotta think different
You just gotta think different

You just gotta think different
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I think you mean "sudo pacman" not "apt", wow. fake linux (gendered diminutive).
It's "sudo yum".
whatever, arch noob; I run qubes.
yum is fedora, pacman is arch.
I hate that I know this; I don't run either one.
We call it dnf now. *Tips Fedora and leave
yum's old and busted; dnf's the new hotness
Imagine using pacman instead of emerge
Imagine using emerge instead of cmake
Wait, is linux gendered or pacman?
no, no. saying the meme was made by a fake linux boy/fake linux girl/fake linux kid, because they forgot to say sudo and used the package manager from probably debian (apt), rather than the one arch uses (pacman).
I was being a tedious linux elitist asshole as a bit.
Ah, you're all good. I feel rightfully shamed by my past self from giving up slackware in the early 2000s to go almost exclusively Ubuntu specifically for the package manager. I used to would have felt my adult self was a fake linux kid as well.
well, crucially; it was a bit. the actual that-person is an insufferable piece of shit. but like not in the same ways as im an insufferable piece of shit.
My past self was also and insufferable piece of shit in a completely different way that my current self is. I don't believe it is our use of linux that drives this particular personality trait as much as the underlying humanity that we share.
yes, truly: linux use is inextricably tied to humanity, and the beauty/horror of the human condition.
the great literary conflicts: man(in the old english sense that needed a prefix to gender it) against nature, man against man, man against 'god', and choice of linux distro.
I feel that what I wrote and what you interpreted are very different things, that having been said I sincerely wish I had written what you've responded to.
respond for the world you wish you lived in.
Yeah this post is bull shit!
I just spent the last 2-3 hours building SSHFS from source for Proxmox & Debian, it really sucked!
Ps: Fuck gLib2.0
Sounds like self inflicted pain. If you absolutely needed the latest why are you simultaneously running debian again?
Sounds like self inflicted pain.
It most certainly is unfortunately. gLib2.0 is apart of the Debian main repository but for some damn reason I couldn’t pull it with apt.
Resulted in building it with meson but had so much trouble.
Ya you are holding it wrong. If it wants a different basic library version than you have available to you then the solution is never ever to somehow go and get the library this will never ever ever work and will only succeed in breaking your entire system as all the other stuff now doesn't work with the new library.
Wait what, why? I'm out of the loop. What's up with Proxmox and glib 2.0?