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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
2 wk. ago
  • Ah, you're all good. I feel rightfully shamed by my past self from giving up slackware in the early 2000s to go almost exclusively Ubuntu specifically for the package manager. I used to would have felt my adult self was a fake linux kid as well.

  • Small text on the bottom of purchase agreement: This vehicle is not meant to be used as transportation in an external environment, any use outside of a garage or small enclosed campus is outside of the scope of this vehicle's design and should be avoided.

  • I run everything on steam with proton that I did on my windows PC, nothing was left behind. If you 'add a game' from outside steam, you can run the installer and then change the game location to the executable. Ubuntu or Ubuntu mate are what I install on everything. Recommend.

  • And he's not a government official, even though he's impersonating one, and that the administration tells the public he's in charge of a government agency but tells the courts he's not.

    While all of these things are true, I find it disingenuous to imply that his not having been elected is somehow less accurate than any other criticism levelled against him.