The most popular metal band (2024) from each country, according to Spotify
The most popular metal band (2024) from each country, according to Spotify

The most popular metal band (2024) from each country, according to Spotify
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Definitely confused by some names. Looking at you South Africa. Also, Rata Blanca? Really? Parkway Drive? Baby Metal? 😂
Edit: I'm not a metal fan and not attempting to gate keep. As an outsider, it's definitely notable that almost all the bands have names that meet expectations and a couple certainly do not.
Babymetal is a Japanese heavy metal idol group, and they're awesome.
Have you ever left your house
Yes, I've just never listened to metal in South Africa.
We got a gatekeeper here folks!
I'm not a metal fan and I'm not attempting to gate keep. As an outsider, it is interesting how many many many popular metal bands fit the expectation and yet a few do not fit that expectation.
Gotcha. There's a LOT of gatekeeping in the metal community, from band to band, and from genre to genre. Some of the names are pretty funny, yeah, and that's part of what some people use as an attempt to gatekeep.
gatekeepers are good they protect that scenes culture from dumb ass "normies" who want to repurpose it.
No, gatekeepers suck. Let people enjoy their things, them enjoying it doesn't somehow rob your ability to enjoy it. Look at it this way, everyone was a new fan who didn't know but the band's 3 most popular songs. Maybe instead of shitting on them, recommend some cool songs based on what they already like? Explain some of the meaning in their music? Do literally anything but "NOT METAL!" or "NOT A REAL FAN!"
agree to disagree. good things half these bands arent even metal. People who know nothing about something speaking on it with authority sucks. doubt you guys even go to shows but you guys know lol
Glad I've never met anyone like you at a show rofl. You lot are miserable.
Do you feel better now? If you are going to shows for these bands you'll never see me, im at the metal and punk shows. Enjoy the butt rock I'm happy for u
Doesn't that imply every cultural collision, including the ones that created metal, are bad and should be reversed?
See you at lute practice, bro. I don't what to hear any of that Bach garbage. It's not even music.
Why the downvotes? These are funny names.
It's a pretty common thing to say certain bands aren't metal, as an elitist gatekeeping thing. Baby Metal is one that often, people will say "isn't metal" because they're cute girls in Gothic Lolita fashion. It's a pretty common assumption that anyone laughing at baby Metal is just being an elitist.
I don’t care for baby metal but it’s because of their fans primarily.
Look, I love Nekrogoblikon so I am not one to hold my nose in derision over a shtick.
Babymetal are super talented, The music is pretty good too it’s just not for me.
It’s not MY type of metal but if I have that opinion around one of their fans I get the “oh you’re an elitist” speech when in reality every fan I’ve known of Baby Metal has been kinda icky and shitty about them not being in my top 5.
While I accept that Baby metal is metal, it's also manufactured corpo rock.
Metallica is on the map too, so they’re in good company with a like group.
Baby Metal is an idol group which … yeah, that’s the genre
I'm not a fan of Metallica, but they did emerge from a grassroots music scene.
I mean, they're not my top choice either, but there's a HIGE difference in your approach, "not my cup of tea", and the gatekeeper approach of "it's not real reeee". Everyone has taste, but there's some kind of weird pride over something being metal, or not metal, and it's just super shitty to attack something someone loves, just because it's not your thing.
My point was their fandom swings the other direction too.
I mean, that's fair. I don't think that's a valid reason to go gatekeeper, just live and let live, but I get it.
Oh shit I’m not gatekeeping or trying to, I was just conversing with ya. I say listen to whatever gets you off
I’ve seen what you’re saying for sure though but I argue it’s anyone who is passionate about something likes to walk their garden off and throw up a gate.
I know you're not, personally. I'm just providing counterargument.
My counterargument to that is, why wall your garden off? Why not share the beauty you've found or built with others? Maybe see what their gardens are like?
I do care for babymetal because gimme chocolate is a fucking banger, corporate as it is. I like genre-crossing stuff when it's done well, like that or any mix by Bill McClintock (especially his Motown or Soul mixed with classic metal/hard rock), even Run DMC and Aerosmith, just for another example. Or stuff like Billy Strings.
I mean, babymetal is nowhere near my top 5, I'm not even sure they're in my top 5 Japanese metal bands (Sete Star Sept is Ichiban), but I do like em.
But for real thanks for letting me know about Nekrogoblin, idk how I hadn't heard this before.
I'm not into metal. It's just interesting how 150 of them fit expectations and a handful don't. I'm not gate keeping.
I'm downvoting for specifically picking out Parkway Drive as if it's not clearly Australia's best metal band.
(this comment surely won't end up being controversial either lol)
Ne Obliviscaris is Australia's best metal band, hands down.
You mispelled Psycroptic. Or Faceless Burial.
That's a weird way to spell Caligula's Horse. Jkjk, I've never listened to parkway drive, they probably kick ass, I just have a soft spot for chorse.
Caligulas Horse is dope and I’m happy to see another person spreading their gospel in the wild.
Hell yeah brother! Best show I've been to to date.
Oh, are you interpreting their comment as saying that these bands don't deserve to be popular?
I think, they're rather saying that the names themselves are humorous, like I don't speak any South African language, but I have to assume that band intentionally stringed together tons of letters.
Similarly, a drive on a parkway is rather mundane, whereas a metal band's music is usually quite the opposite...
It's all relative to popularity. If it was about Rock and said AC/DC for Australia who would go hahahah AC/DC what a stupid name lololol are they making music about rectifiers? Parkway Drive is just one example that I was personally rolling my eyes over hard, but how is White Rat not a suitable name for a metal band?! To me it's just being deliberately ignorant, that's the whole joke, I don't know these bands, such stupid names.
like I don’t speak any South African language, but I have to assume that band intentionally stringed together tons of letters.
Its even worse than that, as the OP posted above, its an acronym made to be as disgusting as they could come up with. Its honestly a bit impressive, but not that surprising considering the genre.
Ok but Gojira are actually men and not Monsters, these are band names not descriptors of the band.
Well, yeah, for something to be humorous, it often works best to be the polar opposite...
Thank you for actually reading my comment
Rata Blanca is p good tho 🔥
all these bands suck lol but thats what id expect from the most popular. half of them are barely even metal.