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Canvas (lemmy's r/place) will be in 30 days, help make the Australian flag! You're invited to talk on Matrix

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This time the flag will be much smaller than last time so it actually gets completed, only 200 pixels wide instead of 300. The canvas this year is also 1/4 the size of last years, 500 x 500 instead of 1000 x 1000.

The template link that will show what needs to be drawn over the canvas is here. Make sure to lower template opacity by over 50% so you can see what is currently drawn.

Canvas Matrix

Canvas Community: !

Aussie Flag Canvas Matrix

Last Canvas Timelapse

Last Canvas end:

  • Can we do something more fun than just a flag? On my last run at the place, we did Bluey, and Bluey was only just getting discovered internationally at the time.

    I just think a canvas full of flags is a bit boring. It's been done plenty already.

  • The template link that will show what needs to be drawn over the canvas is here

    That link doesn't take me anywhere useful, just to a countdown with links to other socials. But I just want to say I hope the template shows a 7-pointed Federation Star. When I saw the Australian flag on the Reddit version I kept trying to fix it but having my changes overwritten, because a bunch of people were determined to let the star have 8 points.

  • I'll see if I can help. Last year was pretty hectic, let's see we actually finish the flag this time^^

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