I like shorts.
They're comfy and easy to wear.
113Reply..I hate when people only look at clothes for fashion and their appearance. Clothes sound be more functional then anything.
48Reply 44ReplyYou don't wear shorts because legs, I don't wear shorts for mosquito defense. We are not the same LMAO
43ReplyLegs are just arms with shitty hands.
39ReplyNeovictorianism in the time of onlyfans is exactly what I was expecting in 2024
29ReplyThis is such a trans tweet lol
28ReplyHaven't shaved my legs since 2019 and it's the best. I only shave my pits at this point because my sweat smells worse with hair there. Everything else is free, as nature intended.
23ReplyI really never understand any amount of shame of one's own body. Like I understand tons and tons of people feel it but I don't understand why.
17ReplyWell, I suppose the shorts weren't going to shave themselves.
17ReplyMy comfort clothes are jeans. I wear them year round in Houston Texas. I'm also pale as a ghost.
14ReplyYou clearly have not lived with 32°C
14Replyi fucking love shorts because i can show off my meteoric thunder thighs to the world and slay the day
13ReplyIdc legs are hot 🦵🤤🥵
13ReplyWho cares how your legs look like? Do you also always cover your arms because you don't like people seeing them?
12ReplyI have no idea why but for many years I felt this way too. Then it just went away and I have no idea why I would be embarrassed about my legs. Shorts are great!
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9ReplyThere are only two parts of me people ever compliment me on: my eyes and my calves.
I'm-a wearin' shorts.
7ReplyIn the last four years I've worn long trousers maybe twice, and both times were for funerals.
6ReplyGrowing up in coastal California, the uniform for all genders was shorts and a hoodie, often of the Mexican variety.
Now I'm old and my shorts wearing habit is apparently dad mode.
Whatevs with the dad thing. Be comfortable.
6ReplyI don't have a hot take on this. I wear jeans all the time for protection from spiky plants, ticks and other ground-based hazards. The leading reason why I don't wear shorts is that.... I don't own any.
I couldn't possibly give any fewer shits if people saw my legs.
3ReplyI only really hate shorts because my legs are always bruised. It reminds me of how clumsy I am.
3ReplyEverytime I wear shorts I end up walking through knee high spikey bush so I get the hate.
3ReplyGo get some sunshine and exercise. Your mom needs to vacuum your lair
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