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It's Friday - What are your plans for the week-end?
  • Going to a play with my cousints I haven't seen in 12 years or so because of estrangement from my parents. I am a bit nervous and also hoping that seeing them doesn't make my evil mother show up in my life. A few times after we estranged she showed up at my workplace. She doesn't know where I work now but if she found out I'd have to call security because she's psychotic.

    But I am looking forward to seeing them.

  • Abe babe.

    Dallas police officer 'executed,' 2 others injured in targeted shootings: Chief
  • I see both sides. There's a great deal of corruption, racism, and ineptitude and shit behaviour by a lot of cops that has led to a deep mistrust and dislike, and it's valid. Do they deserve to be executed by batshit right wing conspiracy crazies? No. They deserve regulation and discipline and overhaul.

  • Dallas police officer 'executed,' 2 others injured in targeted shootings: Chief

    One police officer has been shot and killed and two others wounded after a shooting in Dallas, authorities have confirmed.

    The shooter is a sovereign citizen.

    What is the best concert you have ever been?
  • Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds is a trip every time. One time he crawled across the audience to get to me and held my hand and together we sang Push The Sky Away, the next time he literally chased me through the audience onto the stage to sing with him, the time after that he peeled my mask off so he could whisper "Hand of God, hand of God" in my face. I look forward to his next North American tour now that his new album is out.

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    Pets Sunday - how are they doing?
  • I love this so much. As someone who had a pet wild starling for a summer who used to sit on top of my car and bellow at us until someone came out and took him for a ride in the car, I understand this chicken.

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    Pets Sunday - how are they doing?
  • Elderly pug has tracheal stenosis and is horking mightily until we pin him down and get cough syrup into him, whereupon we can get a few hours of sleep. If you know of a better way to give a dog cough syrup I'm all ears. Pugs should not be bred, I adopted him from being a stray, but it has to be said they have wonderful personalities. I feel we are in the downswing of his life, but we've had ten very great years with him so at least we know we did a good job.

    Other mixed breed is the delight of my heart, no health concerns at all, and delightfully funny.

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    Are there any cartoons you watched as kid and watched back as an adult and how does it hold up
  • Not cartoon, but a tween nineties Saturday morning show called The Guys Next Door. It was only on for a while but it was actually quite good, and watching clips makes me happy.

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    Doctors, what was some of your worst patients?
  • I won't get into specific patients (I'm not a doctor but work in health care) the worst patients in general is an older person with untreated borderline personality disorder. They call screaming their heads off that the medication they've been on forever is giving them side effects, and it's just that they have this void within them that you can never pour enough attention into. They're obnoxious, demanding, and treat people in an ignorant fashion as if you are a servant at their disposal, and if you don't answer them right away they start threatening suicide. The younger ones with BPD are largely at least somewhat aware and are calmer and just sad and tearful, but the total dysregulation of the older ones is a hell of a thing to see.

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    Doctors, what was some of your worst patients?
  • I'm not a doctor but in health care; my worst patient has severe BPD and makes vile threats about going off her medication if someone doesn't talk to her right away, because despite being on it for decades suddenly she's making up some bullshit side effects, and what it really is is her trying to hint she's going to commit suicide, since that's what many of them do. She's obnoxious to all of us and has no consideration for how she treats anyone, she's just a screaming black hole to pour attention into. BPD is a very difficult personality type to work with, but at least some of the younger ones have some insight at minimum of their condition, the older ones are rather more malignant and like to terrorize people to satisfy their destructive urges. They're super hard to treat too.

    My funniest patient story I've heard (not my patient but an ER story) is about a guy who for some reason set the ball of a trailer hitch on fire and jammed it up his ass, and then came in and tried to hand this shit covered burned ball to the clerk at the window while announcing he needed treatment for his finger and ass burns. Wildest ER story I've ever heard in my career.

  • Unions are what you need.


    Makes my teeth hurt.



    32 Rome burglar caught after stopping to read book

    A burglar who broke into a Rome apartment on Tuesday night was arrested after stopping in the middle of the robbery to read a book about Greek mythology.


    You are all the best things and more.


    Turning and turning in the widening gyre.

    2 Trial Run

    Artwork by Jane Corrigan. I pitched through the lobby door and then, as I caught my breath, stood looking back at the storm. It was bad out there. The city had been reduced to dim outlines and floating lights; snow moved down Nineteenth Street in waves. I beat it from my hat and coat, knocked my....

    2 The Palace Thief

    I tell this story not for my own honor, for there is little of that here, and not as a warning, for a man of my calling learns quickly that all warnings are in vain. Nor do I tell it in apology for St. Benedict’s School, for St. Benedict’s School needs no apologies. I tell it only to....


    I envision a wonderful future with this happening.
