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Need a politics-free safe space? It's called "going for a walk"
Every third post on Lemmy
Need a politics-free safe space? It's called "going for a walk"
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Who talks about politics on the internet? Round here we yell and fight about politics.
No we don't you fascist swine!
The truth is somewhere in the middle, like always
Edit: apparently I should have put /s at the end
You made a joke, I played on it further. Should I have put "/s" at the end?
I just had no idea what those words in that order even meant lol
Maybe they have no meaning or maybe they do. Maybe my wording was poor since I'm not a native speaker.
Or, like always, maybe the truth is somewhere in between.
You absolutely should, since there is crapton of people out there which really prefer to throw that line completely seriously instead of moving their grey matter for a while.