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Springfield Woman Behind FB Post That Sparked Pet-Eating Hysteria Speaks Out, Says She Has Regrets and Fears for Family’s Safety
  • People will believe a bullshit rumour easily if it conforms to one of their preexisting biases.

    Anyone who believes that Haitian immigrants are eating the neighbourhood cats is 90% likely to be straight up racist even if they don't think they are, or 10% likely that they are just dumb as bricks with no critical thought capabilities.

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    Scientists Discover Mosquitoes Are Using Infrared to Track Humans Down
  • I work in mosquito control, it's been generally fairly well known as far as I know. Light traps use black light bulbs as one of the methods to attract mosquitos because the lack of visible light cuts down on the number of bycatch like moths but the bulb still generates heat to attract the mosquitos, usually paired with dry ice for CO2.

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    Average Online Conversation
  • Depending on your garden you sort of do crop rotation anyways in many setups.

    Like if you have four quarter plots of a 48ft2 piece of lawn and do a different crop in each quarter, then rotate the next year. Makes it easy for even yourself to harvest. Easier to notice where your ripe beans to harvest are when they aren't mixed in with your corn plants.

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    Record-breaking heat wave expected to extend stay in the West
  • It was 34°C where I was on Saturday in western Canada. Thankfully cooling off quite a bit in the next few weeks though down to highs of 18-20.

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    Hedgehogs threatened by robot mowers, German activists warn
  • Regular mowers have a person which animal can recognize as a threat and run away. They may not bother running from an automated mower I imagine.

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    FTC urged to make smart devices say how long they will be supported
  • Might sound stupid, but perhaps then they shouldn't be offering services like Disney Plus and instead simply offer a car that lets you download any streaming app you have your own subscription for.

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    FTC urged to make smart devices say how long they will be supported
  • Products that change the service they offer after you purchase it should also be eligible for a full refund (plus a % on top for the hassle). Such as offering a service through the product for free at the time of purchase but then moving it being a monthly subscription paywall later on, or just removing the feature completely.

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    Federal government limits work hours for international students
  • Universities make money hand over fist, not sure they need any more public funding. They tend to have more administrators than professors and teachers and it just seems super wasteful.

  • My PC constantly freezes if I'm not playing a game or have a game running.

    ✅ If I'm playing a game, it's fine.

    ✅ If I have a game running in the background while doing other stuff, it's fine.

    ❌ If I leave my PC while playing a game and the lock screen pops up, it will freeze.

    ❌ If I do anything other than gaming, such as browsing the web or digital art, PC will freeze.

    ❌ If PC goes to sleep overnight, it will freeze.

    The frozen PC will typically show no error code and display will show "no input" until I hard reset.

    If I hard reset, it often won't successfully turn back on unless I move the mouse while it's resetting, otherwise it will freeze again on the windows loading screen.

    Sometimes I will actually get a blue screen with the error code of DPC_Watchdog_Error or something like that.

    Anyone know where I should look first to try and fix this? It's been happening for weeks now and it's driving me crazy. I can't figure it out.


    What the hell is this? Am I missing something?

    Just bought a ROG STRIX 850w PSU and it came with this monstrosity of a cable that I've never seen before.

    The two ends are entwined between eachother in a way that you can't un-entangle without popping an end piece off

    Is this an actual real cable design or is it mis-manufactured? It offends my sensibilities.



    I am looking for some advice to help me out at my job. Apologies if this is the wrong place to ask.

    So, basically my boss is a complete technophobe and all of our data is stored across multiple excel files in drop box and I'm looking for a way to change that into a centralized database. I know my way around a computer but writing code is not something I have ever been able to grasp well.

    The main issue with our situation is that our workers are all completely remote, and no I don't mean work from home in the suburbs from a home office. They use little laptops with no data connection and go out gathering data every day from a variety of locations, sometimes not even cell coverage.

    We need up to 20 people entering data all day long and then updating a centralized database at the end of the day when they get back home and have internet connection. It will generally all be new entries, no one will need to be updating old entries.

    It would be nice to have some sort of data entry form in drop box and a centralized database on our local server at head office which pulls the data at the end of each day. Field workers would also need access to certain data such as addresses, contact info, maps, photos, historical data, etc. but not all of it. For example the worker in City A only needs access to the historical data from records in and around City A, and workers in City B only need access to records involving City B.

    Is there any recommended options for software which can achieve this? It needs to be relatively user friendly and simple as our workers are typically biology oriented summer students, not programmers.


    Empty room, great Pyrenees dog on a dog bed in the corner beneath windows in a log cabin.


    What companies will you never give another dollar to?

    What happened that put them on your blacklist?


    Just trying to check "unread messages" despite no notifications indicating there are some, just to refresh the inbox and make sure there's nothing in limbo before notifications appear (not sure how the technicalities work).

    If there are no new messages the app crashes. Can make it crash multiple times in a row. Works fine if there is a notification and unread messages present.

    Device information

    Sync version: v23.09.13-18:19 Sync flavor: googlePlay

    View type: Slides

    Device: OnePlus9Pro Model: OnePlus LE2125 Android: 13


    Had a hankerin'

    And ya the egg was overdone ): that was disappointing.


    Hi, me and my cousins had a good thing going for a long time playing Catan but we are looking to shake things up. We have played Catan regularly for over s year, but find that it's getting a little stale. We are looking for a game that requires a lot of strategy, planning, teamwork but also betrayal and backstabbing, yet also not take half an hour to set up and dismantle.

    In Catan we love that the board changes every game and therefore the strategy, but found that once we got to the castles and knights expansion there was one strategy that beat out all the rest which sort of deflated the fun (first person to get science bonus seemed to win 90% of the time).

    Any other board games out there for beginners that don't take forever to set up and put away? Not huge into role playing, but never say never I guess.
