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Major European energy companies conceal nearly half of the damage they cause to biodiversity, researcher says

According to research by the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), the sustainability reports of energy companies cover exactly 23% of incidents against biodiversity. Nearly half of the adverse events caused by these companies are not even mentioned in their sustainability reports.

A study by the UPV/EHU’s Research Group on Circular Economy, Business Performance and Achievement of Sustainable Development Goals reveals that energy companies conceal 47% of the damage wrought on biodiversity as a result of their activity. 47 events relating to 30 major energy companies in the Euro area (cases of deforestation, electrocution of birds, habitat destruction, etc.) were analysed, and 22 of them did not even get a mention in their sustainability reports.

“European directives oblige large companies to publish documents relating to the environment and biodiversity, but the information that has to be included in them is not fully specified. Each company decides which aspect to cover. So they act freely and soften their image,” said researcher and study author Goizeder Blanco.

Indeed, energy companies were found to disclose, with clarity, only 23% of the events that threaten biodiversity.