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'How could I have become so evil': Jewish-French director grapples with antisemitism

In an op-ed for France's Le Monde, Oscar-winning director Michel Hazanavicius expresses fear over the dramatic change in the way the world perceives Jewish people, as if being Jewish had become something really murky, vaguely suspect, possibly detestable.'

  • The famed director also questions, as others have, why Israelis and Jewish people are automatically associated with the actions of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. "Why, when we put Netanyahu on trial, do I too often hear the trial of Israel, or even the trial of the Jews, instead of simply putting the extreme right on trial," Hazanavicius asks.

    a) this happens with literally every country on earth. Even your farthest left Americans still get associated with the far right nutjobs, by virtue of both being American and the human mind inherently being biased towards categorization / chunking.

    b) because many of the actions that make people angry are being carried out by the IDF, and all Israelis have to serve in the IDF, making every Israeli seem complicit.

    c) because Israel is not just a state filled with citizens. It is explicitly the state of the Jewish people, to the point of being an apartheid state that treats non-Jewish citizens worse, so it's actions end up associated not just with Israelis but with Jewish people on the whole.

    d) because Israelis have repeatedly elected Netanyahu to power for several decades. Regardless of him not winning a majority of the popular vote, having one guy as your country's leader for that long (especially through repeated elections as opposed to a dictatorship), will automatically associate his actions with those of the citizens in the eyes of the rest of the world.

    e) because large influential parts of the Jewish diaspora (especially in the United States), have been extremely and militantly supportive of Israel no matter what it does. Just look at the ADL and AIPAC that think that the act of comparing the actions of the Israeli government to the acts of the Nazi government to be inherently anti-Semitic. They're quite frankly nationalist nut jobs who are trying to censor any criticism of Israel, and in the process they've made it look like there is actually a worldwide Jewish conspiracy.

    "Why couldn't a Jewish asshole just be an asshole? Why does every Jew who says or does something stupid have to take all his people with him? Why do I feel like, for a while now, Jews are the coolest enemies to hate? Much cooler than the Russians or the Chinese, for example."

    Maybe when Israel stops killing and abusing civilians on the scale of the Russians or Chinese, again, explicitly in the name of the Jewish people, the villainous characterizations would stop.

    1. Make a country associated explicitly and exclusively with a religion
    2. have that country commit atrocities
    3. watch there be an increase in deserved hate towards that country and undeserved hate towards the people of the religion it's associated with

    I don't understand why people find the above process confusing. Do you really not understand how the average person works and thinks? Have you really not seen roughly this same pattern play out repeatedly?

  • I have nothing angaint anyone, or any group, just because of their religion, ancestry, government, etc.

    However, when things like this pop up, it becomes increasing difficult to separate what the gov does and the citizens that support it. Especially with numbers like these:

    The poll indicates that an overwhelming majority of Israelis (69%) believe it was correct to carry out the recent assassinations in Beirut and Tehran

    The Maariv poll also reveals that most Israelis (57%) fear the disintegration of the social fabric in Israel following the arrest of reserve soldiers at the Sde Teiman base and, conversely, the break-ins to IDF bases by right-wing activists and Knesset members. ( the soldiers that raped/tortured all those people)

    • The point this guy is trying to make is that people are conflating Israel, Judaism, and Zionism in ways that don't always make sense

      Like, the polls you're quoting are sentiments of Israelis, so this guy (and the vast majority of Jewish people in the world) are not included in those polls.

      Even within Israel, that's, what, 3-4 million people that disagree with that sentiment? And Israelis are only ~73% Jewish anyway?

      On top of that, tons of zionists arent even Jewish, they are even likely to be antisemitic tbh.

      So.. what you said sounds a lot like "I don't have anything against one particular group, but the sentiment of the citizens of this one country makes me second guess the perspective of a person in a totally different country just because they share one dimension of identity"... In essence, it sounds a lot like prejudice

      (free palestine, in case that isn't obvious)

  • @downpunxx In his defense, the issue is not with Judaism but with the current government of Israel. There are plenty of people jumping at the chance of muddying the waters and conjoin both groups as inseparable.

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