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Hey, just a question. Are there any people from r/196 that I should follow here? Like fuck yeah photography or goblinhog?

Also, how many of you are actually from the subreddit? I want to know if the community is still alive.

  • A lot of people are from the original 196. But if you're talking about the micro celebrities, I haven't seen any of them, and kind of don't expect to, maybe some day, but I doubt it.

  • I mean I'm from the subreddit and I think most people on here are from there. Recently even made a Spronkus post that got some attention. I'm not someone whose nickname you'd know though, I wasn't actively posting very much on Reddit.
    I don't think you can follow people here though.

    • Not from any app currently, but on web you can get the RSS feed of any community or profile and setup your own RSS reader software.
