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Whoever wrote this headline has never encountered a passenger train before in their lives
  • That’s literally the train I use everything I get to uni (and back).

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    Detecting a theme in GOP Election Turnout Strategy
  • I got

    • Registering voters at the abortion clinic
    • Registering voters at the LGBTQ club
    • Registering voters at the community college and
    • Registering voters with grieving families

    for democrats

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    Detecting a theme in GOP Election Turnout Strategy
  • Why is one of the "at"s in "Registering voters at" uppercase and two lowercase?

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    What are they hiding?
  • Yum!

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    You lost the rule
  • 22 here, we use it sometimes, although basically exclusively ironically (e.g. for a "nice guy" demanding sex)

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    Temporary rule: No shitposts on vegan pets and feeding them.
  • 👀 time to go vegan

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    My refurbished ThinkPad (L390 Yoga) came with wrong rubber feet (too thick) not allowing it to turn into tablet mode.
  • Well, return it. While being refurbished, it doesn't necessarily need to be in perfect shape, it still needs to work as it would when you buy it originally.

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    Eye contact, it's a very important Rule!
  • This picture influenced me so much; I often tell people about eye contact and attempt - or actually do that with them :D

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  • Why did you un-upvote your own comment?

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    Tumblr followers
  • I guess they didn't deserve treehomo

  • NSFW
    Rule :3
  • Why does the bottom line have two eyes on her right side

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    CSU-Chef Söder zu Kanzlerkandidatur: "Ich würde mich nicht drücken"
  • Weiß actually nicht, ob sein Bart hilft. Dadurch wirkt er halt unironisch extrem anders, statt normaler, nahbarer(?) Politiker jetzt eher wie Dorfjäger in einer winzigen bayrischen Siedlung.

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    CSU-Chef Söder zu Kanzlerkandidatur: "Ich würde mich nicht drücken"
  • Oh man, die Prophezeiung erfüllt sich :D
    Bis jetzt läuft es 1:1 wie 2020
    Erst hat er wieder und wieder in allen Interviews klipp und klar gesagt, dass er nicht zur Verfügung steht und sich nicht nochmal bewerben wird, und jetzt ist davon plötzlich nichts mehr zu hören

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    Brazil Supreme Court panel unanimously upholds judge's decision to block X nationwide
  • The Supreme Court is upholding the rule of law. If Musk refuses to take action on the massive propaganda and disinformation campaigns that are rampant on his platform and lead to a fascist (like a literal fascist who praised the military dictatorship and openly said it's only mistake was not to torture enough) getting elected, banning it shows that the democracy is still defensive and able to protect itself.

    We can't let tech monopolies just ignore any democratic rule and do whatever they want.

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    This company sells real human skulls. It claims all of its skulls are ethically sourced. How do you ethically source a human skull for sale to a random buyer?
  • The actual answer is pretty simple: Donating the body to "science". Last Week Tonight recently made an entire episode about this: donating your organs and body and where it can end up (and especially in the case of donating the body, it can end up in all kinds of places).

    So it's ethically as in the people donated it and were aware of giving it away, but at least most of them certainly didn't know that this is what their skulls could end up being used for.

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    Watching ml and world argue in every thread be like.
  • This comment shows that you have no idea about the ideology of anarchy

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    I remember
  • Their hands are so terrifying

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    They're all vital
  • Literally me (having several hundred tabs currently open and over a thousand a while ago before I spent several days just closing them).

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    I hate people like this
  • Thanks for the nice answer. I see it the same. I can imagine this is a cultural thing, and if you have that many bad experiences with customers, I can get why you have a prejudice of someone knocking at the door, but as you said, there still are important reasons why someone might do this, and you never know their true intentions.

    However, I originally didn't think that they were aware that the store is closed (I experienced the same when a store closed earlier than stated on the sign and online), in which case it's just nice to explain them. But if they knew about it and just wanted some personal acknowledgement or even trying to still get served, of course that's really awful.

    (I also edited my post to make this more clear).

  • Jump
    I hate people like this
  • Hey, I edited my post. I'd appreciate if you could tell me what you think about the edit. But to summarize it, I thought that they didn't know the store is closed and tried to put myself in their shoes (in that situation it wouldn't hurt to just clarify it). Of course if they knew that the store is closed, and just wanted some personal acknowledgement, that's ridiculous. And if they wanted to push the worker to still serve them or something like that, that would have been really awful.

    Some people here told awful stories about customers, and if that's the baseline, I can understand why you have a bad prejudice against someone knocking at the door. This might also be a cultural thing. But I still usually think that it's not good to ignore them (and you can never know their true intentions), there can be valid concerns (e.g. I once lost a wallet inside a store and was very grateful for the staff to help me).

  • Europapa got 182 out of 216 possible points and scored the second place in the second semi-final. Only a bit less than Israel, this would have probably meant a top 5 placement in the finale.


    Just like with the semi-finals, this is the live thread for the Grand Final of the Eurovision Song Contest 2024. As there is (to my knowledge), no Lemmy equivalent to, the best alternative is refreshing the website about once after each song. This should still be okay for now as this community is relatively small. Sort by New to see the newest comments or additionally click on the Chat button to break the replies apart and even show the newest replies.

    Thanks to, there are some links for the Grand Finale: The Grand Finale Livestream on YouTube:

    National broadcasts:

    • German broadcast:
    • Swedish broadcast:
    • Finnish broadcast:

    Perhaps one of these might not be geoblocked, but not guaranteed)

    And some background information:

    • Final running order:
    • Backstage at the turqoise carpet:

    As there are so many posts about this topic and it's getting a bit out of hand, I'll create one central place where we can talk about this stuff and share updates. If there are very big updates, I might create a new post as the new megathread but for now, please don't create new posts for updates but post them here as comments.

    Latest news: AVROTROS (the Dutch broadcaster) released a statement. The full statement is in the comments but roughly, they state that against made agreements, Joost Klein was filmed directly after getting off the stage and getting to the greenroom. He indicated he didn't want to be filmed, but this was not respected, leading to a threatening movement from Joost towards the camera, but he did not touch the camera women. This was the whole incident leading to the investigation by EBU and police, according to them.

    32 Dutch singer Joost Klein kicked out of Eurovision Jury Show, but not yet the Final

    Dutch musician Joost Klein was barred from taking part in the Jury Show at the Eurovision Song Contest on Friday night as the result of an altercation that took place earlier in the day. The musician representing the Netherlands in the competition may still be allowed to take part in the Grand Final...

    According to several news outlets, Joost Klein will not perform in the Jury show of the ESC for the Netherlands. It’s still open whether he will perform in the Grand Final or not.

    A Dutch article additionally states that > Joost Klein is not allowed to participate in the jury show of the Eurovision Song Contest. The investigation into the incident that came out earlier on Friday has not yet been completed, AVROTROS reports. Klein does not miss out on any points: the professional jury assesses his performance in the second semi-final.


    As there has been some interest in a live thread such as the ones on r/eurovision, here is the live thread for the second semi-final of the Eurovision Song Contest 2024. Sadly, I didn’t find any Lemmy equivalent to But as this community is still pretty small, I think refreshing the website once after each song should be okay. Sort by New to see the newest comments or additionally click on the Chat button to break the replies apart and even show the newest replies.


    As there has been some interest in a live thread such as the ones on r/eurovision, here is the live thread for the first semi-final of the Eurovision Song Contest 2024. Sadly, I didn't find any Lemmy equivalent to But as this community is still pretty small, I think refreshing the website once after each song should be okay. You can click on the Chat button to sort all comments by newest, even replies to other comments.


    I think it makes sense to have a general discussion thread to build this community and for you to be able to interact more with each other and talk about stuff.

    You can write about all kinds of Eurovision related things here: What are your current favorite songs? Which one grew on or off you recently? What are your staging suggestions? What are your rankings? What are your predictions? Have fun talking about the songs :D


    The Netherlands just released their song for the Eurovision song contest 2024: Europapa by Joost Klein.


    Switzerland has released their song for the Eurovision song contest 2024. What do you think about it?


    Switzerland has released their song for the Eurovision song contest 2024. What do you think about it?


    Tonight, Croatia decided in their national selection (Dora) to send the song Rim Tim Tagi Dim by Baby Lasagna the the Eurovision Song Contest 2024. The song has already been the favorite in the odds and by fans and elevated Croatia in the odds.


    I am using to track what music I hear and they provide many detailed statistics to how much I listened, and it turned out that place 1, 2 and 4 of my most-listened songs in 2023 were Eurovision songs. (And the third place being by Måneskin is even ESC-related as well). I thought that's worth to be shared here :D

    What ESC songs did you listen most to in this year? Have there been ESC songs in your most listened songs as well?


    I noticed how there's no Spronkus Kronkus at 196 anymore at all, and since they were the original reason I discovered 196 back on Reddit, I thought it would be nice to get back to them and post them for once. :)

    Art is by u/Nate_Meowski on Reddit (I don't know if they have a Lemmy account).


