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MTGZone 1,000 subscribers giveaway!

Congrats everyone! We welcomed our 1,000th subscriber last week to MTGZone! A huge thank-you to everyone here for browsing and contributing—this is a wonderful place already and will only get better.

To celebrate this awesome milestone, we're giving away 1 LTR collector booster and 2 LTR set boosters to one lucky community member!

To enter:

  1. Make sure you're subscribed to /c/mtg.
  2. Add a comment to this post with 1 thing you'd like to share about the game. Anything! Favorite deck, an MTG story, a streamer you like, your pet card, suggestion for the site.

We'll leave this up for 2 weeks and at noon eastern on August 7th we'll pick a random member from the comments here. I'll reach out via DM for an address and once confirmed will post here!

Some fun facts for reading this far:

  • Our first post was on June 9th, a bit over 6 weeks ago. Since then we've had a total of 304 (mostly spoiler!) posts.
  • You've upvoted these posts 2,439 times and downvoted them only 42 times.
  • You've also made 1,098 comments, upvoting them 2,240 times and downvoting them only 9 times!
  • We have 409 registered users at this instance now!

Thanks again to everyone, can't wait to celebrate 5,000! As always please DM me or mike with any questions or suggestions or if you're interested in getting involved, or find us at Mastodon.


[12:00pm] It's noon Eastern! I locked the thread and will get all of the unique usernames here to run the drawing!

[1:46pm] Apologies for the delay! We have a winner:! I sent them a message now to verify and once I get a reply I'll make the official announcement post with drawing video. Stay tuned!

  • @andrew
    I immensely dislike WotC's focus on commander over all other formats. EDH is not interesting to me anymore, every set has new staple or busted commander to chase.
    Additionally the color pie is slowly being eroded for the sake of the only format with the "color identity" restriction. All the other formats now need to live in a world where any color can get any effect.
    Fortunately limited is still good most of the time, except when they print sets that cost $75 to draft once.

    • Agreed on all 3 points, particularly your first on their commander focus. I've never considered the color pie corruption via Commander too but that makes a ton of sense.

      I think when they started printing directly to Commander—as opposed to letting cards printed for standard sets trickle down naturally to Commander--they introduced immense issues to both Commander and regular formats. It's a format designed for 4 players and an eternal one that they need to now "rotate" with increasingly powerful cards. Not only does this corrupt the spirit of Commander (finding new uses for cards that never got played elsewhere), it cannot work with 2-player constructed formats and has caused a ton of issues there.

      I just wish they'd go back to only designing cards for Standard and limited, and let the eternal formats (Commander included) get them naturally. Sadly it just is never going to happen, it's too big a cash cow.

  • It's good to see a new MTG community for after Reddit did away with decent 3rd party mobile apps. While I almost never post, I do post links from threads on this community to my friends as a means of exposed to the new community and Lemmy.

  • There were a couple of cards that I submitted to the custom cards subreddit that were later printed almost exactly like I posted them. I mostly remember Foundation Breaker (mine was 2GG cost and 3/2) and Damn (mine was 1BB // 3WW for the costs)

  • Used to play when I was a kid and rediscovered it recently with commander. My brothers and I have been liking building up our decks with old cards that still hold value today.

  • Just going to blabber on about non-sense: I agree with other comments about disliking Wizard's focus towards Commander. I'm more of a Cube/Limited player and many of these cards just aren't conducive to my Cubing habits.

    My favorite card is probably [[Painter's Servant]]. Just look at that cute little guy. Also, despite my general dislike for combo, Legacy Painter is just so much fun.

  • Wow, honestly it's lovely to see so much engagement with mtgzone! The one thing I'd like to share is that o absolutely love Bard class and want it to be viable in pioneer. Do it, WotC, you cowards!

  • Started playing like two months ago. Working on my first commander deck, Dragon tribal, with Miirym. But I must confess that seeing the current products prices, even when I just buying singles, is kinda discouraging.

    • @ORO8ORO @andrew

      Welcome to our big, weird Magic family; I'm glad you're here! A lot of people have been unhappy with the price points for the upcoming Commander Masters release. I just want to reassure you that you absolutely do not have to buy any of that product to enjoy the game - especially Commander, which began as, and still primarily is, a casual-play format. I'm running out of space but I want to encourage you to not give up! Most of us don't spend a ton (all at once) on the game.

  • I just got into Pauper and it's hella cool! Can't wait to organise Pauper events in my area (little to no sanctioned events)