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Daily Discussion Thread: ๐ŸŒธ Tuesday, August 27, 2024

  • Had an attempted break in last night while doing dins. Door was locked. Back door handle (which you can see from the kitchen) started shaking violently for a few secs then stopped. Went out to see what was going on and sure enough there's someone running away through the garage, security lights tripped.

    Don't usually lock doors until bedtime.

  • Just got catcalled by fucking ten year olds. Strong urge to find their parents and beat the shit outta them

  • After another what I thought was a good date only to be ghosted afterwards (and I waited 6 hours for them too) I am deleting dating apps. And I am deleting reddit off my phone.

    No more distractions. No more external elements in life that bring me misery and depression.

    Good riddance.

  • More work mates have fallen ill it seems. This time even the higher ups. Appears that I am the highest ranking person in my group today and have been made delegate at a upper management meeting.

    Thankfully I'm not speaking or presenting, and notes will be available after BUT my presence is required because of reasons.

    Yay, I guess.

  • I have a favourite work mate. But today he came to work sick and now I'm feeling a bit shit.

    I really wish people wouldn't do that.

  • Cheesed off today having to be in the office and overhear some dumb shit opinions ...

    workplace rant

    ...from one member of my team around the Australian flag not being featured alongside lgbti/atsi flags and making fun of Aboriginal words. I get that a lot of corporate virtue signalling is BS but this bloke absolutely has had the whole "true blue Aussies" thing going based off prior conversations as well, and worst of all getting approval from other people in the office (mainly an old fogie).

    It's a very working class part of the org and I'm the odd one out here, dude is absolutely friendly enough here and a vital part of the team... and it doesn't really impact me that much personally, but it's enough to sour the rest of the day and feel acutely aware of being an outsider. Hard to brush off because this guy is a long term fixture and popular with many of the other long timers.

    Now this is not new to me over my adult life and I kind of feel like I'm overreacting a bit because I've been tired/stressed/uncentred lately.

    Plus I don't actually work with this person (and the people I do immediately work with are really lovely), and because of my recent wfh days our in office time rarely overlaps. I could easily put on headphones and ignore the guy. I'm also extremely part time here so honestly, it's not that big a deal.

    ..but it's enough to make a lot of my warning flags go up and it really, really impacted my productivity today. I absolutely don't care for it.

    So I've decided I'll speak to my supervisors next week, and ask for ongoing WFH on the day our office time would overlap, and just generally mention that these sorts of conversations are a factor without naming names.

    Is that fair? I'm not trying to be all cancel culture and newspeak and thought control (incidentally another favourite topic of this person), and I don't care to change the culture at this place, but I think this is a reasonable middle ground where I feel heard and can move forward without attracting unnecessary attention.

  • Magpie update : 2 chicks in the nest, both about a week old. So far the nest has survived the wild weather, but tonight will be a real test. Mrs maggie is very very hungry - she took food from my hand for the first time today. Have strewn some rolled oats around on the grass so she's got dinner once she's fed the chicks with the mince rolled in magpie supplement that she took directly from me. Young male maggie is fucking useless. Not doing his job of feeding Mrs, and is near constantly begging food from her cos he's too lazy to scrounge for his own food. Bloody teenager. I'm not giving him any mince until Mrs is properly fed at the moment. I'm really looking forward to the moment when the chicks start begging food from him. I think this will be a gamechanger moment in his developing sense of responsibility. I hope.

  • If Iโ€™ve still got a pergola in the morning Iโ€™ll be surprised! Told the Mrs she should park her car in the garage. If anyone spots a blue hatchback flying through the air please let me know where it lands, itโ€™ll probably still run!

  • Who's on the no snacking after tea train? Starts tonight or tomorrow. Whenever suits you. All aboard!

    *Fridays are exempt for me.

  • Sky nice pink colour. Tree branches lashing out at passers by.

  • I'm just putting it out there. I put on a little weight during the Olympics. It turns out snacking after dinner while watching sport at all hours doesn't help a middle aged woman then continuing that pattern doesn't help either. So I'm breaking that habit. Haven't snacked after dinner for 4 nights now. I hope to lose around 5 kg. Nipping it in the bud before it becomes a major problem.

  • Itโ€™s windy out thereโ€ฆ.

  • Home delivery from ikea is cheaper than public transport so why not

  • I've got Debian installed, the shield mounted, and can remote desktop from my phone, laptop and computer.

    I'm getting pretty good at this whole IT thing

  • Dogs are obviously inside. Sadly the cats decided to go to sleep on the couch next to them so not looking forward to the 3am punch on.

  • Necropolis goats. Police Rd.

  • Lavender and bees are so beautiful together. The bright and pale purples, and muted greens, contrast so prettily with the golden yellow of the bees.

    We could see their little legs laden with pollen. Gosh I love them.

  • Day 3 of no coffee. Tea is fine, but I really miss the ceremony of it all. I'll probably go get a chai or hot chocolate this arvo. Not swearing off coffee for good, I'm only human. Just wanna see the impact to my stomach.

  • So walking home, a gate swung out and almost took me out. The gate usually ties up to another gate with a bike lock thingy and blocks the driveway into a construction site. Seems the tradies ordered a tools down to go protest but decided not to close the gates.

    I mean I don't really care about that, pretty sure it's being built by one of those dodgy developers that buys thousands of homes, demolishes them all, builds 48 units per sqm and then sells each one for the same price they bought the entire land for, I hardly care if somebody comes and smashes up the tool site. But the issue is, it's really fucking windy, and the gates are swinging with no warning onto the footpath. That's dangerous for a.normal person, bit I can't help but wonder what's gonna happen if somebody in a wheelchair or a walker tries to go past. Their options are either wheel/walk on the uneven grass, or get hit by the fence

  • I think I'm tired. Nearly fell asleep standing up in the shower.

  • Goodnight everyone. Sweet Dreams. ๐Ÿ˜˜ โ˜๏ธโ˜๏ธ๐Ÿฐ

  • Today is a good day for skirt weights

  • Today's been a busier than usual day. I'm rather tired, but also feel like I've been productive and can rest well knowing I actually did positive things. I was going to sit down and play something for 20 minutes before bed (at 11:40pm - 50 minutes ago), but then I started getting internet issues again :(

    Could've ignored it as it's only happening with ethernet, not wifi. But nooooooo I just had to try and fix it. Spoiler alert: I don't know what's broken, so I can't fix it. 40 minutes later, all I know is that the router isn't assigning an IP configuration to the PC via ethernet, for some reason. I've run windows near useless network troubleshooter, all it's telling me is that "'ethernet' doesn't have a valid IP configuration". I said to the troubleshooter "well can ya fix it?" Troubleshooter said "nah fuck off mate I'm on midnight smoko m8" and marked it with a giant X that says "NOT FIXED."

    The error page the router was displaying before (over wifi) was saying something about contacting the ISP to fix a DHCP issue. Nothing more. Although it stopped after a restart. But that seems like a bad omen. I haven't touched the DHCP settings, in fact I can't even find the DHCP settings in the router settings. So it seems like it broke on its own.

    I like playing junior network engineer though, so I guess it's just one more problem to try and solve. But I would rather have been able to get my 20 mins of gaming in

  • Wake up son of mine

    Momma got something to tell you

  • Ugh, do I have to?

  • omg, my nose is so tickly ๐Ÿ˜ฃ

  • Dammit, have a full on day at work today and have to cover for someone as well on top of that.

    Now all I need is rain and that'll complete the day.

  • my allergies are insane ๐Ÿ˜ซ

  • anyone know what time the weather is supposed to hit tonight? Wondering if I'm better off leaving the city a little early.

  • My packages are with customs. Hopefully they hand them over soon, I want my ethically dubious cheap Chinese junk NOW!

    Edit: apparently I am getting a consolation prize today, Amazon will be delivering a new bag of cat litter.

  • My feet seem to have spread quite a bit as I've gotten older and some of my shoes that used to fit don't any more. I've just gone through all of them and decluttered 4 pairs that are a bit too tight now (and thrown out one pair as the fabric has cracked). A few pairs that used to be in the "can be worn with thick socks" category now fit with standard socks. I think I'm almost down to a sensible number of shoes.

  • Beep Beep ๐Ÿšš
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