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'Best ever' UFO photo showing 100ft craft finally revealed after 30 years 'Best ever' UFO photo showing 100ft craft finally revealed after 30 years

THIS is the infamous UFO photo dubbed by some as the “world’s best” as it shows a huge diamond-shaped object pictured flying over the Scottish Highlands. The so-called “Calv…

  • i wouldn't trust The Sun further than i can throw it. its accuracy is on par with The Daily Mail

  • It's amazing how multiple major governments openly admitted that UFOs

    1. Are real and very common
    2. Seem to violate several laws of physics at least as we understand them
    3. Are metallic-appearing objects that react to the activities of other aircraft in a way that suggest they're piloted, even if just in an autonomous or remotely-operated way

    4. Are sufficiently technologically advanced that they're clearly not from our Earth

    1. Have a far bigger pool of video and photo evidence detailing their existence than the public currently has access to

    And people still act like we don't know if aliens are real? It's literally like in science fiction stories where everyone on Earth discovers that aliens are real but for some reason seem to have forgotten it by the next time that aliens show up. Like this R*****t post for example

    I feel like a crazy person. People call me a conspiracy theorist when I say "Aliens are real and the government essentially admitted it." It's just the truth. And I don't think governments are good sources of information, but I don't see what they would gain from lying about this, it seems perfectly believable to me that they've known about it for many decades but preferred to keep it under wraps for global security to prevent widespread panic during the Cold War, and I think that was probably the best call to make. You could say they released this information to manufacture a natsec scare, but if that's the case, they've done a pretty terrible job at it considering how few people even seem to realize that this happened.

    But this raises some questions. Why are they here? What are they doing? Has there been even limited contact between them and any human government? How long have they been here? Do they come from a single community or are there many different "theys" with different missions and motivations? They seem capable of a lot more than whatever they're currently up to. We should probably be glad they're just creeping on us without saying hello instead of destroying us out of fear or trying to convert us to their religion or get us hooked on Reticulan opioids so we become dependent on them.

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