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Mientras Vivimos (While we live) Woodcut, by Mazatl

Mientras Vivimos (While we live) by Mazatl


Woodcut paste ups.....

Above, Woodcut paste-up Buenos Aires, Argentina

Above, Woodcut paste-up London, UK

Above, Woodcut paste-up San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico

Above, Woodcut paste-up Mexico DF, Mexico

  • would be nice to see a photo of the wood block itself

    • Unfortunately they haven't posted one on the website, I'll have a look around and see if I can find one

    • I've not found any photos of the woodblock, however I did find a video, unfortunately it's via instagram and I can't verify it (don't have an account, and don't want one)

      I did find a photo of one of his other prints (I'll be doing a mega post in the future of this series)

      edit also a link to his mural street art which is really interesting (but not printmaking)
