Not my pee pee!
Not my pee pee!

Not my pee pee!
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I nearly died the first time I had sex because a surgeon in california botched a circumcision my parents had done. they're not jewish, just evangelical christian.
he severed some nerves so I basically have no feeling except at the base. Basically, I can't get off from vanilla sex... and uhm... those warnings on viagra commercials about erections that last longer than 3 hours? yeah. uhm. they're serious.
That's bonkers, St Paul repeatedly talks about how circumcision isn't a thing Christians need to do, even rebuking those who said it was: Gal 5:12.
especially 1 Cor 7:19 "Circumcision is nothing and uncircumcision is nothing. Keeping God’s commands is what counts."
there was also a fad where medical professionals were suggesting that not circumcising might lead to hygiene issues later. parents claimed that's why they did it. I don't think that's the whole truth, particularly when they were talking about my nephew when he was born. "Excuse me. I can't have sex because of that procedure" made for a very awkward moment at the dinner table.
You can thank Mr Kellogg the cereal guy for why ameicans love circumcision. He was a conservative Quaker weirdo
In my experience, Quakers are generally super cool, not particularly conservative, and the good kind of weird
That's not a circumcision related thing.
The doctor that refereed teenage-me to a specialist, or the specialist, or the second specialist that we went to for a second opinion.
yeah. they totally don't know what they're talking about.
FWIW, Mohels (the jewish individuals who perform the B'rit Milah) take far less of the foreskin; and it's "generally" a "safe" procedure. The surgeon that performed mine fucked up and covered the fact up.
Oh. I assumed you meant as a baby. I guess this is a rare reason to have this done as a baby.
What's the reason to have it done as a baby? There is no reason; you can't determine any potential penis issues someone might have while they're a baby
There are a small number of complications that can arise, including some that require the procedure to be done later. Obviously this is more traumatic for a teenager than a baby that doesn't have modesty issues and heals much, much faster.
But what you do with your kids is up to you. I'm not gonna be there standing over your shoulder.
There's a small number of complications that can arise from anything, we don't use that as an excuse to preemptively perform surgery on babies. The issues that can come from botching genital mutilation far outweigh any "benefits". People have killed themselves over this
Any surgery later in life is traumatic. That's not a good excuse either
I was circumcised as an infant. I didn’t find out about the nerve damage until I was a teenager.
You know how puberty works? For me it was how it always was, and I didn’t know something was wrong until an ER trip.
What on Earth do you mean?
Ofc it is.
They don't have regular feeling in their dick because of genital mutilation, so they did a ton of Viagra, which they wouldn't otherwise have needed.
In this case it seems to have been since it was a botched circumcision that caused it.