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A bag of Cheetos created a huge impact on a national park ecosystem A bag of Cheetos created a huge impact on a national park ecosystem

It’s pretty simple — leave no trace. But at least one person didn’t get the message and left behind a bag of Cheetos at Carlsbad Caverns National Park during a visit earlier this summer.

"The bag could have been there a day or two or maybe just hours, but those salty morsels of processed corn made soft by thick humidity triggered the growth of mold on the cavern floor and on nearby cave formations.

“To the ecosystem of the cave it had a huge impact,” the park noted in a social media post, explaining that cave crickets, mites, spiders and flies soon organized to eat and disperse the foreign mess, essentially spreading the contamination."

  • You’re telling me that in the 90 years that this cave has been open to the public, no one on a tour has dropped a piece of trash inside it? I’m assuming food isn’t allowed on the tours through the cave, probably because someone did just this exact same thing.

    I’m with the rest of the doom-scrollers. What a horrible human beings. What a pieces of trash, littering in our national parks, but seriously will this be the end of it? Is this article playing it up just a bit too much? Littering in my area is a fine up to $5000.00. Use the system and charge them.

    Edit: “Rangers at Carlsbad Caverns National Park in southern New Mexico describe it as a “world-changing” event” Motherfucker someone chiseled out rock. Poured concrete for walkways and added steel handrails for fat-sweaty tourists to walk through this bitch. Where is the line for what damages this natural wonder?

    Can you imagine the amount of microbes on the hand rails??

  • I... Don't see the big deal at all. This is something other animals do all the bloody time. Like a bird that gets blown off-course and poops undigested seeds in someplace completely new.

    I'd argue that this, is even less of an impact than seeds in birdpoop. It's a sudden and temporary bounty of food that the local creatures will make use of for a limited period of time. It might permanently change around some of the patterns of a few of the cave residents, but otherwise nothing world shattering.

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