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Just 0.7% of land hosts one-third of unique, endangered species, study Just 0.7% of land hosts one-third of unique, endangered species, study

Just 0.7% of the world’s land surface is home to one-third of the world’s most threatened and unique four-legged animals, a recent study has found. In the vast evolutionary tree of life, some animals, like rats, have many closely related species that are at no immediate risk of extinction. But other...

Just 0.7% of the world’s land surface is home to one-third of the world’s most threatened and unique four-legged animals, a recent study has found. In the vast evolutionary tree of life, some animals, like rats, have many closely related species that are at no immediate risk of extinction. But others, like the red panda […]

  • Not very surprising. That's because we killed them everywhere else to make room for us.

    • Partly, but also genetic diversity due to geography(islands and moutain ranges for example) and the tropics just being more diverse. Just compare the Taiga with the Amazon rainforest.
