I Tested an HDMI Adapter That Demands Your Location, Browsing Data, Photos, and Spams You with Ads
I Tested an HDMI Adapter That Demands Your Location, Browsing Data, Photos, and Spams You with Ads
The cord is detected as a "computer" and tracks “favorite videos, videos watched, and bookmarks,” as well as “Location Data, Sensor Data, Tracking Cookies Data, and Installed Apps Data.”
Ironically he also has tiktok, instagram and X on his phone. Not sure if this dongle is gonna make a difference.. lol
14ReplySomeone somewhere has to get it posted where people will see it. It might as well be the researcher.
Permanently Deleted
4Replyhas TikTok installed
1ReplyDemands Your Location, Browsing Data, Photos, and Spams You with Ads
Just like almost any piece of proprietary software. Use FOSS whenever you can, it improves your privacy, security and your freedom.
0Replywhere can i find foss hardware? like cables and adapters
1ReplyWell, that's a great question
Breaking news: Man who has Instagram, Twitter, ans TikTok installed on his phone complains about an HDMi adapter that invaded his privacy.
-30ReplySo the concept of context has no meaning for you huh.