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Private forums show Canadian doctors struggle with euthanizing vulnerable patients Private forums show Canadian doctors struggle with euthanizing vulnerable patients

A homeless man refusing long-term care, a woman with severe obesity, grieving widows. Each euthanasia request sparked debate among Canadian doctors and nurses struggling with the ethics of one of the most permissive laws globally on the practice.

  • The discussion around MAID in Canada is obviously complicated, but there's something that’s pretty obvious: the system seems to be set up for people who don’t have the money or resources to explore other options. To be blunt, it looks like a way to save costs. Instead of providing better healthcare, mental health support, or improving people’s lives, the program seems to give them an easy out—especially for those who are struggling and don’t see any other way forward. It’s kind of scary when you think about how vulnerable people could feel like this is their only option just because they can't afford better care. If doctors could prescribe money, friends, enforce therapy, or a dietary coach/trainer, it seems like a lot of these cases would be solved.

    At the same time, trying to make suicide illegal is ridiculous. People are going to make that decision for themselves no matter what the government says. It’s a fundamental choice over your own life, and no law can stop someone from doing it if they really want to. What MAID does is offer a more humane, less traumatic way to do it, and that’s important for those who need it. So in that sense, it’s a good thing. It just feels like the bigger problem is how we’re getting people to that point in the first place.

    The Canadian government doesn’t seem to want to deal with the real problems that push people to feel like they have no choice but to die. Instead of making euthanasia the easy answer, they should be working harder to fix the system so fewer people feel like that’s their only option.

    I know America is fucked -- and, indeed, per capita suicide rates in the United States, where it's almost entirely illegal, are much higher than in Canada -- but what the heck is going on up there, yall?

  • Good. They should be questioning harder. As someone who is disabled and in this vulnerable group my question is this. If the Government wants me to exist why am I expected to live on less than $12000/year? That's less than half of extreme poverty for a single person in my province. Yet this is my sole income.

    I am not permitted, even if I could, to work or volunteer for more than 10h/week or make more than $6900/year or I lose my CPP. I do not qualify for the disability tax credit because I am not disabled in the correct way yet I am deemed unfit for work by multiple doctors and the CPP office due to physical disability from cancer. I have 3 elementary aged kids and worked from age 14 to 18 part time and 18 to 42 full time when I got really sick and became disabled. I paid taxes and saved money. I spent our life savings surviving cancer 400kms from my home at the nearest hospital that could treat me and spent a small amount building a massive garden and greenhouse on land donated to us by family.

    I served my fellow man as a paramedic for 15 years as well as other positions in different fields. Those afforded me no "pension" because paramedicine is a highly skilled yet low paying job with little to no benefits at my time of employment. I pay everything out of pocket because I do not have medical, dental or eye care coverage. I grow as much food as I can so my kids don't starve because I can't afford to buy it. I ignore my own health to keep them fed and housed. If I am "caught" or turned in for doing physical work at home regardless of my health I will likely lose my CPP. I have to do it though, I have no choice. If we hadn't been literally given this house we would be homeless. If we didn't raise food we would be very hungry. If we didn't have family supporting us I'm not sure where we would be but we would certainly be a larger demand on the system than we are now.

    Yet I can qualify for MAID easily.

    They want us dead.

    Question it.

  • Good? That’s the sort of thing that should never ever be easy.

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