Has anyone tried Warcraft III Reforged 2.0 on Linux?
Has anyone tried Warcraft III Reforged 2.0 on Linux?
It's not on Steam so I can't find anything out about it on ProtonDB, but does anyone know how well this game/version runs on Linux?
Battle.net and wc3rf runs fine for me thru putrid. I’m on popos. I can play with friends on windows too .
12Replyputrid poopoos hahahaha
8ReplyIf this was an autocorrect goof I implore you not to edit it ever.
Lutris seems to have some relevant information: https://lutris.net/games/warcraft-iii-reforged/
6ReplyBattle.net games run well on Linux in general. The only issues I usually have is with their client itself.
5ReplyIt works well using Lutris installation for Battle.net. however I couldn't make W3Champions work.
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