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Lib's attempt at an Australian Communist flag

  • 1
  • The union jack does not deserve to be even close to an socialist flag.

  • I'd leave the Southern Cross in - it has always represented the Australian land mass. It's not politically loaded.

    On the other hand, the Commonwealth Star represents the original 6 colonies and "The Territory of Papua and any futre territories" and needs to fuck off. Replaceit with something that represents a forward-looking restoration of indigenous culture and synthesis of settler cultures; The aspiration to build something worthy out of the cultural destruction of colonialism.

    And then obvs the Union Flag in the canton should be replaced with either a Hammer and Sickle or a Drop Bear riding a surplus US submarine.

  • Liberal try to understand basic symbolism challenge (impossible, just make the flag red and put a hammer and sickle on it)

  • i dont even like the southern cross constellation being in our logo, but i only joined yesterday anyway so idk here's what i think it should be

    • IMO, any country on the business end of colonialism needs to bring the symbols of the indigenous peoples to the forefront if we're going to start redesigning flags.

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