both things can be true..... right???
both things can be true..... right???
I donno, I look horrible, feel horrible, and have horrible mental health :3
1Replyis not true, your wonderful, you always make me smile, I think that's worth a lot, and I'm sure your much more pretty than you give yourself credit for <3
This is what migraine feels like sometimes
2ReplyMe and the rainbow dragon beside me can vouch for you
11Replyprobably but it's not me
11Replywhere are you mentally then? cause your very pretty <3
12ReplyIf I knew what was wrong I'd be closer to fixing it
well neither of those are true for us~
7Replyi wont accept part of that statement, i cant.
9ReplyNope. Being pretty isn't ur choice, it's mine ಠᴗಠ
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