What's your "old person" trait?
What's your "old person" trait?

My old person trait is that I think 'ghosting' is completely unacceptable and you owe the other person a face-to-face conversation.
What's your "old person" trait?
My old person trait is that I think 'ghosting' is completely unacceptable and you owe the other person a face-to-face conversation.
I think that a basic lifestyle should be affordable for a basic person
My OPT is that you should be able to buy and own your software instead of perpetually renting it.
My old person trait is that none of the things mentioned in the linked image happened on accident.
They happened because capitalism doesn't give a fuck about anything except bleeding as much money as conceivably possible out of each and every human.
“We think there is a fundamental misconception about piracy. Piracy is almost always a service problem and not a pricing problem,” he said. “If a pirate offers a product anywhere in the world, 24 x 7, purchasable from the convenience of your personal computer, and the legal provider says the product is region-locked, will come to your country 3 months after the US release, and can only be purchased at a brick and mortar store, then the pirate’s service is more valuable."
I agree, in theory, in respect to ghosting, but we live in a society that teaches us to be isolated, and doesn't teach interpersonal skills unless the interpersonal skill is "Fuck you, got mine." (which is, not surprisingly, a thing about making more money.)
In other words, these aren't old people opinions. These are "I'm not gonna let capitalism absolutely fuck me endlessly" opinions.
I think cars should not be dependent on a touch screen for ANY of it's functions (or really have one at all). They are more difficult to use than tactile buttons, distracting, and do not receive long term support from the OEM.
What do you do with a 10 year old car that runs but the touch screen nuked due to age, firmware bugs or mechanical damage? Ford isn't going to be selling replacement units 10 years later and I have yet to see an 'infotainment' system that has aftermarket replacement considerations.
My old person trait is that when I purchase a printer, I should be able to use whatever is the cheapest compatible ink without the printer treating me like I'm smuggling unicorn blood out of Narnia
My old person trait is that instructions do not need to be videos.
i'm a little iffy on this one... if it's something complicated/with lots of parts like how to repair your phone screen or something i prefer the video format, but for things like how to install certain softwares i totally agree with you
if I'm reading documentation for a software library, i want that written.
cuz i can read useful paragraphs faster than how ppl talk
but if it's something highly visual, maybe a video is better
Can I marry you?
That was the only qualification? Nice
I might end up wanting a video, but there is so much low-quality content in search results. I can click into and out of six bad sets of written instructions in the time it takes me to watch one video far enough through to realize it doesn't answer my question. Please, search engines, place more written instructions higher up.
I prefer written guides to video guides.
Video has some clear advantages when showing off a 3D space and otherwise, but I dislike pausing them over and over. Especially if my hands are covered in oil and grease, a paper version is superior to a screen.
Also, text is a lot easier to skim/scroll through or find the relevant parts.
Don't worry, the five second answer to your question is somewhere in this 25 minute video. Good luck finding it.
I was playing Sim's 2 castaway recently on an emulator, because nostalgia, and when I was struggling to find an item in game, I googled for it and found some surprise bonus nostalgia: a guide to the game that was plain black text on white background, all on one page, with a chapter section and headings labelled, and ASCII art up top. It made me long for simpler days
I also remember getting a cheat book with a gaming magazine, or very rarely getting access to a printer to print off cheats, or finding some online and writing the important ones down manually.
I studied biochemistry in uni, and usually the practical labs had the protocols and stuff in a paper booklet we'd get at the start of term, but one year, they switched to using iPads for that. I hated it; it felt unhygienic, even though I was careful to avoid contamination, and it was awkward to flip back and forth between sections.
Agree a hundred percent. Also I grew up in an area that still doesn't have consistent cell reception so everyone always has a set of wrenches and the Haynes manual to their car.
They have their place but I totally get you.
For example, when I’m planning a big home project, I want to watch a lot of DIY channels (plug for Home Renovision here) on the basic procedure.
But, if I’m repairing my dryer, I don’t want to be unlocking my screen, rotating, hitting play, watch a few seconds, pause, put it down, work, repeat. Just give me something I can print out ffs.
Holy shit, yes! Give me a step by step guide with an occasional picture to demonstrate the steps that are awkward to type out.
I don't need a 30 minute video complete with an introduction/plot/climax to show me how to use foam sheets for cosplay pauldrons, and then another one for gauntlets.
When did these become the rule rather than the exception?!
When videos started to make money.
I refuse to use subscription software. If I can't buy it outright, I either use an alternative or take to seas.
I love software like Lightburn where you just pay a set amount for so many years of updates and support and when it runs out you can choose to leave it like that or buy more updates and support for a smaller fee.
That tactic is used some companies I have stuff from. It's on the razors fucking edge of acceptable to me.
my old person trait is thinking that all of the above are extremely reasonable expectations and it's a sad world we live in where most of those aren't the case anymore
My old person trait is that I think I should be able to have anything I purchased repaired/serviced by whomever I wish, with whatever parts they deem acceptable.
my old person trait is that you should keep your internet identity completely separate from your real one
Nice try, Steve who lives in San Francisco and walks their dog every day at 8:41 am.
Nice try, Steve
I've heard people talking about not wanting global internet identities and I, having the same thought you do, don't see how it would be a problem if you kept your real Identity out of it.
Partly because I like the idea of becoming famous but without people knowing who you really are.
That is a memorable name, I'll remember that!
For the love of god stop with the QR code menus. I don’t want to have to scroll up and down a million times to figure out my order.
My old person trait is I shouldn't have to scan a QR code for the menu at a sit-down where I'm dropping $100 on entrées. Give me a dang physical copy of the menu!
And then the QR code does not link to a menu but an app instead. So you need to install an app and allow weird permissions not related to the ordering of food for said app just to see that it only displays a static website in a Chrome custom tab.
I find it annoying too and for about 9 months I had a cracked camera on my phone so no QR worked for me, most places had a physical copy when I couldn't or I just had to leave. Now I don't like being difficult, but I wish I still had that excuse. I just don't like it.
As someone who works in a call center, screw that last person on here. So sorry you hate the automated system. Sorry you had to wait on hold. They can't keep enough of us employed because y'all are fucking mean and no one wants to be abused for $15/hr.
Er, I mean, Thank you for calling, sorry about your wait!
In regards to OP's comment about ghosting, I just want to ask, are you a man? Because women all-too-often have to deal with men who can't take no for an answer, and some of those men go from mad to violent very quickly. You might say "well, no man should act that way, they should be able to hear 'I don't want to see you anymore' and just accept it and move on" but the fact is they are not all able to do that. So should women do the respectful thing and stop ghosting, even though some of them definitely WILL end up being yelled at/attacked/killed?
(I know my example doesn't cover all situations involving ghosting, like for instance if the ghoster is a man. If you want to modify your claim to be 'ghosting is unacceptable, except in cases where having a face-to-face conversation could put someone in danger' then I guess I'd agree with that statement. It's just that it's really hard to know which person will be dangerous when they are turned down.)
I hate all websites that move things around as they load. If I see a button, that button should stay where it is when I try to click it.
The number of times the “news” headline display shows me something that catches my interest and then disappears and refreshes to something else before I was able to finish reading it infuriates me.
Your old person trait is that modern UI should follow the same sane UI design guidelines as theybused to in the past. In your example, the UI elements should not move around unexpectedly. :)
I agree with you whole heartedly.
Not even that so much. I mean, I get that UI needs to adapt to the screen size it's being displayed on, rather than older sites that would end up malformed on different displays.
All I ask is that the page figure all that shit out before it displays anything to the user. Figure out where it wants to put the buttons, then put the buttons there. That, and get rid of bullshit slow animations that only exist so that a web designer can showcase to their client, rather than accept input from the users. "Look how smooth it slides out when you hit that button!" Fuck that, I just want to click the next button as soon as possible - and ideally minimise the number of clicks to get to what I want.
Saying that though, I do have a soft spot for old Unix systems. The kind that were kind of slow loading pages, but if you knew what the page contained you could press a bunch of keyboard keys and go through and queue up instructions for page after page. It would take a few seconds for the computer to catch up with your input, but it would process it all and you'd end up where you wanted to be.
People shouldn't be waiting for computers, computers should be working to make work easier for the user.
Google does this with their search suggestions
It should pause when your mouse hovers over. I mean, google already monitor that kind of shit with all their ad scripts and crap, the least they could do is pass on some benefit to the user.
Muscle memory matters! The original MacOS designers believed this. Now, all software seems to have abandoned this idea.
An urge to destroy fascism.
My old person trait is dislike of video-form social media. I consider blaring my phone speakers at max volume disrespectful to those in my surroundings and generally annoying.
Hence why my social media of choice was reddit and is now lemmy+kbin. It's mostly text posts and images.
💯 💯 💯 💯
There's 4 hundreds for your correct opinion.
Maybe they can use them to buy some headphones. Some problems already have adequate solutions.
Owning physical media > "owning" digital media.
game companies constantly pushing towards digital only stuff pisses me off.
"Always Online" form of DRM is the most stupid thing anyone could ever do to a single-player.
Ubisoft and EA Games come to mind.
I'm such a weirdo with this, because I don't mind owning digital games, but I really don't enjoy reading books digitally. I have a massive library that my partner is constantly exasperated by ahah
What do you mean by "owning"? Steam/EpicGames game and Amazon movie like owning? That would not be owning, but since they are commonly refered as such "owning" makes sense. It is important to differentiate this with GOG Game like owning, because GOG games are, once downloaded, completely independent of GOG and the Internet. Similar to that would be pirated Movies, and most pirated Software with the difference that you don't legally own it. Like a stolen DVD lol.
You don't own digital media. It can be taken away from you at any time for any reason or no reason at all:
Not the first time, either...
arrrrrr, I own me treasure.
My old person trait is I hate short-form videos e.g. Instagram reels and TikTok videos. The back and forth boomer vs millenial vs gen z videos remind me of someone who is talking to themself with different personalities.
I like having a keyboard and mouse. Doing things on a smartphone is a last resort.
For me I'll add to this the touch pad on my laptop. Using those things drives me crazy.
I hate using PC touchpads but my Mac touchpad is /chefskiss
I see computers as content creation devices and phones as content consumption devices, so IMO it's mostly fine.
My old person traits are most of all posted here because I am an old person.
But I'll add that my old person traits is that I think a living wage should support... er... living, including a place to live, food to eat, paying for services, buying clothes, getting decent public health and education, and even have spare money for your free time (hobbies, eat out, theatre, concerts, etc.).
Capitalism enters the chat
Capitalism: Nah bro. Pull yourself up by your bootstraps and work. Are you lazy and don't want to work anymore? Be loyal to your company and work for them for 60 years. Your hard work will reap you many rewards so that your CEO can buy a new yacht.
Reaganism enters the chat
Reaganism: Oh hell yeah we're about to trickle down some wealth, everyone! My newfound wealth and yacht will trickle down to you all, somehow potentially. So that's your benefit. Trust us! Check out the next comment to this post and get ready for that economic stimulus that you paid for! It's coming!
Inexorable machinery of capitalism whirs into the chat
Machinery of Capitalism: Hey, working class! Give us more blood so our gears can continue to whir.
Working Class feebly crawls into the chat
Working Class: We're too tired from work. We're too tired fighting with each other because the Wealthy Class pits us against each other. We're too tired and distracted to unite because we think the others in the working class are against us rather than focusing on the real problem. We are too manipulated by you and believe we're in a culture war, when the real problem is the inexorable class war where you transfer all the wealth from us to you. We just want to have freedom, pay our bills without worry, not destroy our planet, and retire while being happy. We just want to be able to afford to eat. If you keep this up and break us to the point of no return, we just may have to eat the rich.
Capitalism: Gulp! Let's think of something new we can distract you with or some other corporation/wealthy controversial person we can exploit to manipulate you all into being divided again. We summon Ron DeSantis! I choose you, Vladimir Putin! Use "War on Ukraine" - it's super effective! Ron DeSantis, use "scummy villain civil rights" Special Move! It's Super Effective! Now stand still while we take away your rights, your money, your choice, and your autonomy.
Working Class: ... Okay, you win again. You're right - as a farmer, I definitely see that the hunters are trying to take away my pitchforks. The butchers are trying to steal my chickens. Farmers - unite! Let's kill those hunters and butchers.
Machinery of Capitalism, smiling and satisfied, continues to do parasite things while the Rich riches their riches harder
Wealthy Class: Oh heck yeah I'm about to trickle down some wealth to you all! Everybody hold out their hands.
Proceeds to trickle a small handout only to the Butchers
Butchers: Thank you!! This is so generous!
Farmers + Hunters: WTF?! How come you Butchers got the money? Let's go complain to the Wealthy Class and figure out what happened!
Wealthy Class: WTF? How can this be? Butchers - explain yourself!
Butchers: We worked hard for this and we need this money.
Farmers + Hunters: Hey, screw you! How can you be so greedy when we need the money, too? Let's fight!
Butchers: Them's fighting words. You guys suck, why can't you work harder?
Farmers, Hunters, and Butchers proceed to rassle
Wealthy Class:
Wow okay gramps. Check out old boy here not juggling three jobs to pay off crippling debt and eating ramen 3 meals a day.
I prefer landscape videos over vertical videos. I still remember when vertical videos were clowned on so hard that there were songs written about it. Now it's how everyone consumes their content!
My old person trait is thinking a family should be able to live in a house if one member has a stable job (maybe two people if both are at minimum wage).
I want a proper headphone jack on my phone! Bluetooth can be convenient, but I prefer wired headphones.
These aren't "old person traits". It's common sense.
my old person trait is remembering that it didn't use to be this hot in the summer where I live.
My old person trait is that I want video to be horizontal.
Honestly short form videos are so dangerous to my already short attention span
Doesn't help that even YouTube is shoving them down people's throats now
Because the video is short, people don't need a seek bar right? Right?
You can somewhat avoid them on YouTube, but they're really annoying on Instagram, given that I'm using the platform for photography, and augmented by the fact that I can't disable autoplay.
Don't watch them then? You can blame everything on other things, or you can avoid short form content.
Don't say that, I am 19 and also want horizontal videos. Is 19 old nowadays?
Don't say that, I am 19 and also want horizontal videos. Is 19 old nowadays?
Don't say that, I am 19 and also want horizontal videos. Is 19 old nowadays?
I think I should be allowed to order food from a restaurant without needing to scan a QR code which requires me to have a smart phone and an active, paid plan in order to access their menu.
My old person trait is only tipping if someone is actually providing a service for me. I don’t tip at all if I’m lifting a finger for anything.
My fucking back hurts. Knee joints as well. And I think socializing is overrated.
I have a few. And I'm not even that old (mid thirties)
I went to a wedding last week and I was one of the very few who was actually watching the procession with my own eyes rather through a camera app.
Exactly why that during our wedding we made a PSA to not take pictures or videos, and we have a dedicated professional taking care of that and we'll give access to those photos after.
The not being on social media one sucks when dating for sure.
"How do I know you aren't a weirdo, creep, stalker etc?"
"You don't and me having social media wouldn't change that either."
Sure I could play ball and make myself a presence but honestly I'm happy enough being single that I'll gladly dodge any lady who isn't on board with my lack of social media.
Just a shame that in a numbers game that a relatively high proportion choose such a non issue to be a sticking point.
I think the numbers may work in your favor the other way. The coolest / funnest / most interesting people I know have minimal or no social media presence. There are fewer of them, sure, but a much higher percentage of them are cool people vs the mindless drones who see everything in life as a photo op which they can post on their curated online persona's webpages.
the social media part - I'm so tired of justifying why I don't have Instagram or Twitter to people. They think you're weird if you don't have one. I usually just say I used to have it but deleted it because it was stressful, but I don't think I should have to justify it at all
How I see it, not needing to be in the big social is a privilege. If you can stay out, enjoy. I know a lot of artists etc. who, if they left the big social, would soon have no work or income.
Me? I open LinkedIn when I need a new job, that's all.
My old person trait is that I'm unreasonably annoyed by people who don't write in full, correct, complete sentences, punctuation and grammar included.
Something interesting I've found is that people use 'lol' to show disinterest or mock the person they're replying to, not to show amusement. And that's not the kind of person I really want to engage with.
That was inevitable. Take an up-whateverwecallitnow.
I can't speak for everyone, but when I say lol I usually am trying to soften a self disparaging statement or expressing the absurdity of the situation... Or just lighten the tone because I feel like my message is too serious and I'm coming off like an asshole
It isn't a hard and fast rule, just an observation. For some, it is just an interjection, and that's undeniable.
One weird thing for me is that I came online in the brief era between when simple smiles, the old colon parenthesis, were a thing but lol wasn't yet. Habits already defined, I guess.
i find uppercase letters useless most of the time, because having two symbols for every letter seems kinda redundant to me? also it looks way cleaner for me that way. especially the 'I' in english is horrible, just use 'i'.
That's all fair. All of my shit is a me problem, and I try to not judge. I'm in a corporate job and all the terrible grammar and spelling is just rampant there. So it's not like I can expect it everywhere online.
My old person trait is thinking that the internet shouldn't just be a place to sell products.
My actual old people trait is that there should be two spaces after a period. I will die on this stupid fucking hill. Even though computers automatically change it to one space. Like here.
When I buy an aplliance or something simple like a speaker I don't want to have to connect it to the web to work properly. I want to just plug it in and use the function I bought it for.
I'll got a step further and say that I don't want anything to connect to the internet except my computer. And even then I'd prefer if programs didn't try to sync settings or check for updates or anything else without me saying they can use the network.
(I'm in a shrinking minority that doesn't use the internet on their phone. I feel that somehow makes me even more of an old person than my parents...)
My water heater has wifi. Isn't that the most ridiculous thing you ever heard?? Lol!!
Friend of mine had his house switched to smart lighting without buttons. All controlled via WiFi. Then his WiFi broke. 😂
My old person trait is that most of these sound like very recent problems
These are not old person traits, these are just things that most people agree upon.
I DO NOT owe you a text back. If I'm not physically w you, I owe you very little in terms of interaction. I come home, throw my phone under the bed, and ignore till morning, and I prob won't answer you then either. It's not personal...usually.
Dumb TVs, its either 1.5k plus or you will literally never find one. I don't wanna be profiled or have some stupid android is on it. All it needs to do is display images on screen.
I disagree that you owe a face to face conversation. No one should forced to go meet someone if they don't feel like it.
In the context of dating, if you get ghosted, consider that the person is not interested in you after all - and just move on. No big deal.
It'd of course be nice to be rejected directly, and i much prefer it over getting ghosted, but I'm a big boy. I can handle not having things my preferred way all the time.
For me, I miss the days when you could browse a website without popups for cookie consent, creating/signing up for an account, paying them money, and disabling your ad blocker.
Likely an outdated one, or one that's already been given a number of times, but – Physical Books.
I'm not entirely 'anti' e-reader, the benefits are obvious. I'm just VERY pro physical book.
I don't use an e-reader, but I found a long time ago I prefer audio books to physical books.
Its purely a comfort thing. I can read a lot faster than any audio book, but I just have a hard time finding a comfortable position to read a real book.
Also the added benifit of listening in the car, while working, or falling alseep.
The only times I find myself with a physical book is reading technical things like textbooks, or when I'm on a plane.
I love physical books, but I love eReaders more. I've loved digital books since before digital books existed.
My love for digital books started when I was in college, and was lugging around a backpack full of fucking heavy dead trees. I spent countless hours fantasizing about a future where I could carry my entire library around in a single, small device.
You often see the lament: "it's the future! Where's my flying car‽" But, my friend, we are living in the future, one where my most cherished desire - the ability to literally fit every book I own into a single portable device - has come true.
I even have a second device, the dimensions of a standard US sheet of paper, on which I can write and easily read PDFs formatted for print; I can even run OCR on the notes and get pretty good results - this eliminated the endless, unsearchable notebooks that were my second plague. One day, this device will be foldable, and I'll be able to combine the two uses into one device.
I do still own, and occasionally buy, paper books. When I do, they're books I've already greatly enjoyed, and want to have hard-bound copies of. I curtail this behavior, as I've moved home a dozen times in my life already, and each time culled large portions of my library. For years, nobody accepts paper books, and they mostly go to recycling, which I always fine painful. It's one of the worst parts of moving, choosing either to haul around more heavy boxes or send less cherished books to be destroyed. The books I do buy are destined for the bookshelf; I buy these only for nostalgia, and it is unlikely that their spines will ever be broken.
My true love is e-ink; my library exists both on my computer (backed up) and on my eReader, always and fully accessible whether at home or travelling, and never taking up more space than a notepad. I had moved on long before the means to move on were available, and have never looked back.
If you're in the UK, next-time you're forced to do a cull, try to see if you can find (or just start) a Bookcycle/Shelfcycle nearby. There aren't many yet but they're growing. It's a charity explicitly designed to do a better job of valuing donated books than existing infrastructure. They worked out that places like schools in developing worlds can often make great use of the books that other charity shops would destroy because they don't sell quickly in UK charity book shops. So Bookcycle sells the ones that would to raise funds to send the ones that wouldn't as a donation to communities that would value them. They try really hard not to destroy any book that someone might still find value in somewhere.
I read somewhere that most people who read actually prefer physical books over e-books. The thing is a lot less people want to read now.
Physical books are amazing and I'll always buy physical copies of the ones I love. Looking at it from cover to cover and taking in the cover art, the smell of the pages, the sound of it as you rustle through pages, the thunk when you close the book shut after finishing it. Not to mention just staring at all your books in a bookshelf and reminiscing about them. It's a lovely thing. You can't get that experience with eReaders and smart devices.
But I do purchase eBooks because I love the convenience. I prefer to buy DRM-free versions but they are difficult to obtain due to modern publishers. When I'm forced to buy one with DRM, I always break the DRM so that I can archive them and use them on any device I wish. Knowledge should be free, always.
Mine is that a cellphone should be a phone first, instead of being a shitty computer first and a celllphone as a distant afterthought.
The third one is my old person trait. Also, grumpiness, and wanting the right to repair my own devices.
I don't think expecting a product to be functional and actually owning it is an old person trait. Saas absolutely fucking sucks.
I don't want an iPad glued to my car's dashboard. Touch screens are fine but the current screen sizes and placement are ridiculous. It's a car, the screen shouldn't be distracting you.
Absolutely with you. With physical buttons you quickly have the placement of your controls in muscle memory and you can just blindly change your A/C settings or skip songs without taking your eyes off your road.
That's why I still simp for Infiniti. They haven't yet updated the Q50 interior to the new trend and I hope they never do. I love my buttons for things I need to do while in motion. I hate Tesla for popularizing this crap.
Thankfully the luxury brands and Toyota are still holding out.
My old person trait is almost this but just the buttons. You cannot convince me that a touch screen is safer than physical buttons I can identify by touch while keeping my eyes on the road.
I'm fine with the touch screen for things like inputting gps info, adjusting car settings, etc. I just think anything that we'll do in motion, e.g. adjust volume or temperature, should have a tactile button.
but how can we put ads on your tiny screen?
Mine is that I miss the days when physical media (DVDs, VHS, etc) was the main way to own media
My old person trait is when someone offers me coffee, I look at my watch.
My old person trait is when someone tells me what they mean, they better damn well be telling me what they mean, because I'm not gonna play mind games with them. If you tell me you're not upset then I'll believe you're not upset, I'm honouring you and your words and trusting that you're being upfront and honest with what you want me to know. And if you secretly are upset, it's not my responsibility to know that, you did not tell me.
My old person trait is that I don't like short form video, I learn and internalize less and find that my day is chipped away at by tiktok or youtube shorts when I allow myself to watch them.
Fuck YouTube shorts, I hate them with passion. I wish there was a way to hide them from my phone's and TV's YouTube app
You can use YouTube revanced and patch shorts completely out of the app, no fix for TV though
Yeah that line was used by my abusers way to often. They just "can't understand" why I'd go no contact. As if the last 300 explanations were somehow non existent. Nope. I don't owe you anything.
And my old person trait is my walking stick I suppose.