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I'll soon start my next #DnD campaign, and I've decided to start with a classic - the PCs all meet in a tavern. Now, the PCs intended to meet in a tavern and have plans to go elsewhere (the city of Ptolus, if it matters), but I want to start the campaign to start in a lively manner.

Which means populating the tavern with all sorts of weirdos for some good role-playing opportunities. Any suggestions?

  • As usual, don't forget to discuss plot hooks in session zero, and make sure that the PC have an in game reason to work together. We all have heard the horror story about the party of a chaotic evil, a lawful good hating each other while the stict neutral robber has a not my problem attitude which basically makes the whole game a hell.

    Knowing how player behave, I would expect that some of these "weirdoes"will be recurring NPC. Some thoughts though

    • Just a couple of locals, you know the farmer complaining that there was too much/not enough rain, the other ones thinking that adventurer are crazy and badluck, the tavern maid who wish to marry a rich adventurer to get out of that shitty town, the farmboy who dreams of becoming an adventurer.
    • The recruiting sergent escorting a couple of young enlisted to the next-town, and trying to find some others, it's a great way to tell A war is ongoing
    • The travelling merchant with tons of wonders, tales from the town, and potentially a recuring NPC
    • The doom prophet, like the half-crazy priest who comes to the town to talk about a great evil coming (a Great way to tell something bad is awaking)
    • If the campaign is more fun, the Mysterious and darkly dressed person who in fact is just a teenager in their "all black phase"
    • For a mini scenario in the tavern, add a ghost
    • The local noble, who pretend to be more important than they are, but you need to deal with them to do anything in that viallage
    • The mage and their apprentice travelling for a strange reason in aotally differnet direction
    • Oh, we've already had Session Zero and agreed on the overall campaign premise. This is just the introductory evening before the PCs travel to the Big City for the main campaign.

  • Grizzly McSnarl, this huge, lumbering guy with a bad case of RBF. He never takes a hand off the big-ass knife on his hip. If the players dig a little deeper, they'll learn he's an anxious kind of guy who worries too much about every little thing, and coasts on his intimidating looks to deter trouble.

  • I just had this happen, sort of, in a completely unplanned way. The party had already met but in the course of events they asked a caravan master to recommend a tavern or inn. He thought for awhile, looked them all up and down, then said “I reckon folks like you would hang out a

    <insert inn name>


    The party’s face asked what he meant by “folks like you” and he basically said adventurous and prosperous folks.

    They went to the inn and the staff and clientele (randomly generated by were all female, which made them think something was up. The definitely-not-a-face orc ranger tried to befriend the innkeeper and ended up accidentally scaring the crap out of her. I decided it wasn’t that he was personally frightening but that she had mistaken the party for a different, much more nefarious, band.

    Based on her bowing and fawning over the party, the other folks in the inn began to stare. At that point, Mr Face decided he needed to talk to every woman in the room.

    Ultimately, based on a weird sequence of crit fails and successes, they ended up with a side quest to kill a demon that been terrorizing a nearby village, assisted by two fairly stupid local mercenaries.

    I hadn’t planned it but they didn’t know that until I told them to give me 5 minutes to make a new encounter map!

  • The cast of "piano man" by Billy Joel and don't tell your players