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Jürgen Hubert

Long-time role-player. Translator of old German folk tales.

Main Mastodon account where I share German folk tales is

2 mo. ago
  • For anyone wondering about the photo, I believe this is the Catacombes underneath Paris. I visited it 2 weeks ago, it really looks like this. I am fairly sure this is a really photo.

    Indeed it is, as I have mentioned in the Alt Text. 😉

  • D&D Next - 5e Discussion
    Jürgen Hubert

    Disturbing Signs of Adventurers Dying Horribly

    The PCs will soon be entering their first "Megadungeon". And I want to emphasize how dangerous this environment is - not by throwing them into meatgrinder fights, but by having them come across the remains of earlier adventurers who died horribly. And I could use some suggestions from others!

    Here are the rules:

    First, describe the scene - whatever the PCs are seeing.

    Second, describe what actually happened in case the PCs investigate and make some successful skill rolls, use divinatory magic, and so forth. Here is an example:

    1. The PCs come across a chain mail which has seen some battle damage but is largely intact, as well as the blade of a handaxe. Both are covered by a thin green-white residue. Searching further, they come across a belt buckle and a small number of coins, all of which are likewise covered in residue.

    (A gelatinous cube came across the body of an adventurer, digested everything organic, and left the metal parts behind.)

  • Shadowrun 1E. Yes, I am that old.

  • No matter how good this game might be, I am not giving my money to an alt-right supporter.

  • Also, ich könnte viel über Merkel sagen, aber "dumm" ist sie nicht. Alleine schon daß sie es in der Männer-dominierten CDU bis an die Spitze gebracht hat und so lange Kanzlerin blieb zeigt von ihrer Intelligenz.

    Mein Problem mit ihr war, daß sie dem Land 16 Jahre Stillstand besorgt hat. Aber man sollte ihre Intelligenz auf keinen Fall unterschätzen.

  • How well does chat AI do when it comes to representation?

    One huge flaw of AI-based systems I keep on hearing about is that they tend to repeat the biases of their training data.

  • Im großen und ganzen mochte ich die Politik von Merkel nicht, aber ich habe sie immer respektiert.

    Was ich von Merz nicht behaupten kann.

  • rpg
    Jürgen Hubert

    Have you considered determining NPC gender randomly?

    At some point in the past, I noticed that I had a strong tendency to make NPCs male, even though there wasn't any good story or setting-specific reason to do so. From gods to villains to random shopkeepers - most of these were assigned male without me even realizing that I have been doing it.

    Thus, I started to assign genders by the roll of a dice - and I am fairly pleased with the results as this made the world significantly more diverse.

    How about you? Have you noticed any similar biases in your own NPCs - and if so, what did you do about this?

  • I love this kind of serendipity - this often creates the best scenes!

  • Well, I do plan to write a book about these, eventually.

    But I have some other books to write first. 😉

  • I'll have to see if I can schedule a few further appropriate tales for translation later this year. In the meantime, here some other tales that feature groups of treasure hunters:

    Treasure Hunters in Wesenberg

    At the end of the previous and the beginning of the current century there was a whole group of treasure hunters pursuing their trade in Wesenberg and the surrounding villages. Their usual place of rest between their excavations was the Prelauker or Belower Theerofen whose owners were keen participants in the digging, though this did not particularly help any of them. Instead their pub declined more than it prospered, and the heirs had to recover what their fathers had neglected.

    Now, it is well known that the very foundation of treasure excavation is the maintenance of unbroken silence. And this was the point where the undertaking of our heroes usually failed. They themselves frequently told the story not without some pride, but also with hidden anger, of how the three of them progressed far enough into the ground that they spotted a heavy, large container that would have contained the treasure. But suddenly a white maiden - another source, my uncle, called her “clad in grey clothing” - jumped between their hands, back and forth, so that they were no longer able to work. Suddenly one of the treasure hunters impatiently called to his neighbor: “Rehdanz, grab her, grab her!”, and at once the treasure, the maiden, and everything else was gone.

    Source: Bartsch, K. Sagen, märchen und gebräuche aus Mecklenburg, 1879. p. 252f.

    The Sunken Castle Burggraben near Immigrath

    Next to the railroad between Immigrath and Opladen, about 20 minutes distant from the first village, lies the so-called Burggraben (“castle wall”), an old hillfort which used to be a knight’s castle according to the beliefs of the locals. As they claim, a violent robber knight used to live there who was the terror of the entire region, causing all neighboring landowners to fortify their homes with moats and walls. But today the castle has sunk beneath the ground, for the knight supposedly kept an innocent maiden in close confinement for a long time. For this iniquity the castle was sunk. But many treasures have gone into the depths with it, in particular a barrel with gold and a golden spinning wheel. The spinning wheel was once stolen by the robber knight of Burggraben from a princess, for only the daughters of high nobles spin on golden spinning wheels.

    There have often been attempts to unearth these treasures on Saint Matthias’ Night, but all such efforts have been in vain so far. Once several men, who were even accompanied by a woman, dug for those treasures. Suddenly a great barrel rolled past them. This shock paralyzed the whole group. When they had recovered somewhat from this surprise, everything was gone. Another time the treasure hunters thought themselves close to their goal when a powerful storm arose which filled their souls with such dread that they fled in fright.

    Source: Schell, O. Bergische Sagen, 1897. p. 475f.

    The Failed Treasure Hunt near Hoyerswerda

    (Tale from Hoyerswerda)

    A treasure was supposedly buried in the Fasanengarten (“pheasant garden”) near Hoyerswerda. Several farmers had heard of this as well. They decided to unearth it. The farmers had the reputation of being knowledgeable in secret things. And indeed, they had discovered an incantation in their books of spells with which they could unearth it. One day they went to the site. One of the farmers began to recite the incantation, but he had not memorized it precisely. He was reciting it in a manner that was riddled with errors, and while he was doing so, a large mob of stags, wolves, and other animals gathered which closed in on the farmers. The latter were rooted in place by fear. Then the earth opened up and a large stream of water emerged from it. This water rose so high that it wetted the chests of the farmers. Now the farmer, who had caused this trouble in the first place, had a bright idea. He quickly recited the incantation backwards. Immediately, the waters receded and the animals retreated. Howling and screeching like that from wild animals could still be heard, but only from a distance. When the farmer had finished the incantation, everything uncanny was gone.

    Now the farmers hurried home in fright. Some of them expired on the way, while others died at home. Only one farmer stayed alive. For this farmer owned a whole library of spell books, and thus he must have known how to overcome his terror. But this farmer suffered in the end as well. For when he became old, he wished to die, but this wish did not come true. Finally the Devil appeared to him and told the farmer that he would help him if he gave him his soul. The farmer did so. Then the Devil advised him to burn his spell books. The farmer followed the Devil’s advice. When the last book was consumed by fire and turned to ash, the life of the farmer expired as well.

    Source: Veckenstedt, E. Wendische Sagen, Märchen und abergläubische Gebräuche, 1880, p. 378f.

  • rpg
    Jürgen Hubert

    Folkloric Precedents for Dungeon-Crawling Treasure Hunts

    I think modern role-playing gamers aren't appreciate enough just how much folkloric precedent there is for "a random bunch of weirdos delve into subterranean vaults for treasures". So I thought I should share one of my favorite tales from German folklore on this topic - though there are hundreds if not thousands of further tales about this theme:

    The Treasures of the Isholz

    A long time ago, the Schlangenhecke estate belonged to the Morsbroich chapter house of the Teutonic order. It was as lively back then as it is empty and decayed now. As there are few inns in the remote countryside which provide food and shelter to wanderers, the farmer provided all the more hospitality. And in this manner, wanderers arrived at the Schlangenhecke who were admitted there for the night.

    Once, three such guests requested the hospitality of the farmer. Because of their garb as well as their manner of speaking, they were recognizable as the inhabitants of a faraway region. The farmer offered the livi

    Jürgen Hubert

    What are your favorite visualizations of Megadungeons?

    Large dungeon complexes and even "megadungeons" have become a stable of fantasy RPGs. But they are difficult to map out, since they tend to be complex, three-dimensional structures. While mapping them in 5 ft. squares may be possible, that doesn't give a good view of how all the different locations connect with each other.

    So I am curious: What are your favorite visualizations for megadungeons? How did they help you as a game master (or player) to understand how their whole environment is structured?

  • Yeah, it has something of a learning curve, but it is flexible in a way that few other tools can match.

  • Ich halte Imperialismus für grundsätzlich schlecht, auch wenn er mal nicht von den Amerikanern kommt.

    Daß viele auf der linken politischen Seite unfähig sind, russischen Imperialismus als solchen zu erkennen, ist für mich unglaublich frustrierend.

  • I think I remember starting reading their campaign notes at some point, but I didn't finish them! Thanks for reminding me!

  • Oh, we've already had Session Zero and agreed on the overall campaign premise. This is just the introductory evening before the PCs travel to the Big City for the main campaign.

  • D&D Next - 5e Discussion
    Jürgen Hubert

    Who has experiences with Ptolus?

    I'll soon start my new #DnD 5E campaign, which will be set in Ptolus - the massive city setting originally published by Monte Cook during the 3E era. I've always wanted to do something with this setting, but I never had the opportunity to do so - until now.

    So, has anyone here run a Ptolus campaign, and if so what are your experiences? Any advice you can give me?

    And is there anything I should watch out for with the 5E adaption in particular?

    Jürgen Hubert

    Random weirdos in a tavern?

    I'll soon start my next #DnD campaign, and I've decided to start with a classic - the PCs all meet in a tavern. Now, the PCs intended to meet in a tavern and have plans to go elsewhere (the city of Ptolus, if it matters), but I want to start the campaign to start in a lively manner.

    Which means populating the tavern with all sorts of weirdos for some good role-playing opportunities. Any suggestions?

  • I've been eyeing krita for fancy brushwork - GIMP is primarily photomanipulation software, and doesn't really hold a candle when it comes to brushes. Have you tried it out?

  • Folklore, Myths, Legends, and Fairy Tales
    Jürgen Hubert

    Your favorite "Get Rich Quick" folk tales?

    Folk tales are often about the needs and desires of ordinary people - and many German folk tales are about attempts to get rich through assorted dubious money-making schemes. I'll share one of my favorite tales on this topic, and I am curious what other such "Get Rich Quick" folk tales you know from around the world!

    The Infernal Trousers

    A poor farmer once lived close to the famous Lüderich mountain, in a small village near the Sülz, which is a tributary of the Agger river. This farmer did not even have the slightest stroke of luck in his life. Once, he complained about this to an old friend of his, who lived on the other side of this small forest stream, and for whom, in contrast to the poor farmer, every effort turned into the greatest fortune, and who had become the owner of a significant estate and a rich man. After all sorts of well-meaning admonishments, which the poor man was not content with, the rich man finally promised to help him and make him prosperous in short or

  • Handschriftliches Testament ist vielleicht gar nicht so verkehrt. Ich hatte vor ein paar Jahren etwas Familiendrama wegen eines notariell beglaubigten Testaments...

  • Reminds me of the time when my Ulfen human Skald in the Pathfinder Giantslayer campaign died and was reincarnated by the party druid as an ysoki - more commonly known as "ratfolk".

    This was not something he expected, but he reasoned: "I have never been ashamed of who I am for a single day in my life, and I am not going to start now!", and thus he rolled with it and stayed in that form for the rest of the campaign.

  • rpg
    Jürgen Hubert

    What do you use as map-making software?

    If you create your own maps digitally, what do you use as map-making software?

    Personally, I am fond of Inkscape, as it gives me maximum flexibility and the vector-based approach is great for scaling and rotating things.

  • Es gibt eigentlich nur zwei Gelegenheiten, bei denen ich mit der Hand schreibe:

    • Italienische Vokabeln auf Karteikarten zum Üben
    • Korrekturlesen meiner Manuskripte - und selbst das mache ich auf einem e-ink Tablet.
  • rpg
    Jürgen Hubert

    ORC-licensed RPG products

    Remember the ORC license - the "open license that was developed when Wizards of the Coast tried to revoke the OGL?

    Well, I have always wondered which products were available under that license, and since I did not find a list of such products, I decided to make my own. Feel free to add any if you know of further products!

  • Viele deutsche Medien kommen einfach nicht mit einer faschistischen Machtübernahme in den USA klar.

  • War ja nur eine "awkward gesture"... 😒

  • I wonder if the research assistants in these institutions are treated any better than their real world counterparts, but I suspect not. Some things are multiversal. 😉

  • pathfinder
    Jürgen Hubert

    Experiences with 2E Mythic Rules?

    Since War of Immortals has been out for a while now, I am curious: Does anyone have any experiences with the new Mythic Rules for 2E?

    My group played through the 1E Wrath of the Righteous Campaign years ago, and while they were a lot of fun in the sense of being able to do some truly preposterous amount of damage, they were not exactly well-polished.

    D&D Next - 5e Discussion
    Jürgen Hubert

    NPC Stat Blocks for Spellcasters?

    I will soon be starting a new #DnD 5E campaign. I've done that in the past, and for the most part the system has worked for me - except for one thing:

    NPC stat blocks for spellcasters.

    For everything else, NPC and monster stat blocks include all the information you need to run them in combat. Not so with spellcasters - for with them, you have to look up each and every spell they might use in a fight, and that takes me away from the game.

    So I am wondering: How are others handling this issue? Have you found any ways of simplifying spellcaster stat blocks so that everything you need to run them is on a single page?