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Daily Discussion Thread: Thu 19 Oct 2023

Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.

  • You know those stories people tell when they had gastro, and they are sitting on the toilet whilst holding a bucket at the same time because they needed to do both at once? I thought that was very much an exaggeration or a story you tell kids to frighten them into washing their hands. Nope. It is real.

    Apparently i gotta keep hydrated, but how the hell am i supposed to do that when i drink water and double the amount I just drank “leaves” me?

  • I'm feeling weird because I bought a $65k car today and it feels like it should be more of a big deal or something but it's also kinda not a big deal. I think it might just be weird nerves for dropping that much cash so suddenly but I'm sure I've made a good choice. Between the US trip, PC monitor, new years cruise and the new car I've been spending big in the 2nd half of this year. Is this a mid-life crisis or realisation that you have to enjoy life while you can? I did turn 40 a few months before all of this spending.

  • NQR had this for $4. I had no choice but to buy it. I may have already had a slice.

    Box of Vienetta Birthday Cake ice cream

    unboxed Vienetta Birthday Cake ice cream

  • I had a nice chat with my boss (she's resigned and I'm very sad about it). We discussed my career development and what she will do till her last day to support me. Also that I can always reach out to her anytime about anything (after she finishes up) which was super nice of her. She's an amazing boss I'm gonna miss her heaps 😢😢😢

    She also noted that I have quite high EQ and that I'd be ok without her and ngl that made me feel good lol 😆

  • Going to the Star Wars MSO concert tonight! Awesome weather for it - going to knock off work early and head into the city for a drink.

  • Estate agent phoned - bringing in some new potential buyers tomorrow afternoon. Cross fingers, everyone!

  • I think I had too much cheese and blueberries last night. There's a war going on inside my gut.


    I've had about 3 shits this morning. I'm too scared to leave the house.

  • Just discovered those 'firewood in a bin' dudes also deliver 55kg bins of cat litter for very reasonable pricing. Allloooooooo

  • Today is first day of almost two weeks off! Weather was beautiful and I spent all but 5 mins indoors. Off to a great start

  • Amazon just sent me a message that the item which was estimated for delivery tomorrow, but actually delivered yesterday, is now on board for delivery today. I do not think their delivery tracking system is working properly.

  • It's been a shitful couple of days but the sun is streaming in the windows, and I am about to have a glass of wine and some pasta with fresh tomato onion and a truckload of cheese and right now it's ok.

    I appreciate the optimism that comes with the first warm days

  • I'm about to head out and test drive that Subaru. Apparently it only has about 200km on the clock so if I love it I might just pull the trigger quickly. It'd be like buying a new car without having to wait months for it.

    If anybody has any tips for haggling/dealing with buying a new/demo car please shout them out. I haven't bought one since 2010 so I'm a bit rusty.

  • Shit… I forgot to apply for that energy compare subsidy and probably have missed the cutoff.

    Trying to be kind to myself because things suck right now and it’s full survival mode but I really wish I hadn’t been so distracted. Small savings don’t go too far when you miss big ones. And I used to be so organised.

    Edit: Yes. The cutoff date was 31st August and I forgot to write it down. FUCK. I seriously need to set a calendar reminder for the next one

    Ok it’s in the digital calendar now and set to repeat yearly 😤

  • YouTube aren't fucking around about adblockers it seems

  • I wrote out a long reply to your question about tomatoes yesterday and my app crashed before I posted it and I lost it all. I will try again today.

    Good soil is the most important starting point - it should have good drainage and lots of organic matter. Digging in lots of compost fixes most faults (I like the cheap "cow manure blend" that bunnings sells - not a high level of nutrients so you can use lots to build up soil structure).

    Don't use high nitrogen fertilizer (there is usually an N:P:K number on the packet, look for ones where the first (N) number is lowest relative to the others. Nigrogen encourages lot of leaves and will give you a great looking plant, but not much fruit.

    Tomato plants can grow new roots from the stems, so plant them deeply, burying the stem and leaving just the leaves out.

    Use lots of mulch (5-10cm deep) to keep the soil moist over summer. In the hottest weather your plants will also benefit from some shade - just some shade cloth draped over some garden stakes should be fine, you don't need to build a greenhouse.

    The plants will need support to stop them flopping all over the ground. You could spend a small fortune on fancy tomato cages, but my preferred method is the Florida weave. Simple and very effective.

    Disregard anything you see about pruning - you don't need the extra complexity right now, and there is no expert agreement about whether it is beneficial or not (but many strong opinions on both sides).

  • As I do every now and then I'm stuck watching Anthony Bourdain's Parts Unknown and feeling sad

  • Breakfast 🍏🍎🍐🍊🍋🍈🫐🍓🍇🍉🍌🍒🍑🥭🍍🥥🥦🥑🫛🍆🍅🥝🥬🥒🌽🥕🥐🍠🫚🥔🧅🥯🍞🥖🥨🧀🧇🥞🧈🍳🥚🥓🥩🍗🍖🫓🍕🍟🍔🌭🥙🧆🌮🌯🥗🍲🍜🍝🥘🍛🍣🍱🥟🦪🍥🍘🍚🍙🐠🍤🪼🦀🐙 🍗🥮🍢🍡🍧🍰🧁🥧🍦🍨🎂🍮🍭🍬🍫🥜🌰🍪🍿🍯🥛☕️🍵🍺🍶🥤🧋🧃🥂🍷🥃🍸🍹🧉🔋

  • Oh no, Kmart have shipped everything in my order except Miss Meow's halloween box. She is going to be so disapointed. Hopefully they will find one and it will arrive without too much delay.

  • More sleep was obtained, early lunch eaten, ( little home made apple pie ) and then it's off for a walk to ease my back pain and get some sun.

    Ted Cat has settled in well and lives downstairs now 😸

    Then I suppose I better get the house ready for the young Seagoon's arrival. 😊

  • I just cannot

  • Ok, lovers of cheesy horror get on Tubi for Sister Wrath.

    Sexy Nuns with uzis.

    And many, many awful tropes, so very not PC warning I guess

  • I went to a local free food market this morning (where they distribute food being thrown out from the supermarkets. etc). and it was quite entertaining for people watching today. The volunteer who was organising people had no tolerance for people trying to cheat - a few people got sent away with nothing after trying to use old tickets to get in the queue sooner, and a few people got forced to empty food back out of their bags after ignoring the item limits (one guy multiple times!).

    I got a few odds and ends including some mixed colour cherry tomatoes. I've kept a few of each colour for seeds to grow my own - I just need to work out where in the garden I want to put them.

  • God I hate Instagram, no wonder why I don't use it. When searching through tags you can't search via chronological anymore, it's either "top" or "recent top" and recent top you'd think is chronological. Nope! It's basically the most recent posts but has a higher like or view count. So you can get posts from a few days ago, then one in February and then one in July and then one from a week ago. It's ridiculous.

    And the other thing I noticed is if you search through someone's feed, no matter if you follow them or not, you'll get ads! Look I get that ads are something the site will have, it sucks but like sure. The app needs to get paid somehow. But why in the middle of people's feeds? That is ridiculous!

    I hate the internet.

  • I just had a burst of motivation to use an appliance I've owned for years and only used maybe 3 times ever. I'm not sure I've even used it once in this apartment and I moved here in 2018.

    It's a pressure cooker which also does slow cooking, I think. I feel like making some sort of yum fall-apart meat based.. thing.. but not sure what.

  • I’m getting logged out using safari to browse from time to time. But then I refresh and magically logged back in. I don’t remember my password and the reset link never works. It’s stressful.

    Anyway, today was a good day. WFH but not crazy, got time in the sun, fresh cut and now sushi train for dinner. Dreaming of going back to Japan. Or any holiday really.

  • Yeah… my spinach seedlings are damping off. It took a while for them to get going and then forgetting to drain the self watering reservoirs during those heavy rains has wrecked them.

    The carrots might be ok and the cat grass/parsley are doing well but more of the spinach is just dying. I might have to trash them and try again with new potting mix after bleaching the pot

  • I've bought some Biscoff spread. What do I do with it?

  • Anyone here have experience with hearing protection in a noisy work environment? As in machine noise? Any brands that are better (or the best) to look out for? Price is not really a factor here - I'd like to pay for quality in this instance.

  • Anyone have any clue what the fuck PTV were thinking when they added the "stand clear" voice. There's a tone for stop buttons, we don't need a voice to tell us it's stopping. We can see the doors opening, we don't need a voice to tell us that they are and to stand clear. The doors always close immediately after opening, so we sure as hell don't need a voice repeating that the doors are closing. We don't need a tone to emphasise this point. Especially when the bus is stopping every. Fucking. Stop. Anyway.

    Yeah, been on PT for an hour and a half for a trip that should've been an hour, and that voice has played every time. I have a headache. Fuck PTV.

  • #Worldle #636 6/6 (100%) 🎉⭐⭐🏙️🪙 📷 #WhereTaken🌎 #235 1/6 🎉⭐⭐⭐⭐ 📷 #WhereTaken🇺🇸 #219 1/6 🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🎉 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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