Rome is cool, conceptually! The details? Well, it's a pre-modern polity... it's pretty ugly
Rome is cool, conceptually! The details? Well, it's a pre-modern polity... it's pretty ugly

Rome is cool, conceptually! The details? Well, it's a pre-modern polity... it's pretty ugly
Constant war; Obscene wealth inequality; Slave economy; feared by enemies and despised by friends; and never ending trouble in Judea. Can you imagine?
But for its time...? (Ahem, like the USA wait, forget I said anything!)
Actually, I WOULD like to buy some deathsticks... it's been a long two weeks.
This past two weeks has been one helluva millennium! :-P
How is this a Star Wars meme?
Guy on the right is LEGIONARY TITUS PULLO, A HERO OF THE THIRTEENTH LEGION Ray Stevenson, playing a character from the Ahsoka tv series.
Pretty sure that black beard
Sw guy template