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    I firmly refuse to install non-free software or tolerate its installed presence on my computer or on computers set up for me. However, if I am visiting somewhere and the machines available nearby happen to contain non-free software, through no doing of mine, I don't refuse to touch them. I will use them briefly for tasks such as browsing. This limited usage doesn't give my assent to the software's license, or make me responsible its being present in the computer, or make me the possessor of a copy of it, so I don't see an ethical obligation to refrain from this. Of course, I explain to the local people why they should migrate the machines to free software, but I don't push them hard, because annoying them is not the way to convince them.

    read like a religious text.

  • When I saw the title, I was like "oh, someone's linking to this old thing again". I'm surprised he keeps it current! I mean, current-ish.

    Glad he found something that works for him.

    I would like to hear his thoughts on Forth. His love of Lisp seems to be from the god-programmer perspective. Lisp gives you about as much power as you can ask for, for better or worse. I think Forth goes even a step further, though, letting you redefine constants and things.

  • I've always found his take too extreme. While I'm in agreement with things like being anti FB, and I'm 75% of the time living in a console with no X11, things like his issue with DRM for services like Netflix always baffled me. I'm paying a license fee for temporary access to media. If you don't like "renting" then go buy the content but being anti DRM for things one doesn't own seems odd.

    I use the digital version of the local library which also uses DRM because they need a way to simulate the finite access of a resource like having a physical book provides. There is no "violation of my rights" in this situation as I can't do anything with this digital copy with digital rules that I could do with a physical book. That is outside of destroying it or stealing it.

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