
Is this supposed to be a mango because it's ... Not? I'm over here trying to figure this shit out and it's just another shitpost. More time I'll never get back, how dare you.
I think that's the joke.
Subversion of expectation—classic humor.
True, this is going too far. A shitpost in a meme community? What's next? A meme in a shitpost community? I'm not against crossposting, don't get me wrong, but this is going too far!
I think it's like "say silk five times, what do cows drink HAHA YOU ABSOLUTE BUFFOON YOU SAID MILK HAHAHAHAHA oh right calves exist never mind"
Just no.
I don't get it. That's clearly a pear.
You stupid. That's a peacock
For the last time, birds are not real.
At least it's not loss.
That's not a female mango
Watermelon? Pastèque?
🍑 🙀
Is this loss?
This meme is like leaning on a railing to get bearing in a dark room only for it to drop out from under you when the lights turn on.